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People today are rediscovering homeopathy, yet few understand this individualized approach to health and disease. Dr. Dooley brings over 25 years of training and experience in a wide range of health sciences to this novel introduction to homeopathy – what it is, how it differs, when to use it, what to expect, how to get results.
“Conventional medicine is ‘flat earth’ in that it approaches health problems from the perspective of the disease instead of the patient. Just as the earth appears flat and the sun appears to revolve around the earth, so also it appears that physicians treat patients when treating their diseases. This is not true! AS you will see, it is possible to treat the patient directly, as a whole.”
Dr. Dooley is a graduate of National College of Naturopathic Medicine as well as Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine. He was a co-founder of Grants Pass Naturopathic Clinic in Oregon, medical director of emergency services at Del Puerto Hospital in California, and volunteered with Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team in Mexico and India. He is on the faculty at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and writes a monthly self-care column in Homeopathy Today. He lives with his family in San Diego, California where he practices Homeopathy.
110 pages, paperback
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