The Web Spinners - Farokh Master, 2002

The Web Spinners - Farokh Master, 2002


A compilation of spider remedies.

Publishers Note:
In this compilation 'spiders' are presented in the form of a small animated picture. In addition to the individual characteristics, the author has discovered the properties of various spider poisons which he has used to bring about some wonderful recoveries.
May this compilation lead to ever greater enthusiasm on the part of the doctor of homeopathy everywhere as they strive to increase their knowledge.

The Bowel Nosodes - John Paterson, 2003

The Bowel Nosodes - John Paterson, 2003


Excerpt from Introduction: The name of one of your illustrious countrymen, Louis Pasteur, will forever be remembered as the founder of the science of bacteriology. It was he who first isolated and identified a specific germ and related it to a definite clinical entity (disease). Following up on his discoveries, medical science concentrated on the laboratory technique for the isolation and identification of a specific germ for each known disease, and the Koch postulates were accepted as the standard for declaring any germ capable of pathogenesis - of having power to cause disease. The motto of the medical profession is still Tolle Causam, find the cause, and today there are many who consider that germs are the only cause of disease and are working to discover the specific germ or virus for well know clinical entities.
It must now be accepted as scientific fact that, specific germs, in many cases of disease, can be isolated and identified, but is it a true conclusion that the specific germ is always the cause of disease? The subject is too great to be dealt with in all its aspects in this short session, but a little time must be given to considering the general question, namely the role of the Bacterium in Nature because one’s opinion on this must determine the value one places on the use of bacterial products - vaccines or nosodes - in the treatment of disease. As the subject of this paper deals with the intestinal flora, I propose to limit my remarks to consideration of the role played by the B. coli and coliform organisms found in the intestinal tract.

24 pages, paperback

The Lesser Writings of C M F von Boenninghausen - Boenninghausen

The Lesser Writings of C M F von Boenninghausen - Boenninghausen


This book includes presumably all the magazine articles by Boenninghausen, and a few of the smaller of the pamphlets written by him. The translations were made by Prof. L.H. Tafel especially for this book. It has been the pleasure of the editor to collect the articles and in order so to do, all the German and French journals have been examined very carefully. These articles have been translated from the original journals and have been examined very carefully. These articles have been translated from the original journals, and phraseology has been left intact.

It is the hope that the book will be some advantage to those of our school who have not advances so far as to consider Boenninghausen’s opinion behind the times. 

350 pages, paperback

Organon of Medicine 6th Ed - Samuel Hahnemann, 2002 Reprint

Organon of Medicine 6th Ed - Samuel Hahnemann, 2002 Reprint


A combination of 5th edition by Dudgeon (the 1893 revision) with the 6th edition by Boericke. Essentially, one can see the changes that Hahnemann made to the text of the 5th. An appendix outlines all the changes made from the first edtition on.
a valuable study guide. Of all the published editions, this remains the favourite, since it clearly shows the changes in hahneman's thinking as some paragraphs in the fifth edition were modified and others completely rewritten. This edition offers both versions interposed ("This paragraph was completely rewritten in the sixth...")
The combined fifth & sixth edition of Organon presently available in the market was typesetted around 100 years back. The modern reader finds it difficult to read and go through the book. for the past few years we have been constantly requested by our beloved readers to redo this treasure in a manner which is consistent with modern books. To make the book user frienly we have refurnished it. The positive changes we made are as follows:
-A new font has been used which is bigger in size and is a pleasure to read.
-Footnotes which were earlier given at the bottom and spread over different aphorisms were difficult to find and read. In this new book, we have incorpotated them under the appropriate aphorisms at on place. this makes the reading and understanding of Organon more effortless.
-Lastly but ver importantly a word indes of 18 pages has been addes at the end of the book which makes it very easy to find the required portion of the text.

314 pages, paperback

Indications of Miasm - H Choudhary, 2002 Reprint Edition

Indications of Miasm - H Choudhary, 2002 Reprint Edition


Dr. Choudhury’s treatise on miasms is a very explicitly written in all the aspects with practical suggestions with would help the readers immensely. He described the relationship of miasms with micro-organisms, the correct indication of the particular miasm thereby identifying one from another. He described mixed miasms, vaccinosis, acute miasms, etc., to understand and distinguish them for the purpose of treatment. He has written on the present days’ dreaded diseases like Tuberculosis, Cancer, AIDS, etc. for appropriate understanding from  homeopathic point of view. He has compiled lists of drugs under each miasm for the benefit of readers.  

188 pages, paperback

The Genius of Homoeopathy - Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy with Word Index - Stuart Close

The Genius of Homoeopathy - Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy with Word Index - Stuart Close


The Genius of Homoeopathy comprise a series of lectures delivered at the New York Homoeopathic Medical College. Close was a student of P.P. Wells and Bernhardt Fincke. This book is one of the clearest statements about the philosophical basis of homeopathic study ever compiled. It is written with extreme clarity. In this new Second Edition, to make the book user friendly, a new font has been used which is bigger in size and is a pleasure to read. We hope this new upgraded book will make the task of students and readers much easier and interesting.
Stuart Close was born on November 24, 1860 in Wisconsin, United States. In 1879 while Close was reading law, his father died and his mother then remarried to one San Francisco’s leading homeopathic practitioners. It was at this point that Dr. Stuart Close though of studying homeopathy and his step father then furnished him with a comprehensive training in Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon. In 1885 he graduated from the Medical College of the Pacific. His career is noted for its exactitude according to Hahnemann’s principles. The dedication and exactness with which Dr. Close pursued Hahnemann’s teachings, won him high praise with the latter’s followers.

348 pages, paperback

Immunization Options - Isaac Golden

Immunization Options - Isaac Golden


Immunizatuin us a controversial topic for many parents - especially those who are not prepared to take the word of another when making important decisions regarding their child;s long-term heath and wellbeing. These parents act out of care and concern, but it is rareluy the easiest option to take. THe internet contrains infomeaiont of variable reliability, as do officail Health Department statements. Their

Insects - Escaping the Earth - Peter Fraser

Insects - Escaping the Earth - Peter Fraser


The insects are the largest and most important class of the animal kingdom. They are central to all aspects of life on Earth being major forces in both the creation and destruction of life. In spite of this importance they have not yet has a significant role in homeopathy. In the last decade a dozen new insect provings have opened up the remedy pictures and given us an insight into the properties of the group as a whole. The issues of the insects correspond to those of the modern world and modern disease yet they are still little understood and considerably underused.
This is the first study of the known insect remedies and it outlines the features that are common to the whole group and the often subtle distinctions that differentiate between them.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insects are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring.” – Janet Snowdon

60 pages, paperback

A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica - Boger

A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica - Boger


A classic by Boger, in which he continues the work of Boenninghausen. This compact book contains both a comprehensive materia medica and a complete repertory, all in less than 600 pages. Boger's aim was to restrict the remedy pictures to the essential, at the same time forming a synopsis between materia medica and repertory. The book covers a total of 323 remedies with their characteristic symptoms and chief effects. The entry for each remedy starts with the organotrophic relationships and modalities, followed by a selection of the most important symptoms.

The publisher:
The Synoptic key of Materia Medica is indeed the key that a student or a practioner needs to unlock the right remedy in each case.
In our " Rearranged & Augemented" edition you will find:
- A snap shot description of more than 400 drugs.
- A detailed and exhaustive repertory including sections on Time Modalities, General Modalities and Generalities.
-Index of remedies with latest accepted abbreviations.
If correct prescription be an art, the book will most definitely prove to be the Artist's favorite tools.

"The Synopsis is intended to make clear the general expression or genius of each remedy..."
C.M. Boger

Snakes - Drawing Power From the Underworld - Peter Fraser

Snakes - Drawing Power From the Underworld - Peter Fraser


The snake remedies form a vital part of the materia medica. Lachesis is one of the most important of the polychrests but its very importance and prominence has overshadowed the many other snake remedies that are available to us. In many cases where Lachesis, or another of the well known snakes, has some effect a more precise choice of a lesser known snake remedy might have a deeper and more dramatic curative effect.
This book includes a description of the snake remedies in general and of the symptoms that indicate the need for a snake remedy. It also includes a differentiation between the individual snakes, some of which are well known but many of which are new or little understood.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insects are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring.” – Janet Snowdon

60 pages, paperback

Spiders - Suspended Between Earth and Sky - Peter Fraser

Spiders - Suspended Between Earth and Sky - Peter Fraser


There are a large number of spider remedies that have been proved and are now available and it is often difficult to differentiate between them. With the spider remedies the need for extremely precise and careful differentiation seems to be even more important than it is with other remedies. When a spider remedy is called for, those that are not exactly correct will often have very little or no significant effect and only the one that is indicated will be effective.
This book includes an understanding of the general spider picture that will show the need for a spider remedy. It also includes a detailed picture of the known spiders and their distinguishing features which can be used to differentiate between them.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insects are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring.” – Janet Snowdon

60 pages, paperback

Lisa and the Mystery of the Little White Globules- Wichmann

Lisa and the Mystery of the Little White Globules- Wichmann


What exactly is homoeopathy and how does it work? 
Patients of all ages, who have experienced help through this healing method, would like to have these questions answered. – There are many volumes of literature available to the grown ups among them to find information and form their own opinion.
Yet it is difficult to find any material on homoeopathy suitable for children. This book, specifically written for children of primary school age, tries to do this with the help of a little story. This booklet contains many vivid pictures and can either be read to the children, or by the children themselves. 
It answers the most important questions about homoeopathy in an understandable and appropriate way.

"The story is light in tone, but covers many areas, showing that homeopathy can work on animals as easily as on humans. In a disarmingly simple sentence the homeopathic globules are likened to “little memory cards in a computer. They store what healing properties there are in a plant. And our body is able to read it.” This is Lisa’s insight. She later goes on to unravel the mystery of how the remedies are made, and starts her own research project, with Fiona."

Predictive Homoeopathy - Part II Theory of Acutes - Prafull Vijayakar, 2000

Predictive Homoeopathy - Part II Theory of Acutes - Prafull Vijayakar, 2000


Excerpt from Introduction: Whenever Homeopaths, even successful Homeopaths encounter or come across cases of pneumonia and typhoid, they prefer to just refer the case to an allopathic physician. Most of the time the reason forwarded is “Homeopathy is a slow acting therapy”, “it is meant for chronic diseases only not for emergencies”. “ You get the acute attack of this disease controlled with allopathy then we’ll treat you to raise your immunity so you don’t get it again. “ This lame excuses put forward even by so called Classical Homeopaths, expose the limitations of those Homeopaths and not Homeopathy.
Remember Homeopathy is a complete science. Hence limitations and scope of Homeopathy is the Homeopath himself. The Homeopath’s knowledge is what falters. If not, if is the application  of this knowledge which falters.

Many Materia Medicas have been written on therapeutics of fevers and acute disease. Yet Homeopaths find it difficult to get results in such cases. The reasons may be many, but the main reason is lawlessness i.e. all the 7 cardinal principles of Homeopathy are not applied and the laws like that of Hering’s, are bypassed.

160 pages, paperback

Organon of Medicine - Samuel Hahnemann (Translated by J Kunzli, Alain Naude, and P Pendleton)

Organon of Medicine - Samuel Hahnemann (Translated by J Kunzli, Alain Naude, and P Pendleton)


The First Integral English Translation of The Definitive Sixth Edition of The Orginal Work on Homoeopathic Medicine

In the early 19th century, Samuel Hahnemann, a German medical doctor, discovered that he could profoundly stimulate healing by giving his patients very small amounts of carefully chosen substances. He used these substances to establish the discipline of homeopathy, and he set down its principles in this book, the Organon of Medicine. Now, nearly 200 years later, people are finding in these teachings a powerful weapon against acute and chronic diseases of modern civilization.
“The Organon of Medicine is the most important book in homeopathy. The translation by Künzli, Naudé and Pendleton is the only integral English translation of the final edition of his work. It is brilliantly translated. This book is indispensable. – Daniel Cook, M.D., Journal of the American Institue of Homeopathy
“There is not and cannot be another authentic source for the principles and practice of homeopathy, nor any work that better captures the spirit and force of Hahnemann’s polemic.” – Roger Cooter, Times Literary Supplement
“...this new book is apparently unique in being a direct English translation of the VIth edition...The standard English version has been the Vth edition with additions from the VIth, but this work has been translated directly from the original text of the VIth edition...I would recommend this new translation of the VIth edition to all students of homeopathy, whether just beginning or well advanced in its practice.” – Dr. Andrew Lockie, British Homoeopathic Journal
“The whole presentation makes for easy reading, both o the main paragraphs and the footnotes...The 6th edition of the Organon is thought by many people to represent a climax in Hahnemann’s expression of his understanding of the philosophy relating to homeopathy. This presentation of it is therefore an important and welcome addition to homeopathic literature.” – Anne Clover, MBBS, DPM, FFHom, British Homoeopathic Journal

270 pages, paperback

WadStories - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2001

WadStories - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2001


Imagine a homeopathic seminar with 13 experienced Dutch colleagues who are your best friends. Imagine the location of the seminar being a very special holiday ‘setting’: sailing on a clipper on the Wad-sea amidst of the islands in the North of Holland. Imagine that every meal is very special, so that you have the impression you are living on a floating restaurant. And then, last but not least, the whole atmosphere of the week is coloured by an impressing proving of a new ‘bird-remedy’: the Albatross. This book will offer you a unique ‘melange’ of all the lectures, illustrated with photographs taken during the seminar. To give you the possibility of having ‘the real taste’ some of the recipes of the delicious dishes we enjoyed are also presented. Amidst of it all you can read all about all the experiences of a week-long-proving of the Albatross. This impressive bird with a width of about 3 meters presented many kinds of coincidences and gave this seminar ‘an air of ascension’.

The lectures from August 28 to September 1st 2000 will bring you some new remedies like Aconitum lycoctonum, Sorbus domestica and Cotyledon. We may also recommend you the presentation of Natrium iodatum, being a possible important remedy for Second-World-War issues. You’ll find further varieties in reading about the homeopathic interview, the analysis of cases, working with dreams, a special view on the Periodic System and quite remarkable experiences with the homeopathic treatment of animals.

Have a taste of this special Dutch homeopathic bland!

112 pages, paperback

WadStories 2 - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2002

WadStories 2 - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2002


But what story are we offering you?
An annual tradition of experienced Dutch homeopaths having their summer seminar in 2001. All 16 participants are lecturers and audience as well, and besides that, al have become sailors. Their stories are the ripened fruit of their extensive homeopathic experience.
For about 20 years already, Holland is one of the most dynamic and active countries in the world to present seminars and teacher in Homeopathy. All respected teachers over the whole world in our profession will find a substantial audience in Holland because of a vast amount of practicing homeopaths. The stories in front of you are the cream of a selection of this advanced variety of Dutch experience. You will gain a lot of new practical information about all kinds of remedies. We mention Oleander, Humulus lupulus, Sumbul, Juglans regia and Coffea as some examples of plant remedies. You’ll also find particular information about mineral remedies like Calcium iodatum and Lithium sulphuricum and substances like Naphtalinum and Lecithin.
To be really complete a fresh veterinary homeopathic approach will deal with the European crisis of Foot-and-mouth disease in spring 2001. And of course you may expect a clear presentation of our traditional proving, which is Glechoma hederacea, also called Hedera helix or Common Ivy. It pictured a much more ‘common’ atmosphere during this week than the previous seminar with the ‘air of ascension of the Albatross.

You will be double inspired by the traditional recipes of the ‘high-standard-cuisine’ during the seminar. Many photographs may give an extra dimension to the recipes and the presentations.

Read it as we experienced it: enjoyment in an open air of learning from your homeopathic colleagues. ‘A Dutch treat’ you don’t want to miss.

128 pages, paperback

Beyond Flat Earth Medicine - An Introduction for Students and Patients - Timothy R Dooley

Beyond Flat Earth Medicine - An Introduction for Students and Patients - Timothy R Dooley


People today are rediscovering homeopathy, yet few understand this individualized approach to health and disease. Dr. Dooley brings over 25 years of training and experience in a wide range of health sciences to this novel introduction to homeopathy – what it is, how it differs, when to use it, what to expect, how to get results.

“Conventional medicine is ‘flat earth’ in that it approaches health problems from the perspective of the disease instead of the patient. Just as the earth appears flat and the sun appears to revolve around the earth, so also it appears that physicians treat patients when treating their diseases. This is not true! AS you will see, it is possible to treat the patient directly, as a whole.”

Dr. Dooley is a graduate of National College of Naturopathic Medicine as well as Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine. He was a co-founder of Grants Pass Naturopathic Clinic in Oregon, medical director of emergency services at Del Puerto Hospital in California, and volunteered with Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team in Mexico and India. He is on the faculty at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and writes a monthly self-care column in Homeopathy Today. He lives with his family in San Diego, California where he practices Homeopathy.

110 pages, paperback