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The Genius of Homoeopathy comprise a series of lectures delivered at the New York Homoeopathic Medical College. Close was a student of P.P. Wells and Bernhardt Fincke. This book is one of the clearest statements about the philosophical basis of homeopathic study ever compiled. It is written with extreme clarity. In this new Second Edition, to make the book user friendly, a new font has been used which is bigger in size and is a pleasure to read. We hope this new upgraded book will make the task of students and readers much easier and interesting.
Stuart Close was born on November 24, 1860 in Wisconsin, United States. In 1879 while Close was reading law, his father died and his mother then remarried to one San Francisco’s leading homeopathic practitioners. It was at this point that Dr. Stuart Close though of studying homeopathy and his step father then furnished him with a comprehensive training in Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon. In 1885 he graduated from the Medical College of the Pacific. His career is noted for its exactitude according to Hahnemann’s principles. The dedication and exactness with which Dr. Close pursued Hahnemann’s teachings, won him high praise with the latter’s followers.
348 pages, paperback
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