Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book

Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book


Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book has been used for more than a century by many masters of homeopathic practice. If it has falling into comparative disuse during the past years it is because few of the younger generation of homeopathic physicians have had knowledge of its philosophic background and practical principles. It is our desire to demonstrate the sound philosophy and practical application of this work to such states as the physician meets in everyday practice. It is as nearly fool-proof as any repertory can be, once its principles are assimilated.


Let us utilize all the means at our disposal to insure to each patient the simillimum, which is his only hope of cure, and let us do so with the fullest possible comprehension of natural laws, and the application of those laws in practical form as they appear in our homeopathic literature.

Allen's Keynotes

Allen's Keynotes


Allen's Keynotes


The work of a homeopathic student while studying and applying materia medica is one to constantly compare and differentiate. He must compare the pathogenesis of a remedy with the recorded anamnesis of the patient; he must differentiate the apparently similar symptoms of two or more medicinal agents in order to select the simillimum. To enable the student or practitioner to so this correctly the student must have proper knowledge of the individuality of the remedy; something that is peculiar, uncommon, or sufficiently characteristic in the polychrest remedy that may be used as a pivotal point of comparison. This pivotal point may be a 'keynote', a 'characteristic', or the 'red strand of rope'. This excellent work by Dr. H.C. Allen helps the reader to grasp the PQRS symptoms in no time.

The Web Spinners - Farokh Master, 2002

The Web Spinners - Farokh Master, 2002


A compilation of spider remedies.

Publishers Note:
In this compilation 'spiders' are presented in the form of a small animated picture. In addition to the individual characteristics, the author has discovered the properties of various spider poisons which he has used to bring about some wonderful recoveries.
May this compilation lead to ever greater enthusiasm on the part of the doctor of homeopathy everywhere as they strive to increase their knowledge.

Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms - Roger Morrison, 1993

Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms - Roger Morrison, 1993


Excerpt from Introduction: The purpose of this book is to serve s a concise guide to the main keynotes and confirmatory symptoms of each of the most commonly prescribed remedies in clinical practice. I have entitled it “Desktop Guide” because I envision its place sitting handy to the interviewer to refer to during the course of a case-taking. Many, many times in my practice I have reached for just such a book as this and could not find it. I reach for this book every time I wish to confirm a remedy in a case and want to ask the specific symptoms of confirmation. While there are several excellent texts of keynotes, I found none which truly compile all the most important keynotes existing. I hope that this book will fill this void.

440 page, hard cover

Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology - Roger Morrison, 1998

Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology - Roger Morrison, 1998


Excerpt from Introduction: As with my first book, Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms, I have embarked upon the writing of this text because I wanted it for my own practice. I have tried to create a concise yet thorough differential for each of the main pathologies encountered in homeopathic practice. It is my hope that the present book will serve as a companion to my earlier book.
My main concern throughout the writing of this books has been that its purpose and the information it contains would be misconstrued and misused. Homeopathy is an art and a science which must always aim to cure the patient on the deepest level. In this aim, often it is the deepest inner conflicts and frustrations of our patient which lead us to the correct remedy. The practitioner must always consider the whole person. In fact, many cases the constitutional remedy cures a pathology for which it is not listed in our materia medica. Since this is so, what is the purpose of writing a therapeutic text which by its name emphasizes the physical symptoms and keynotes?
I wish therefore, to be clear about my intentions in putting forth this material. The purpose of this book is threefold: It is meant first as an aid to be used at the time of patient interview (either by phone or in person) to cue the practitioner toward likely remedies for a particular condition. The second purpose is as a study guide, bringing the main points of the remedies into focus. And, finally, to give advice about treatment based on the experience of myself and my colleagues at our center.

605 pages, hard cover

Nature’s Materia Medica (4th Edition) - 1500 Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies - Robin Murphy, 2015

Nature’s Materia Medica (4th Edition) - 1500 Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies - Robin Murphy, 2015


Excerpt from Preface:  Nature’s Materia Medica is the third edition of the Homeopathic Remedy Guide which was first published in August of 1995. The third edition of the Nature’s Materia Medica was designed to be a complete rewrite and major upgrade of the Homeopathic Remedy Guide, second edition. My attempt has always been to create a new and easy-to-use materia medica for homeopaths to use in daily practice, while still remaining accessible for use at home and in the classroom.
The changes made to this 3rd edition comprise my attempts to build on that philosophy. Nature’s Materia Medica contains hundreds of new remedies and thousands of new updates and additions.
The Nature’s Materia Medica, third edition was updated to be a more clinical, practical and easy-to-use reference guide to the vast homeopathic materia medica. After editing the second edition, I continued to add more modern terminology, cross references and corrected any errors that were found. The final step was to systematically survey the homeopathic and herbal literature for reliable additions and updates. The highest priority was to find more clinical information relevant to modern homeopathic, naturopathic and herbal practice.
The writings of Allen, Anshutz, Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Cooper, Hale, Hahnemann, Hering, Julian, Paracelsus, Phatak and Radamacher formed the some of the major resources from which the remedy monographs were compiled, formatted and updated. Each remedy is reviewed as to its pharmacy, folklore, historical uses, keynotes, generals, provings, case histories and toxicological reports.

2214 pages, hard cover

The Bowel Nosodes - John Paterson, 2003

The Bowel Nosodes - John Paterson, 2003


Excerpt from Introduction: The name of one of your illustrious countrymen, Louis Pasteur, will forever be remembered as the founder of the science of bacteriology. It was he who first isolated and identified a specific germ and related it to a definite clinical entity (disease). Following up on his discoveries, medical science concentrated on the laboratory technique for the isolation and identification of a specific germ for each known disease, and the Koch postulates were accepted as the standard for declaring any germ capable of pathogenesis - of having power to cause disease. The motto of the medical profession is still Tolle Causam, find the cause, and today there are many who consider that germs are the only cause of disease and are working to discover the specific germ or virus for well know clinical entities.
It must now be accepted as scientific fact that, specific germs, in many cases of disease, can be isolated and identified, but is it a true conclusion that the specific germ is always the cause of disease? The subject is too great to be dealt with in all its aspects in this short session, but a little time must be given to considering the general question, namely the role of the Bacterium in Nature because one’s opinion on this must determine the value one places on the use of bacterial products - vaccines or nosodes - in the treatment of disease. As the subject of this paper deals with the intestinal flora, I propose to limit my remarks to consideration of the role played by the B. coli and coliform organisms found in the intestinal tract.

24 pages, paperback

The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza - Sandra J Perko

The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza - Sandra J Perko


Surviving Influenza, Epidemics and Pandemics Past, Present and Future with Homeopathy, Special Bird Flu Edition


A History of Influenza Epidemics and Pandemics and How to Survive them with Homeopathy
In the fall of the year 1918 the whole world witnessed the most devastating influenza plague to ever befall mankind. The Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 is called “one of the three most destructive outbreaks of disease the human race has ever known,” and rivals the Plague of Justinian of 542 A.D., and the Bubonic Plague of 1347-1350. While it took a full four years for the fourteenth-century Bubonic Plague to spread across Europe, and then throughout Asia, the 1918 Spanish Flu circled the globe in little more than four short months. In so doing it took the lives of 20 to 50 million people worldwide, and it sickened fifty times that number.
Public health officials are quietly preparing for the return of a global influenza supervirus, and the consensus is that the deadly “bird flu” may well be that supervirus. Whether the bird flu devastation occurs, according to one virologists “next year or in ten years, make no mistake about it, of all the infectious diseases ever in the history of humankind, influenza is the lion king,” and the bird flu threatens to be its name.

Read how the doctors of homeopathy treated hundreds of Spanish Influenza patients in 1918-1919 and had an extremely low mortality rate.
Learn how to protect yourself and your family with homeopathy
A detailed discussion of 68 homeopathic remedies historically used in the treatment of influenza and the compilations of flu by homeopaths, past, present, for the last 150 years.
A 103-page Quick Keynote Reference which helps speed the process of finding the correct homeopathic remedy for influenza, as well as the common cold, in the shortest possible time.

Sandra Perko, a practicing homeopath and clinical nutritionist for almost thirty years, including serving as the Director of The South TExas Education Center for Homeopathy, presents a comprehensive collection of homeopathic remedies for the treatment of influenza, as well as the common cold. She is the author of Homeopathy for the Modern Pregnant Woman and Her Infant: A Therapeutic Practice Guidebook for Midwives, Physicians and Practitioners.

438 pages, paperback

Discovering Homeopathy - Your Introduction to the Science and Art of Homeopathic Medicine - Dana Ullman, 1991

Discovering Homeopathy - Your Introduction to the Science and Art of Homeopathic Medicine - Dana Ullman, 1991


Discovering Homeopathy is a revised, updated edition of Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century.
"The important concepts of homeopathy should be studied most seriously not only by those in medicine but in all social sciences. Dana Ullman's book is an eye-opener!"
-Robert Muller, Former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations
"Too often books on alternative medicine resort to doctor-baiting and mellow-speak psychobabble. This book does neither. The author states his case for homeopathy well by citing numerous double-blind laboratory and clinical studies that merit the attention of medical professionals and the general public alike."
-Marvin McMillen, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery, Yale Medical School
"In the future, comprehensive health care will require an efficacious balance between allopathic, behavioral, and homeopathic interventions. By documenting the double-blind research concerning homeopathy and its clinical significance, Discovering Homoeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century represents a landmark book in establishing this vital synthesis." 
- Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D., Associate Clinical Professor, U.C.S.F. School of Medicine, and health consultant to IBM, AT&T, Xerox, and other major corporations
"The time has come to look again at even more basic ideas of the nature of living things in the light of recent advances in biology, physics, and electronics. I believe that this approach will provide verification for therapies such as homeopathy. Discovering Homoeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century presents a clear, concise, and fascinating review of the present status and scope of homeopathy for the general reader." 
- Robert Becker, M.D., orthopedic surgeon, author of The Body Electric and Cross Currents

277 pages, paperback

The Charm of Homeopathy: About life in general and homeopathy in particular - Anne Vervarcke, 2008

The Charm of Homeopathy: About life in general and homeopathy in particular - Anne Vervarcke, 2008


This is the first English book, addressed to professional homeopaths, where Anne Vervarcke explains her view on the vital disturbance. As disease is nothing but a concept-like disturbance on the vital level, the challenge is to understand and perceive the coherent, symbolic pattern, displayed by the patient. When we manage to recognize this pattern we are looking in the eye of the disturbance and at the same time, we have the answer for a cure. When this happens, the Charm of Homeopathy is at its best.
Anne Verarcke (15-10-1952, Oostende, Belgium) was the director and teacher at the 'Centre for Classical Homeopathy' in Leuven for 15 years. This CKH organizes a five year training course in classical homeopathy in Flanders, a yearly seminar and a Post Graduate course. Anne Vervarcke who was trained in Bloemendaal and Amersfoort has a private clinic since 1989. She has been teaching since 1990, in the CKH which she established, and since few years she is giving seminars in different countries. In Belgium she gives a Post Graduate day once a month with live cases, of which an annual book is available. After attending countless seminars, investigating, practicing and teaching for over 15 years, she fully masters the art of homeopathy. In 1999 she published: 'Klassieke homeopathie: niet te geloven?!" and in 2005: '250 jaar na Hahnemann,' both in Dutch. These were mainly informative books for a broader public who want an understandable insight in homeopathy.

223 pages, paperback

Predictive Homoeopathy - Part II Theory of Acutes - Prafull Vijayakar, 2000

Predictive Homoeopathy - Part II Theory of Acutes - Prafull Vijayakar, 2000


Excerpt from Introduction: Whenever Homeopaths, even successful Homeopaths encounter or come across cases of pneumonia and typhoid, they prefer to just refer the case to an allopathic physician. Most of the time the reason forwarded is “Homeopathy is a slow acting therapy”, “it is meant for chronic diseases only not for emergencies”. “ You get the acute attack of this disease controlled with allopathy then we’ll treat you to raise your immunity so you don’t get it again. “ This lame excuses put forward even by so called Classical Homeopaths, expose the limitations of those Homeopaths and not Homeopathy.
Remember Homeopathy is a complete science. Hence limitations and scope of Homeopathy is the Homeopath himself. The Homeopath’s knowledge is what falters. If not, if is the application  of this knowledge which falters.

Many Materia Medicas have been written on therapeutics of fevers and acute disease. Yet Homeopaths find it difficult to get results in such cases. The reasons may be many, but the main reason is lawlessness i.e. all the 7 cardinal principles of Homeopathy are not applied and the laws like that of Hering’s, are bypassed.

160 pages, paperback

The Science of Homeopathy - George Vithoulkas, 2009

The Science of Homeopathy - George Vithoulkas, 2009


I. The Laws and Principles of Cure
II. The Principles of Homeopathy in Practical Application

"About twenty-five percent of the physicians in the United States were homeopaths at the turn of the century. In The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas provides an objective and concise treatise of this approach, focusing upon the basic principles and clinical applications of' homeopathy. Through the integration of homeopathic and allopathic medicines, a true system of health care can evolve with an emphasis upon the individual as an integrated organism."
-Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD
University of California School of Medicine. San Francisco.
Homeopathy, the "energy medicine," is a branch of medical science based on the principle that disease can be cured by strengthening the body's defense mechanism with substances selected for their energy-giving properties. In homeopathy, derived from the words "homeo" and "pathos," meaning "similar suffering," a cure is selected which, in its crude form, would produce in a healthy body the same symptoms found in a sick person suffering from the specific disease. But this crude substance, selected from herbs, minerals, or chemicals, is diluted and purified beyond the point of harm to its quintessential state of energy. In contrast to traditional (allopathic) medicine, by which symptoms are treated with toxic drugs which weaken the body, homeopathic medicine aims to change the body's energy levels which lie at the root of disease. Founded in the nineteenth century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, for whom Philadelphia's Hahnemann Hospital is named, the practice of homeopathy has, over the last ten years, experienced a resurgence of interest, as more and more enlightened doctors and patients discover the powers of natural curative energies.
In The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas has compiled a clear and comprehensive text outlining both the theory and practice of this important medicine. In Section One, "The Laws and Principles of Cure," Vithoulkas sets forth the principles of electrodynamic energy, the "vital force," predisposition to disease, and the selection of homeopathic remedies. In Section Two, "Practical Application," he gives a detailed explanation of the methods of diagnosis, and the preparation, administration, and evaluation of homeopathic cures. Written in clear, concise language, with ample illustrations, references, and case studies, The Science of Homeopathy is an excellent reference for homeopathic physicians and an informative introduction for the interested lay person.

306 pages, paperback

New Directions in Homeopathy Research - Advice from and interdisciplinary conference - Claudia Witt and Henning Albrecht (eds), 2009

New Directions in Homeopathy Research - Advice from and interdisciplinary conference - Claudia Witt and Henning Albrecht (eds), 2009


In 1808, Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, began to call the law of similars a “law of nature” - a provocative and controversial statement. 200 years later, homeopathy is still as controversial as it was then. It has, therefore, become necessary to define homeopathy’s “state of the art” and especially the state of research on homeopathy.
The editors initiated a process based on an interdisciplinary approach. The main objectives were to identify problems in the different fields of homeopathy research and to develop recommendations for future research.
The discussion and decision process was based on input from experts with considerable experience in homeopathy representing five different research disciplines: history of homeopathy, case studies, pathogenic trials, clinical research and basic research.
This book summarizes the decision and consensus process by providing [1] an overview of the current state of research on homeopathy and [2] the results.

169 pages, paperback

Yasgur's Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference - Jay Yasgur, 6th Edition

Yasgur's Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference - Jay Yasgur, 6th Edition


 This unique reference book defines obsolete, archaic medical terminology, as well as many modern terms found in homeopathic literature. Your understanding of the homeopathic repertory, materia medica and other reference books will be enhanced. Those involved with homoepathy, lay people, medical students, physicians, health professionals and independent scholars will enjoy this addition to their libraries.

  • 5000 modern and archaic definitions
  • Scientific terminology as it relates to homeopathy
  • Definitions of holistic health modalities
  • 200 homeopathic obituaries
  • Remedy pronounciation guide
  • An essay, "What is Homeopathy?"
  • Four charts
  • Abbreviations and appellations defined
  • Listing of homeopathic pharmacies and organizations


"one of our most valuable books; everyone needs one."  - Joe Lillard, Washington Homeopathic Products

"We owe Jay Yasgur a debt of gratitude for a useful job well done. In these pages may be found at last the meaning of 'tetter' and 'stomacace' and a multitude of archaic terms that most of us have never heard of but can be found in our classic texts on almost every page."  - Richard Moskowitz, M.D.

"...very useful...I am glad to have it"  - Harris L. Couter, Ph.D.

"Jay Yasgur's DICTIONARY is the Dorland of our homeopathic collection. It is invaluable to our students who often have difficulties with the meaning of the old-fashioned medical terms used in the older homeopathic literature."  - Friedhelm Kirchfeld, Librarian, National College of Naturopathic Medicine

422 pages, paperback

The Substance of Homoeopathy (5th edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2005

The Substance of Homoeopathy (5th edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2005


In his earlier work "The Spirit of Homoeopathy" Rajan Sankaran delved deep into homoeopathic philosophy and introduced many original ideas of great value to the practitioner. That book, while generating some controversy, was very well received by the profession and-has won much acclaim. Starting where the "Spirit" left off, this much awaited book rekindles the flame of homoeopathy - the spirit flows into the substance.
In the "Spirit", Rajan presented his concept of disease as delusion. Here, he shows how delusions can be classified using Hahnemann's theory of miasms. With numerous illustrative cases, he shows how this classification can be used as a map of disease to facilitate remedy selection. Next, a detailed study of homoeopathic drugs with reference to their source reveals the purpose of the traditional classification into plant, animal and mineral kingdoms.
The results of a detailed study of the periodic table are presented which show the relation between chemistry and homoeopathy, underlining the scientific basis of homoeopathy. The mineral remedies are studied in detail and with cases, call forth vivid images to mind. A number of recent drug provings conducted by Rajan in his seminars all over the world are included, which give a new insight into these drugs. After a study of some plant and animal remedies, there follows a differential analysis of drugs from the various kingdoms - this study will prove a landmark in the homoeopathic field. Finally, many original ideas on homoeopathic philosophy are expounded, chief among these being his thoughts on how and why organic pathology develops.
Rajan has drawn from his vast clinical experience to give us many original and thought-provoking ideas. Lucid though succinct, and copiously illustrated with cases, the book will be of interest to all serious students of the healing art.
“This book is a gem, for the experienced homoeopath as well as for the beginner. For the student it offers a glimpse into the wider range of possibilities Homeopathy has to offer after the basic skills have been learnt; for the experienced it may be a welcome stimulus to expand their own framework and find new challenges to learn, experiment and grow.”  - Dr. Beat Spring (Review in Homeopathic Links 2/94)

A set of 2 CDs of Healing Music comes along with this book.

369 pages, hard cover

An Insight Into Plants Volume III - Rajan Sankaran, 2007

An Insight Into Plants Volume III - Rajan Sankaran, 2007


This much awaited book continues on from the groundbreaking books, “An Insight Into Plants: Volumes I and II”. It presents explorations of the vital sensations for six more plant families and for the Fungi kingdom. The presence of many illustrative cases from Dr Sankaran’s practice and from colleagues worldwide confirms and adds dimensions to many plant remedies.

The book is divided into three parts.

Part one contains more cases from the plant families of the previous two volumes. It provides more elaboration and a deeper understanding of the remedies already categorized under the chart of remedy versus miasm.

Part two of this book features the derivation of vital sensation, miasms and illustrative cases, differentiations and source/alert words for:
Carnivorous plants
Fungi (Kingdom)

The third part of the book incorporates various tables including the latest table on vital sensation and miasm of plant remedies.

A new feature of this volume is the inclusion of photographs for each family so as to give the reader a closer feel for particular plants.

834 pages, hard cover

An Insight Into Plants Volume I & II (2 book set) (Second Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2007

An Insight Into Plants Volume I & II (2 book set) (Second Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2007


This is the latest book by the author of “The Spirit of Homoeopathy”, “The Substance of Homoeopathy” and “The System of Homoeopathy”. The earlier books proved to be milestones in Homeopathy introducing the ideas of delusions, miasms and kingdoms. In this book Dr. Sankaran provides a framework of how the plant kingdom can be classified and understood.

He traces the common sensation of each family and shows how this sensation can be seen in the remedies in that family. The remedies are differentiated by the miasm to which they belong.

Thus a grid of plant remedies is created that looks like the periodic table of the elements. Illustrated with over a hundred successfully treated cases and several provings, this book opens up the plant kingdom as never before.

Dr. Sankaran also introduces his new approach to case taking which emphasizes the importance of going beyond body and mind to what he terms the vital sensation. He explains how a thorough understanding of the chief complaint itself leads to this deeper level and acts as the pivot around which the case revolves.

Used in conjunction with the understanding of the plant families, this new approach has shown remarkable results in practice.

“Rajan Sankaran has added a new and vital discovery to homoeopathy. After his important steps about the basic delusion and situational materia medica in his book  “The Spirit of Homoeopathy” this new discovery is a major break through.”  - Jan Scholten in his Foreword

1006 pages (combined), hard cover

The Spirit of Homoeopathy (Third Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 1999

The Spirit of Homoeopathy (Third Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 1999


“For a long time there has been little original writing concerning the theory and practice of Homoeopathy...In Rajan Sankaran’s new book we have something refreshing and interesting, bursting with the ideas of this fabulous Bombay clinician...

The book is divided into four sections: Philosophy, The Mind, Case Taking and Finding the Remedy, and Materia Medica. A number of major themes can be traced throughout the book which is basically an expanded version of lecture notes from the last five years. These unfold as the author tells the story of how his ideas developed, starting with the insight that ‘potentized remedies have dynamic effects only’, and ending with examples of his Situational Materia Medica...

Sankaran is a master detective and, with a great knowledge of the Repertory, he uses the much neglected sections on delusions and dreams in new and imaginative ways, taking a remark of the patient or an observation and translating it into repertory language with great skill. The book is an inspiration for us to ‘free up’ in our use of the Repertory and to consider the meaning behind our patients’ remarks...

In his situational Materia Medica Sankaran puts into imaginative nutshells the basic delusions or unsuitable postures of a number of homeopathic medicines...

There are other ideas in the 44 chapters of Sankaran’s book. I have not mentioned his discussion of compensated and uncompensated symptoms, his use of dreams, his technique of case-taking, or the idea of polarities within a homeopathic medicine. Nor all of these ideas are new, but putting them together into his own framework Sankaran often makes them more memorable and more relevant.”  -British Homeopathic Journal

367 pages, hard cover

Structure -  Experiences with the Mineral Kingdom, Volume 1 & 2 (2 book set) (Second Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2009

Structure - Experiences with the Mineral Kingdom, Volume 1 & 2 (2 book set) (Second Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2009


Homeopathy has evolved from a symptom-based to a systemic approach where each remedy is seen as a  part of a group to which it belongs in nature, rather than as an individual entity. Each patient is guided to explore his innermost experience, or Sensation, where he speaks the language of nature. In order to recognize what language he is speaking, it becomes necessary to know the features of each kingdom and subkingdom in nature. For this purpose it becomes imperative to create a body of work that looks at the Materia Medica from a systematic point of view.
After elaborating on his kingdom idea and the Sensation level, Dr. Rajan Sankaran has been consolidating these with a look into each kingdom. This work is the second of a trilogy on the various kingdoms, the first being ‘An Insight Into Plants’ and the third being ‘Survival’ (on the animal kingdom).

In the case of the Mineral Kingdom, the periodic table readily lends itself to the task of classification. Its seven row and 18 columns can be understood, seen and experienced as stages of human development. Such an understanding leads us to prescribe new remedies with accuracy. Dr. Rajan Sankaran’s recent explorations into the rows, backed by several clinical cases, provings and research, have thrown new light on the Mineral kingdom that makes it significantly easier to recognize the remedies in practice.

1053 pages (combined), hard cover

Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic Practice 2nd ed - John Saxton

Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic Practice 2nd ed - John Saxton


The group of eleven remedies known as the Bowel Nosodes are unique in both their derivation and the opportunities that they offer. Although they have some indications in acute homeopathic prescribing, because of the connection and resonance that they have with the miasmatic forces that are active in the body, they are particularly useful in the treatment of chronic disease. The origin of these remedies lies in human medicine, and there are still major indications in that field.
In this book the development of these important remedies is traced and the concept behind them is explained and discussed within the context of modern homeopathic thought. The general uses of the group in the clinical situation are outlined and the materia medica of the individual bowel nosodes is discussed. The methodology is illustrated with case histories from both the human and animal worlds, demonstrating the common guidelines for the bowel nosodes’ use that are applicable to all species.
John Saxton qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 1964, obtaining his Membership of the Faculty of Homeopathy in 1988, and his Fellowship in 1996. After nearly forty years in general practice he now runs a homeopathic referral practice as well as writing, teaching and examining in homeopathy. He lectures nationally and internationally to doctors, veterinary surgeons and nurses, both independently and as part of the Homeopathic Professionals Teaching Group. John is a teacher and examiner for the Faculty of Homeopathy and the International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy. He has authored Miasms as Practical Tool and co-authored the Textbook of Veterinary Homeopathy.

185 pages, paperback

Miasms as Practical Tools: A Homeopathic Approach to Chronic Disease - John Saxton,

Miasms as Practical Tools: A Homeopathic Approach to Chronic Disease - John Saxton,


Chronic disease is the enduring health problem in modern society, and the approach to it represents one of the principal philosophical differences between homeopathic medicine and conventional medicine.
Hahnemann's basic concept of miasms provides insights into the understanding and relief of such conditions, and succeeding generations of homeopaths have continued to add new layers to his original ideas. Nevertheless, miasmatic theory remains a perplexing one for many practitioners, some rejecting it entirely, with others having doubts about its practical relevance while accepting the basis of the reasoning behind it.
This book presents the author's personal understanding of how miasmatic theory works in practice for him. He describes a possible model for understanding the subject and builds on this to explore its potential in the treatment of chronic disease. Wherever appropriate the chapters include case histories from both human and veterinary medicine, demonstrating the relevant miasmatic perspective and the consequent implications for remedy selection and case management.

John Saxton qualified from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 1964. Having become interested in homeopathy in the late 1970s, he obtained his Membership of the UK Faculty of Homeopathy in 1988 and his Fellowship in 1996. He is an examiner for the Faculty and was elected President in 2005. As a core teacher of the UK Homeopathic Professionals Teaching Group he is closely involved with the homeopathic training of doctors, veterinary surgeons and nurses. He is also a recognised teacher and examiner for the International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy. His time is currently split between homeopathic referral practice, and writing and lecturing both nationally and internationally.

168 pages, paperback