Showing 25 – 48 of 150 results

Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica in Family Order (4th Edition, Revised and Enlarged) - Ernest Albert Farrington

Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica in Family Order (4th Edition, Revised and Enlarged) - Ernest Albert Farrington


Homoeopathic literature in a vast treasure which is filled with all kinds of gem-stones and crystals. Though all of these are valuable and precious, some are very popular these days while others have been forgotten by most of us.
Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica (with gist of each lecture) by E.A. Farrington, M.D. is a sincere effort towards the revamping of the old book. Clinical Materia Medica by Farrington is a gem which many popular Homoeopaths use and employ daily to become great Homoeopaths (but like typical Homoeopaths they will not tell others).

Though it is a very nicely written book, it is not as popular as Kent’s Lectures on Materia Medica. In fact unlike Kent's book there are no repetitions and it is very lucid as compared to lectures by Kent.

This new book will be a boon to every aspiring as well as experienced homoeopath who desires to deliver best to the suffering humanity. No tempering has been done with the lectures. Gist has been added as a value-added feature.

Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work - Richard Haehl, 2006 Reprint Edition

Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work - Richard Haehl, 2006 Reprint Edition


This book is a thorooughly authentic document depicting all the events of all the events of the life of Hahnemann, the epoch - maker of Medicine; and through that, perpetuating the history of medicine in general and Homeopathy in particular in his lifetime. This book also provides us with the thoroughly dependable life sketches of all the members of the family of the Master together with all his direct disciples and confreres.


443 pages, paperback

Homeopathy Start Here - Jerome

Homeopathy Start Here - Jerome


Written by one of the most respected educators in the field, this straightforward book provides the tools for making informed choices about homeopathy. It explains what homeopathy is and isn’t, what it can do, and how it relates to today’s science of health. Anyone who wants to use, study, evaluate, or research homeopathy will find this thorough and lucid guide an essential resource.

Discovering Homeopathy - Your Introduction to the Science and Art of Homeopathic Medicine - Dana Ullman, 1991

Discovering Homeopathy - Your Introduction to the Science and Art of Homeopathic Medicine - Dana Ullman, 1991


Discovering Homeopathy is a revised, updated edition of Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century.
"The important concepts of homeopathy should be studied most seriously not only by those in medicine but in all social sciences. Dana Ullman's book is an eye-opener!"
-Robert Muller, Former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations
"Too often books on alternative medicine resort to doctor-baiting and mellow-speak psychobabble. This book does neither. The author states his case for homeopathy well by citing numerous double-blind laboratory and clinical studies that merit the attention of medical professionals and the general public alike."
-Marvin McMillen, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery, Yale Medical School
"In the future, comprehensive health care will require an efficacious balance between allopathic, behavioral, and homeopathic interventions. By documenting the double-blind research concerning homeopathy and its clinical significance, Discovering Homoeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century represents a landmark book in establishing this vital synthesis." 
- Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D., Associate Clinical Professor, U.C.S.F. School of Medicine, and health consultant to IBM, AT&T, Xerox, and other major corporations
"The time has come to look again at even more basic ideas of the nature of living things in the light of recent advances in biology, physics, and electronics. I believe that this approach will provide verification for therapies such as homeopathy. Discovering Homoeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century presents a clear, concise, and fascinating review of the present status and scope of homeopathy for the general reader." 
- Robert Becker, M.D., orthopedic surgeon, author of The Body Electric and Cross Currents

277 pages, paperback

Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book

Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book


Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book has been used for more than a century by many masters of homeopathic practice. If it has falling into comparative disuse during the past years it is because few of the younger generation of homeopathic physicians have had knowledge of its philosophic background and practical principles. It is our desire to demonstrate the sound philosophy and practical application of this work to such states as the physician meets in everyday practice. It is as nearly fool-proof as any repertory can be, once its principles are assimilated.


Let us utilize all the means at our disposal to insure to each patient the simillimum, which is his only hope of cure, and let us do so with the fullest possible comprehension of natural laws, and the application of those laws in practical form as they appear in our homeopathic literature.

Whole Again - The Homeopathic Way of Healing, 13 Amazing Stories – Christa Gebhardt & Jurgen Hansel

Whole Again - The Homeopathic Way of Healing, 13 Amazing Stories – Christa Gebhardt & Jurgen Hansel


This book gives a beautiful introduction and depicts the entire scope of modern homeopathy. It recounts 13 exciting and touching life stories of patients who all share something in common: they were healed by homeopathy of sever, often “incurable” diseases and experienced what this wonderful approach to medicine can bring about – to become “whole again”.
The authors – a sensitive homeopathic physician and his wife, a journalist, with astonishing skill – selected these cases from world-renowned homeopaths such as Rajan Sankaran and Jan Scholten and verifies them independently.
We become acquainted with the Indian executive, who was partially paralyzed byt a herniated disc and was soon able to walk again after a dose of his remedy; or Maria, who was born with a severe handicap but improved dramatically and performed well in school with the help of homeopathy; or a woman from the Netherlands, whose remedy helped her to feel her body again after 30 years of numbness resulting from a severe burn accident.
Yes, sometimes the entire lives of these patients have dramatically changed through homeopathic treatment. The stories are so lively and moving, that one will never forget them. What remains is a feeling that nothing is impossible. This is a book that induces hope.
“One of the most beautiful – maybe the most beautiful book about homeopathy.” – Journal Natur Medizin

224 pages, paperback

Sense Provings - Jan Scholten

Sense Provings - Jan Scholten


This book is a companion to Wonderful Plants. It presents the results of about 200 provings performed in the course of many years. They form part of the base on which the plant theory has been been build. Many plants from families little known or unknown in homeopathy are giving their pictures in these provings. A wealth of information.

A theory of provings gives an insight into the several formats of provings, their value, strength, weakness and essence.



Companion of Wonderful Plants
This book is a companion of the book "Wonderful Plants", where the Plant theory is described. My original idea was to publish the proving in this book in the Wonderful plant book. But gradually that gave more problems. The proving take up much space and Wonderful Plants would have become thicker and heavier. A second objection is that the provings, especially the long ones like the picture proving disrupt the flow of the Wonderful plant book. Therefore I decided to place the proving in a separate book., the book Sense proving. It is meant as a reference book for further study.

Menno-Nightcaps by S.L. Klassen

Menno-Nightcaps by S.L. Klassen


A satirical cocktail book featuring seventy-seven cocktail recipes accompanied by arcane trivia on Mennonite history, faith, and cultural practices. At last, you think, a book of cocktails that pairs punny drinks with Mennonite history! Yes, cocktail enthusiast and author of the popular Drunken Mennonite blog Sherri Klassen is here to bring some Low German love to your bar cart. Drinks like Brandy Anabaptist, Migratarita, Thrift Store Sour, and Pimm’s Cape Dress are served up with arcane trivia on Mennonite history, faith, and cultural practices. Arranged by theme, the book opens with drinks inspired by the Anabaptists of sixteenth-century Europe (Bloody Martyr, anyone?), before moving on to religious beliefs and practices (a little like going to a bar after class in Seminary, but without actually going to class). The third chapter toasts the Mennonite history of migration (Old Piña Colony), and the fourth is all about the trappings of Mennonite cultural identity (Singalong Sling). With seventy-seven recipes, ripping satire, comical illustrations, a cocktails-to-mocktails chapter for the teetotallers, and instructions on scaling up for barn-raisings and funerals, it’s just the thing for the Mennonite, Menno-adjacent, or merely Menno-curious home mixologist.

Allen's Keynotes

Allen's Keynotes


Allen's Keynotes


The work of a homeopathic student while studying and applying materia medica is one to constantly compare and differentiate. He must compare the pathogenesis of a remedy with the recorded anamnesis of the patient; he must differentiate the apparently similar symptoms of two or more medicinal agents in order to select the simillimum. To enable the student or practitioner to so this correctly the student must have proper knowledge of the individuality of the remedy; something that is peculiar, uncommon, or sufficiently characteristic in the polychrest remedy that may be used as a pivotal point of comparison. This pivotal point may be a 'keynote', a 'characteristic', or the 'red strand of rope'. This excellent work by Dr. H.C. Allen helps the reader to grasp the PQRS symptoms in no time.

About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot

About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot


Here you see the result of a great and thorough work: an important book in homeopathy’s growth to maturity.

Margriet Plouvier has created an extremely workable overview of the functioning of different potencies by systematically and logically arranging her observations of the therapeutic effect after prescriptions. This is a great support when we try to choose the appropriate potency for a case.There are many theories about the use of the best potency, but until now it is more tradition and conviction that are determinative instead of systematic research. Being the pharmacist of a homeopathic pharmacy, I see many recipes every day; so I have an overview of many prescriptions. I also have knowledge of clinical and fundamental research in homeopathy: this research doesn’t show any useful difference of result between D, C, K, or LM potencies.Very little study has been done into the exact differences in functioning between the several potency-systems. It is impossible to have a preference based on clinical and fundamental research. Nevertheless I notice that doctors and therapist have their strong personal preferences. This book shows the corresponding effect of potencies from different potency- systems.

The question is: what is most important? Is the difference in effect of the several potencies secondary to the choice of the simillimum in the potency appropriate to the case?

Hahnemann's Legacy in Modern Homeopathic Practice - Saxton

Hahnemann's Legacy in Modern Homeopathic Practice - Saxton


Modern homeopathic practice, whilst moving into new and exciting areas, is still based on the three great works of Hahnemann - the Organon, Chronic Diseases and Materia Medica Pura.

Yet these pillars of practice are themselves based on the years of doubts, observation, thoughts and experimentation which are revealed in Hahnemann's other writings and letters. To fully understand and utilise the modern developments, it is necessary to appreciate where the true roots of modern homeopathy lie.

Many of the problems facing homeopathy today were also faced by Hahnemann and his followers. This book will examine the growth of homeopathy within the context of Hahnemann's legacy that continues to inform today's practitioners and guide the development of their practice.

In Search of the Later Hahnemann - Rima Handley, 1997

In Search of the Later Hahnemann - Rima Handley, 1997


This book is the story of Samuel Hahnemann's practice of homeopathy in Paris during the last years of his life. It is based on his actual casebooks, which up until now have been left substantially unexamined in a German library.

It was to Paris that Hahnemann had moved with his young second wife, Melanie, and here that he completed the second edition of his Chronic Diseases and the final revision of his major theoretical work, the Organon. We see him putting into practice the implications of his thikning on chronic disease, experiementing with some of the new remedies being developed by himself and others, and pushing his conception of the infinitesimal dose to undreamed-of lengths in the LM potency.

The whole range of his Paris patients appear in these pages. Some of the cases are quoted at length - there are successful cures, but we also see him making mistakes, improvising, getting stuck and lost in his cases, yet always trusting in the principles he had himself formulated. We see him as a whole person and witness the process of the learning and making of homeopathy.

Rima Handley taught medieval literature at the universities of London and Newcastle for several years. She subsequently trained and now practices both as a homeopath and a psychotherapist. She was the co-founder of the Northern College of Homeopathic Medicine in Newcastle.


235 pages, paperback

The Solution - Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative - Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott

The Solution - Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative - Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott


A parent's Guide to Educating Your Child's Immune System

Are you questioning the wisdom of current vaccine recommendations?

Does something in your gut tell you that the conventional vaccine schedule is not right for your child? Have you asked your doctor about alternatives to vaccines but are still waiting for clear answers?

Look no further for answers to how you can protect your child from infectious contagious disease in a safe and effective way with homeoprophylaxis (HP). You can stop worrying about mercury, chemical additives, or the fear of vaccine damage. Here's a tear-free method explained.

Learn how to support your child's developing immune system while understanding the importance of childhood disease and appropriate immune system function. Get to know bacteria and viruses for what they really are and the deeper meaning of fever.

Find straightforward answers to your questions baout what is hidden in vaccines, what they do to the immune system, and what this "herd immunity" is really all about. Contrast the confusing messages about vaccination coming from every direction with clear and concise facts, a fifteen-year study, and ongoing cilnical evidence supporting HP. Finally, a natural answer to a difficult dilemma!

Within you will find more on:

  • What is Infectious Disease?
  • How the Immune System works
  • Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative
  • Questions and Answers
  • Clinical findings
  • Discussion on vaccination
  • Access to Homeoprophylaxis
  • Quick guide to Homeopathic treatment of infectious disease


108 pages, soft cover, full colour

Costa Rica Provings - Scholten

Costa Rica Provings - Scholten


Costa Rica proving describes the fifth proving seminar in Costa Rica. It turns out that the proving are getting better over the years. The quality of the proving is becoming more accurate and the essence of the remedy is discovered amore or less broadly. The provers get the Remedy code partially or totally from the proving. The Remedy code is the code as developed in the Plant theory which has been published in Wonderful plants. It is astonishing how accurate they often find the Remedy code, partially or totally. The proving show often new aspect of the remedy or family to which it belongs. In these proving the two remedies from the Piperaceae showed strongly the aspect of the neglect child, but then in a more general way. It showed that the western culture of laying babies in their own bed, far away from the parents is a cultural problem, reflected in the Piperaceae.

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms of Materia Medica – Adolph Von Lippe

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms of Materia Medica – Adolph Von Lippe


We all know that reading and memorizing the Materia Medica is a must for homeopathic practice but how often we are able to do that, not always!
So as to make Materia Medica simple and easily referable Lippe here presents a compiled book on keynotes of homeopathic drugs. Infact, these are the symptoms we need to be abreast with to have successful prescription and hence successful results. The author also puts beyond the red line, the chains of more symptoms leading to correct diagnoses, in a particular characteristic combination.
There is also a mention of the modalities and relationship to make our study more complete and easy to analyse.
Adolphe Lippe (1812-1888) was a one of the first graduates of homeopathy in America. Lippe taught alongside Constantine Hering at the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and wrote several very influential books which are still standard textbooks today for modern homeopaths. Lippe also translated many important homeopathic texts, thus enriching American homeopathy. Lippe was a founding member of the International Hahnemannian Association and he was a colleague of James Tyler Kent, Henry Newell Guernesy, Carroll Dunham and many other famous homeopaths. His pioneering contributions will always be remembered.

275 pages, hardcover

Boenninghausen's Repertory-C.M. Boger

Boenninghausen's Repertory-C.M. Boger


The publisher:

Dr. Boger was the best disciple of Dr. Boenninghausen & he proved this by making one of the greatest text on Homeopathic literature i.e. Boger's Boenninghausen Characteristics & Repertory.

All those who criticized Boenninghausen's work for no differentiation between general and particular modalities, got an answer for it in this repertory. The plan of this book was based on "Repertory of the Antipsorics", which has modalities for each part given at end of concerned section of repertory as well as a section devoted to general modalities at end of book. 

This edition has the advantage over all others for being most accurate of them all. It has been checked by Dr. DP. Rastogi & Dr. V.D. Sharma, who have corrected more than 100 errors in the abbreviations of name of drugs used in the repertory.

In this edition, both Characteristics (Materia Medica) and Repertory have been combined and the size which was originally cumbersome to handle has been made handy to use.

Dr. C.M. Boger, graduated from the Philadelphia College of Medicine. During his long career in medical practice and research, Dr. Boger contributed important scientific textbooks including the Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica in addition to his authorship of a number of articles for medical journals.

His authorship of several scientific textbooks, his analysis and construction of a Repertory, his lively translation of several medical books and his indefatigable labor for the production of original works, like The Times of the Remedies and Moon Phases' and his provings of'Samarskite' made him universally recognized as an author and physician of great eminence.

The Homeopathic Physician’s Guide to Lactation – Patricia Hatherly

The Homeopathic Physician’s Guide to Lactation – Patricia Hatherly


Patricia Hatherly, who enjoys the unique perspective of being a Homoeopath as well as a Lactation Consultant, has worked extensively with mothers and babies for 30 years.
During this time she has amassed a wealth of clinical experience in dealing with all manner of clinical issues relating to breasts and lactation.
It is her desire, in the writing of this book, to share some of this knowledge with her colleagues and she attempts to bring some up-to-date perspectives to a subject which, in homeopathic literature, tends to be perceived from an archaic and, occasionally, a somewhat erroneous perspective.
In 2002 Patricia supervised the proving of Lac maternum. Her clinical experience in lactation and birth as well as her extensive work with Lac humanum gives her the ability to differentiate between these two remedies made from human milk, the appropriate milk for Homo sapiens. She gives insight into how these two very important sarcodes complement one another and how they serve to assist all humans to maximise their potential.

278 pages, paperback

Butterflies - An innovative guide to the use of butterfly remedies in homeopathy – Patricia Le Roux

Butterflies - An innovative guide to the use of butterfly remedies in homeopathy – Patricia Le Roux


The well-known French paediatrician Patricia Le Roux ventures in this book to the virtually unknown territory of butterfly remedies in homeopathy. She has found these remedies particularly useful among hyperactive (ADHD) children who are lively, agitated, restless and mercurial. In these “butterfly children”, there is often a strong feeling of being abandoned, especially by their father or mother, which is experienced as a loss of imposed authority and safe boundaries.
Butterfly remedies also have a common theme of metamorphosis – the desire to dress up. They enjoy masks and are confused about their own identity. The author has found these remedies very effective too in various skin problems, such as urticaria or eczema.
The book contains provings, cases and concise essences of 13 butterfly and moth remedies: The California Sister, The Tailed Jay, The Lilac Beauty, The Processional Caterpillar, The Brown Tail Moth, The Brimstone, The Death’s Head Hawkmoth, The Blue Morpho, The European Peacock, The Marsh Fritillary, The Cabbage White, The Small Tortoiseshell and The Fox Moth.  These different remedies are clearly differentiated and vividly described, paving the way for exciting new prescribing possibilities.
“A wonderful small book by one of our best homeopathic explporers. I learned a lot – and now see people who need butterflies everywhere! Highly recommended.” – David Kent Warkentin
“Patricia Le Roux has again produced a very fine book. The pictures of the butterflies are very lively and portray the essence.” – Jan Scholten

138 pages, hardcover, full colour

Synergy Synopsis - Sankaran

Synergy Synopsis - Sankaran


Synergy denotes the coming together of two or more things to create an effect that is much greater than their sum.

In Homoeopathic practice, using different approaches in tandem produces the best results. The utilization of traditional Homoeopathic tools such as Materia Medica and the Repertory (left-brain approach) in combination with modern homeopathic approaches such as Sensation  and Kingdom understanding (right-brain concepts)  generate  the most success.

This idea, termed Synergy, has evolved over the last three decades and has come  to a very  effective position. It is also a comprehensive and inclusive way, and uses all possible approaches together. This also gives a flexibility in case-taking   and analysis. This is a system that can be taught, practised and replicated successfully.

This  small book,  updated  with  the  latest  developments, is intended to be a ready  reference guide for participants who attend seminars and for others who wish to have an overview  of this system of practice.