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Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book

Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book


Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book has been used for more than a century by many masters of homeopathic practice. If it has falling into comparative disuse during the past years it is because few of the younger generation of homeopathic physicians have had knowledge of its philosophic background and practical principles. It is our desire to demonstrate the sound philosophy and practical application of this work to such states as the physician meets in everyday practice. It is as nearly fool-proof as any repertory can be, once its principles are assimilated.


Let us utilize all the means at our disposal to insure to each patient the simillimum, which is his only hope of cure, and let us do so with the fullest possible comprehension of natural laws, and the application of those laws in practical form as they appear in our homeopathic literature.

Allen's Keynotes

Allen's Keynotes


Allen's Keynotes


The work of a homeopathic student while studying and applying materia medica is one to constantly compare and differentiate. He must compare the pathogenesis of a remedy with the recorded anamnesis of the patient; he must differentiate the apparently similar symptoms of two or more medicinal agents in order to select the simillimum. To enable the student or practitioner to so this correctly the student must have proper knowledge of the individuality of the remedy; something that is peculiar, uncommon, or sufficiently characteristic in the polychrest remedy that may be used as a pivotal point of comparison. This pivotal point may be a 'keynote', a 'characteristic', or the 'red strand of rope'. This excellent work by Dr. H.C. Allen helps the reader to grasp the PQRS symptoms in no time.

The Web Spinners - Farokh Master, 2002

The Web Spinners - Farokh Master, 2002


A compilation of spider remedies.

Publishers Note:
In this compilation 'spiders' are presented in the form of a small animated picture. In addition to the individual characteristics, the author has discovered the properties of various spider poisons which he has used to bring about some wonderful recoveries.
May this compilation lead to ever greater enthusiasm on the part of the doctor of homeopathy everywhere as they strive to increase their knowledge.

Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms - Roger Morrison, 1993

Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms - Roger Morrison, 1993


Excerpt from Introduction: The purpose of this book is to serve s a concise guide to the main keynotes and confirmatory symptoms of each of the most commonly prescribed remedies in clinical practice. I have entitled it “Desktop Guide” because I envision its place sitting handy to the interviewer to refer to during the course of a case-taking. Many, many times in my practice I have reached for just such a book as this and could not find it. I reach for this book every time I wish to confirm a remedy in a case and want to ask the specific symptoms of confirmation. While there are several excellent texts of keynotes, I found none which truly compile all the most important keynotes existing. I hope that this book will fill this void.

440 page, hard cover

Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology - Roger Morrison, 1998

Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology - Roger Morrison, 1998


Excerpt from Introduction: As with my first book, Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms, I have embarked upon the writing of this text because I wanted it for my own practice. I have tried to create a concise yet thorough differential for each of the main pathologies encountered in homeopathic practice. It is my hope that the present book will serve as a companion to my earlier book.
My main concern throughout the writing of this books has been that its purpose and the information it contains would be misconstrued and misused. Homeopathy is an art and a science which must always aim to cure the patient on the deepest level. In this aim, often it is the deepest inner conflicts and frustrations of our patient which lead us to the correct remedy. The practitioner must always consider the whole person. In fact, many cases the constitutional remedy cures a pathology for which it is not listed in our materia medica. Since this is so, what is the purpose of writing a therapeutic text which by its name emphasizes the physical symptoms and keynotes?
I wish therefore, to be clear about my intentions in putting forth this material. The purpose of this book is threefold: It is meant first as an aid to be used at the time of patient interview (either by phone or in person) to cue the practitioner toward likely remedies for a particular condition. The second purpose is as a study guide, bringing the main points of the remedies into focus. And, finally, to give advice about treatment based on the experience of myself and my colleagues at our center.

605 pages, hard cover

Nature’s Materia Medica (4th Edition) - 1500 Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies - Robin Murphy, 2015

Nature’s Materia Medica (4th Edition) - 1500 Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies - Robin Murphy, 2015


Excerpt from Preface:  Nature’s Materia Medica is the third edition of the Homeopathic Remedy Guide which was first published in August of 1995. The third edition of the Nature’s Materia Medica was designed to be a complete rewrite and major upgrade of the Homeopathic Remedy Guide, second edition. My attempt has always been to create a new and easy-to-use materia medica for homeopaths to use in daily practice, while still remaining accessible for use at home and in the classroom.
The changes made to this 3rd edition comprise my attempts to build on that philosophy. Nature’s Materia Medica contains hundreds of new remedies and thousands of new updates and additions.
The Nature’s Materia Medica, third edition was updated to be a more clinical, practical and easy-to-use reference guide to the vast homeopathic materia medica. After editing the second edition, I continued to add more modern terminology, cross references and corrected any errors that were found. The final step was to systematically survey the homeopathic and herbal literature for reliable additions and updates. The highest priority was to find more clinical information relevant to modern homeopathic, naturopathic and herbal practice.
The writings of Allen, Anshutz, Boericke, Burnett, Clarke, Cooper, Hale, Hahnemann, Hering, Julian, Paracelsus, Phatak and Radamacher formed the some of the major resources from which the remedy monographs were compiled, formatted and updated. Each remedy is reviewed as to its pharmacy, folklore, historical uses, keynotes, generals, provings, case histories and toxicological reports.

2214 pages, hard cover

The Bowel Nosodes - John Paterson, 2003

The Bowel Nosodes - John Paterson, 2003


Excerpt from Introduction: The name of one of your illustrious countrymen, Louis Pasteur, will forever be remembered as the founder of the science of bacteriology. It was he who first isolated and identified a specific germ and related it to a definite clinical entity (disease). Following up on his discoveries, medical science concentrated on the laboratory technique for the isolation and identification of a specific germ for each known disease, and the Koch postulates were accepted as the standard for declaring any germ capable of pathogenesis - of having power to cause disease. The motto of the medical profession is still Tolle Causam, find the cause, and today there are many who consider that germs are the only cause of disease and are working to discover the specific germ or virus for well know clinical entities.
It must now be accepted as scientific fact that, specific germs, in many cases of disease, can be isolated and identified, but is it a true conclusion that the specific germ is always the cause of disease? The subject is too great to be dealt with in all its aspects in this short session, but a little time must be given to considering the general question, namely the role of the Bacterium in Nature because one’s opinion on this must determine the value one places on the use of bacterial products - vaccines or nosodes - in the treatment of disease. As the subject of this paper deals with the intestinal flora, I propose to limit my remarks to consideration of the role played by the B. coli and coliform organisms found in the intestinal tract.

24 pages, paperback

Discovering Homeopathy - Your Introduction to the Science and Art of Homeopathic Medicine - Dana Ullman, 1991

Discovering Homeopathy - Your Introduction to the Science and Art of Homeopathic Medicine - Dana Ullman, 1991


Discovering Homeopathy is a revised, updated edition of Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century.
"The important concepts of homeopathy should be studied most seriously not only by those in medicine but in all social sciences. Dana Ullman's book is an eye-opener!"
-Robert Muller, Former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations
"Too often books on alternative medicine resort to doctor-baiting and mellow-speak psychobabble. This book does neither. The author states his case for homeopathy well by citing numerous double-blind laboratory and clinical studies that merit the attention of medical professionals and the general public alike."
-Marvin McMillen, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery, Yale Medical School
"In the future, comprehensive health care will require an efficacious balance between allopathic, behavioral, and homeopathic interventions. By documenting the double-blind research concerning homeopathy and its clinical significance, Discovering Homoeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century represents a landmark book in establishing this vital synthesis." 
- Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D., Associate Clinical Professor, U.C.S.F. School of Medicine, and health consultant to IBM, AT&T, Xerox, and other major corporations
"The time has come to look again at even more basic ideas of the nature of living things in the light of recent advances in biology, physics, and electronics. I believe that this approach will provide verification for therapies such as homeopathy. Discovering Homoeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century presents a clear, concise, and fascinating review of the present status and scope of homeopathy for the general reader." 
- Robert Becker, M.D., orthopedic surgeon, author of The Body Electric and Cross Currents

277 pages, paperback

The Charm of Homeopathy: About life in general and homeopathy in particular - Anne Vervarcke, 2008

The Charm of Homeopathy: About life in general and homeopathy in particular - Anne Vervarcke, 2008


This is the first English book, addressed to professional homeopaths, where Anne Vervarcke explains her view on the vital disturbance. As disease is nothing but a concept-like disturbance on the vital level, the challenge is to understand and perceive the coherent, symbolic pattern, displayed by the patient. When we manage to recognize this pattern we are looking in the eye of the disturbance and at the same time, we have the answer for a cure. When this happens, the Charm of Homeopathy is at its best.
Anne Verarcke (15-10-1952, Oostende, Belgium) was the director and teacher at the 'Centre for Classical Homeopathy' in Leuven for 15 years. This CKH organizes a five year training course in classical homeopathy in Flanders, a yearly seminar and a Post Graduate course. Anne Vervarcke who was trained in Bloemendaal and Amersfoort has a private clinic since 1989. She has been teaching since 1990, in the CKH which she established, and since few years she is giving seminars in different countries. In Belgium she gives a Post Graduate day once a month with live cases, of which an annual book is available. After attending countless seminars, investigating, practicing and teaching for over 15 years, she fully masters the art of homeopathy. In 1999 she published: 'Klassieke homeopathie: niet te geloven?!" and in 2005: '250 jaar na Hahnemann,' both in Dutch. These were mainly informative books for a broader public who want an understandable insight in homeopathy.

223 pages, paperback

Predictive Homoeopathy - Part II Theory of Acutes - Prafull Vijayakar, 2000

Predictive Homoeopathy - Part II Theory of Acutes - Prafull Vijayakar, 2000


Excerpt from Introduction: Whenever Homeopaths, even successful Homeopaths encounter or come across cases of pneumonia and typhoid, they prefer to just refer the case to an allopathic physician. Most of the time the reason forwarded is “Homeopathy is a slow acting therapy”, “it is meant for chronic diseases only not for emergencies”. “ You get the acute attack of this disease controlled with allopathy then we’ll treat you to raise your immunity so you don’t get it again. “ This lame excuses put forward even by so called Classical Homeopaths, expose the limitations of those Homeopaths and not Homeopathy.
Remember Homeopathy is a complete science. Hence limitations and scope of Homeopathy is the Homeopath himself. The Homeopath’s knowledge is what falters. If not, if is the application  of this knowledge which falters.

Many Materia Medicas have been written on therapeutics of fevers and acute disease. Yet Homeopaths find it difficult to get results in such cases. The reasons may be many, but the main reason is lawlessness i.e. all the 7 cardinal principles of Homeopathy are not applied and the laws like that of Hering’s, are bypassed.

160 pages, paperback

The Science of Homeopathy - George Vithoulkas, 2009

The Science of Homeopathy - George Vithoulkas, 2009


I. The Laws and Principles of Cure
II. The Principles of Homeopathy in Practical Application

"About twenty-five percent of the physicians in the United States were homeopaths at the turn of the century. In The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas provides an objective and concise treatise of this approach, focusing upon the basic principles and clinical applications of' homeopathy. Through the integration of homeopathic and allopathic medicines, a true system of health care can evolve with an emphasis upon the individual as an integrated organism."
-Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD
University of California School of Medicine. San Francisco.
Homeopathy, the "energy medicine," is a branch of medical science based on the principle that disease can be cured by strengthening the body's defense mechanism with substances selected for their energy-giving properties. In homeopathy, derived from the words "homeo" and "pathos," meaning "similar suffering," a cure is selected which, in its crude form, would produce in a healthy body the same symptoms found in a sick person suffering from the specific disease. But this crude substance, selected from herbs, minerals, or chemicals, is diluted and purified beyond the point of harm to its quintessential state of energy. In contrast to traditional (allopathic) medicine, by which symptoms are treated with toxic drugs which weaken the body, homeopathic medicine aims to change the body's energy levels which lie at the root of disease. Founded in the nineteenth century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, for whom Philadelphia's Hahnemann Hospital is named, the practice of homeopathy has, over the last ten years, experienced a resurgence of interest, as more and more enlightened doctors and patients discover the powers of natural curative energies.
In The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas has compiled a clear and comprehensive text outlining both the theory and practice of this important medicine. In Section One, "The Laws and Principles of Cure," Vithoulkas sets forth the principles of electrodynamic energy, the "vital force," predisposition to disease, and the selection of homeopathic remedies. In Section Two, "Practical Application," he gives a detailed explanation of the methods of diagnosis, and the preparation, administration, and evaluation of homeopathic cures. Written in clear, concise language, with ample illustrations, references, and case studies, The Science of Homeopathy is an excellent reference for homeopathic physicians and an informative introduction for the interested lay person.

306 pages, paperback

New Directions in Homeopathy Research - Advice from and interdisciplinary conference - Claudia Witt and Henning Albrecht (eds), 2009

New Directions in Homeopathy Research - Advice from and interdisciplinary conference - Claudia Witt and Henning Albrecht (eds), 2009


In 1808, Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, began to call the law of similars a “law of nature” - a provocative and controversial statement. 200 years later, homeopathy is still as controversial as it was then. It has, therefore, become necessary to define homeopathy’s “state of the art” and especially the state of research on homeopathy.
The editors initiated a process based on an interdisciplinary approach. The main objectives were to identify problems in the different fields of homeopathy research and to develop recommendations for future research.
The discussion and decision process was based on input from experts with considerable experience in homeopathy representing five different research disciplines: history of homeopathy, case studies, pathogenic trials, clinical research and basic research.
This book summarizes the decision and consensus process by providing [1] an overview of the current state of research on homeopathy and [2] the results.

169 pages, paperback

Yasgur's Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference - Jay Yasgur, 6th Edition

Yasgur's Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference - Jay Yasgur, 6th Edition


 This unique reference book defines obsolete, archaic medical terminology, as well as many modern terms found in homeopathic literature. Your understanding of the homeopathic repertory, materia medica and other reference books will be enhanced. Those involved with homoepathy, lay people, medical students, physicians, health professionals and independent scholars will enjoy this addition to their libraries.

  • 5000 modern and archaic definitions
  • Scientific terminology as it relates to homeopathy
  • Definitions of holistic health modalities
  • 200 homeopathic obituaries
  • Remedy pronounciation guide
  • An essay, "What is Homeopathy?"
  • Four charts
  • Abbreviations and appellations defined
  • Listing of homeopathic pharmacies and organizations


"one of our most valuable books; everyone needs one."  - Joe Lillard, Washington Homeopathic Products

"We owe Jay Yasgur a debt of gratitude for a useful job well done. In these pages may be found at last the meaning of 'tetter' and 'stomacace' and a multitude of archaic terms that most of us have never heard of but can be found in our classic texts on almost every page."  - Richard Moskowitz, M.D.

"...very useful...I am glad to have it"  - Harris L. Couter, Ph.D.

"Jay Yasgur's DICTIONARY is the Dorland of our homeopathic collection. It is invaluable to our students who often have difficulties with the meaning of the old-fashioned medical terms used in the older homeopathic literature."  - Friedhelm Kirchfeld, Librarian, National College of Naturopathic Medicine

422 pages, paperback

The Substance of Homoeopathy (5th edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2005

The Substance of Homoeopathy (5th edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2005


In his earlier work "The Spirit of Homoeopathy" Rajan Sankaran delved deep into homoeopathic philosophy and introduced many original ideas of great value to the practitioner. That book, while generating some controversy, was very well received by the profession and-has won much acclaim. Starting where the "Spirit" left off, this much awaited book rekindles the flame of homoeopathy - the spirit flows into the substance.
In the "Spirit", Rajan presented his concept of disease as delusion. Here, he shows how delusions can be classified using Hahnemann's theory of miasms. With numerous illustrative cases, he shows how this classification can be used as a map of disease to facilitate remedy selection. Next, a detailed study of homoeopathic drugs with reference to their source reveals the purpose of the traditional classification into plant, animal and mineral kingdoms.
The results of a detailed study of the periodic table are presented which show the relation between chemistry and homoeopathy, underlining the scientific basis of homoeopathy. The mineral remedies are studied in detail and with cases, call forth vivid images to mind. A number of recent drug provings conducted by Rajan in his seminars all over the world are included, which give a new insight into these drugs. After a study of some plant and animal remedies, there follows a differential analysis of drugs from the various kingdoms - this study will prove a landmark in the homoeopathic field. Finally, many original ideas on homoeopathic philosophy are expounded, chief among these being his thoughts on how and why organic pathology develops.
Rajan has drawn from his vast clinical experience to give us many original and thought-provoking ideas. Lucid though succinct, and copiously illustrated with cases, the book will be of interest to all serious students of the healing art.
“This book is a gem, for the experienced homoeopath as well as for the beginner. For the student it offers a glimpse into the wider range of possibilities Homeopathy has to offer after the basic skills have been learnt; for the experienced it may be a welcome stimulus to expand their own framework and find new challenges to learn, experiment and grow.”  - Dr. Beat Spring (Review in Homeopathic Links 2/94)

A set of 2 CDs of Healing Music comes along with this book.

369 pages, hard cover

An Insight Into Plants Volume III - Rajan Sankaran, 2007

An Insight Into Plants Volume III - Rajan Sankaran, 2007


This much awaited book continues on from the groundbreaking books, “An Insight Into Plants: Volumes I and II”. It presents explorations of the vital sensations for six more plant families and for the Fungi kingdom. The presence of many illustrative cases from Dr Sankaran’s practice and from colleagues worldwide confirms and adds dimensions to many plant remedies.

The book is divided into three parts.

Part one contains more cases from the plant families of the previous two volumes. It provides more elaboration and a deeper understanding of the remedies already categorized under the chart of remedy versus miasm.

Part two of this book features the derivation of vital sensation, miasms and illustrative cases, differentiations and source/alert words for:
Carnivorous plants
Fungi (Kingdom)

The third part of the book incorporates various tables including the latest table on vital sensation and miasm of plant remedies.

A new feature of this volume is the inclusion of photographs for each family so as to give the reader a closer feel for particular plants.

834 pages, hard cover

An Insight Into Plants Volume I & II (2 book set) (Second Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2007

An Insight Into Plants Volume I & II (2 book set) (Second Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2007


This is the latest book by the author of “The Spirit of Homoeopathy”, “The Substance of Homoeopathy” and “The System of Homoeopathy”. The earlier books proved to be milestones in Homeopathy introducing the ideas of delusions, miasms and kingdoms. In this book Dr. Sankaran provides a framework of how the plant kingdom can be classified and understood.

He traces the common sensation of each family and shows how this sensation can be seen in the remedies in that family. The remedies are differentiated by the miasm to which they belong.

Thus a grid of plant remedies is created that looks like the periodic table of the elements. Illustrated with over a hundred successfully treated cases and several provings, this book opens up the plant kingdom as never before.

Dr. Sankaran also introduces his new approach to case taking which emphasizes the importance of going beyond body and mind to what he terms the vital sensation. He explains how a thorough understanding of the chief complaint itself leads to this deeper level and acts as the pivot around which the case revolves.

Used in conjunction with the understanding of the plant families, this new approach has shown remarkable results in practice.

“Rajan Sankaran has added a new and vital discovery to homoeopathy. After his important steps about the basic delusion and situational materia medica in his book  “The Spirit of Homoeopathy” this new discovery is a major break through.”  - Jan Scholten in his Foreword

1006 pages (combined), hard cover

The Spirit of Homoeopathy (Third Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 1999

The Spirit of Homoeopathy (Third Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 1999


“For a long time there has been little original writing concerning the theory and practice of Homoeopathy...In Rajan Sankaran’s new book we have something refreshing and interesting, bursting with the ideas of this fabulous Bombay clinician...

The book is divided into four sections: Philosophy, The Mind, Case Taking and Finding the Remedy, and Materia Medica. A number of major themes can be traced throughout the book which is basically an expanded version of lecture notes from the last five years. These unfold as the author tells the story of how his ideas developed, starting with the insight that ‘potentized remedies have dynamic effects only’, and ending with examples of his Situational Materia Medica...

Sankaran is a master detective and, with a great knowledge of the Repertory, he uses the much neglected sections on delusions and dreams in new and imaginative ways, taking a remark of the patient or an observation and translating it into repertory language with great skill. The book is an inspiration for us to ‘free up’ in our use of the Repertory and to consider the meaning behind our patients’ remarks...

In his situational Materia Medica Sankaran puts into imaginative nutshells the basic delusions or unsuitable postures of a number of homeopathic medicines...

There are other ideas in the 44 chapters of Sankaran’s book. I have not mentioned his discussion of compensated and uncompensated symptoms, his use of dreams, his technique of case-taking, or the idea of polarities within a homeopathic medicine. Nor all of these ideas are new, but putting them together into his own framework Sankaran often makes them more memorable and more relevant.”  -British Homeopathic Journal

367 pages, hard cover

Structure -  Experiences with the Mineral Kingdom, Volume 1 & 2 (2 book set) (Second Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2009

Structure - Experiences with the Mineral Kingdom, Volume 1 & 2 (2 book set) (Second Edition) - Rajan Sankaran, 2009


Homeopathy has evolved from a symptom-based to a systemic approach where each remedy is seen as a  part of a group to which it belongs in nature, rather than as an individual entity. Each patient is guided to explore his innermost experience, or Sensation, where he speaks the language of nature. In order to recognize what language he is speaking, it becomes necessary to know the features of each kingdom and subkingdom in nature. For this purpose it becomes imperative to create a body of work that looks at the Materia Medica from a systematic point of view.
After elaborating on his kingdom idea and the Sensation level, Dr. Rajan Sankaran has been consolidating these with a look into each kingdom. This work is the second of a trilogy on the various kingdoms, the first being ‘An Insight Into Plants’ and the third being ‘Survival’ (on the animal kingdom).

In the case of the Mineral Kingdom, the periodic table readily lends itself to the task of classification. Its seven row and 18 columns can be understood, seen and experienced as stages of human development. Such an understanding leads us to prescribe new remedies with accuracy. Dr. Rajan Sankaran’s recent explorations into the rows, backed by several clinical cases, provings and research, have thrown new light on the Mineral kingdom that makes it significantly easier to recognize the remedies in practice.

1053 pages (combined), hard cover

Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic Practice 2nd ed - John Saxton

Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic Practice 2nd ed - John Saxton


The group of eleven remedies known as the Bowel Nosodes are unique in both their derivation and the opportunities that they offer. Although they have some indications in acute homeopathic prescribing, because of the connection and resonance that they have with the miasmatic forces that are active in the body, they are particularly useful in the treatment of chronic disease. The origin of these remedies lies in human medicine, and there are still major indications in that field.
In this book the development of these important remedies is traced and the concept behind them is explained and discussed within the context of modern homeopathic thought. The general uses of the group in the clinical situation are outlined and the materia medica of the individual bowel nosodes is discussed. The methodology is illustrated with case histories from both the human and animal worlds, demonstrating the common guidelines for the bowel nosodes’ use that are applicable to all species.
John Saxton qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 1964, obtaining his Membership of the Faculty of Homeopathy in 1988, and his Fellowship in 1996. After nearly forty years in general practice he now runs a homeopathic referral practice as well as writing, teaching and examining in homeopathy. He lectures nationally and internationally to doctors, veterinary surgeons and nurses, both independently and as part of the Homeopathic Professionals Teaching Group. John is a teacher and examiner for the Faculty of Homeopathy and the International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy. He has authored Miasms as Practical Tool and co-authored the Textbook of Veterinary Homeopathy.

185 pages, paperback

Miasms as Practical Tools: A Homeopathic Approach to Chronic Disease - John Saxton,

Miasms as Practical Tools: A Homeopathic Approach to Chronic Disease - John Saxton,


Chronic disease is the enduring health problem in modern society, and the approach to it represents one of the principal philosophical differences between homeopathic medicine and conventional medicine.
Hahnemann's basic concept of miasms provides insights into the understanding and relief of such conditions, and succeeding generations of homeopaths have continued to add new layers to his original ideas. Nevertheless, miasmatic theory remains a perplexing one for many practitioners, some rejecting it entirely, with others having doubts about its practical relevance while accepting the basis of the reasoning behind it.
This book presents the author's personal understanding of how miasmatic theory works in practice for him. He describes a possible model for understanding the subject and builds on this to explore its potential in the treatment of chronic disease. Wherever appropriate the chapters include case histories from both human and veterinary medicine, demonstrating the relevant miasmatic perspective and the consequent implications for remedy selection and case management.

John Saxton qualified from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 1964. Having become interested in homeopathy in the late 1970s, he obtained his Membership of the UK Faculty of Homeopathy in 1988 and his Fellowship in 1996. He is an examiner for the Faculty and was elected President in 2005. As a core teacher of the UK Homeopathic Professionals Teaching Group he is closely involved with the homeopathic training of doctors, veterinary surgeons and nurses. He is also a recognised teacher and examiner for the International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy. His time is currently split between homeopathic referral practice, and writing and lecturing both nationally and internationally.

168 pages, paperback

WadStories - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2001

WadStories - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2001


Imagine a homeopathic seminar with 13 experienced Dutch colleagues who are your best friends. Imagine the location of the seminar being a very special holiday ‘setting’: sailing on a clipper on the Wad-sea amidst of the islands in the North of Holland. Imagine that every meal is very special, so that you have the impression you are living on a floating restaurant. And then, last but not least, the whole atmosphere of the week is coloured by an impressing proving of a new ‘bird-remedy’: the Albatross. This book will offer you a unique ‘melange’ of all the lectures, illustrated with photographs taken during the seminar. To give you the possibility of having ‘the real taste’ some of the recipes of the delicious dishes we enjoyed are also presented. Amidst of it all you can read all about all the experiences of a week-long-proving of the Albatross. This impressive bird with a width of about 3 meters presented many kinds of coincidences and gave this seminar ‘an air of ascension’.

The lectures from August 28 to September 1st 2000 will bring you some new remedies like Aconitum lycoctonum, Sorbus domestica and Cotyledon. We may also recommend you the presentation of Natrium iodatum, being a possible important remedy for Second-World-War issues. You’ll find further varieties in reading about the homeopathic interview, the analysis of cases, working with dreams, a special view on the Periodic System and quite remarkable experiences with the homeopathic treatment of animals.

Have a taste of this special Dutch homeopathic bland!

112 pages, paperback

WadStories 2 - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2002

WadStories 2 - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2002


But what story are we offering you?
An annual tradition of experienced Dutch homeopaths having their summer seminar in 2001. All 16 participants are lecturers and audience as well, and besides that, al have become sailors. Their stories are the ripened fruit of their extensive homeopathic experience.
For about 20 years already, Holland is one of the most dynamic and active countries in the world to present seminars and teacher in Homeopathy. All respected teachers over the whole world in our profession will find a substantial audience in Holland because of a vast amount of practicing homeopaths. The stories in front of you are the cream of a selection of this advanced variety of Dutch experience. You will gain a lot of new practical information about all kinds of remedies. We mention Oleander, Humulus lupulus, Sumbul, Juglans regia and Coffea as some examples of plant remedies. You’ll also find particular information about mineral remedies like Calcium iodatum and Lithium sulphuricum and substances like Naphtalinum and Lecithin.
To be really complete a fresh veterinary homeopathic approach will deal with the European crisis of Foot-and-mouth disease in spring 2001. And of course you may expect a clear presentation of our traditional proving, which is Glechoma hederacea, also called Hedera helix or Common Ivy. It pictured a much more ‘common’ atmosphere during this week than the previous seminar with the ‘air of ascension of the Albatross.

You will be double inspired by the traditional recipes of the ‘high-standard-cuisine’ during the seminar. Many photographs may give an extra dimension to the recipes and the presentations.

Read it as we experienced it: enjoyment in an open air of learning from your homeopathic colleagues. ‘A Dutch treat’ you don’t want to miss.

128 pages, paperback

Homoeopathy and Minerals - Jan Scholten, 1993

Homoeopathy and Minerals - Jan Scholten, 1993


Review of the book in SSC (the Dutch Homoeopathic Journal) by Frans Kusse:

"When I met the ideas of Jan Scholten for the first time in December 1992, I was surprised: enormous possibilities offered themselves. Now, some months later, having had experiences with these 'new' remedies, I can speak of a fundamental revolution in homeopathic thinking. The method Jan is offering in his book, seems too beautiful to be true, but it works! It is not easy to explain his method briefly, but I shall try to do so with an example from his college in February 1993.
A woman of 30 comes with a variety of complaints, such as allergy to the sun, pain in the right forehead, sciatica right, intestinal troubles, swollen and painful breasts before menses, and fatigue.
Mind: she needs attention, and compliments. 'I didn't dare to ask for attention and got irritated when my husband didn't say anything of my work. My mother had too little time for us and I was the one who managed. I was a big girl'.
The theme of 'attention' is found in the Muriaticums, and the 'timidity' and 'insecurity' in the Calciums. The remedy: Calcium muriaticum ('desire for attention, but not daring to ask for it'). The woman got cured after the remedy.
By analyzing different minerals (Calcarea, Natrum, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Baryta etc.) and metals Jan has developed some key concepts for every element. In practice it is possible to make many combinations of these concepts and so find the remedy that fits the patient.
Try to imagine what it means once we have found the key concepts of every element of the periodic system .... Maybe that is what Kent felt when he said that all remedies could be found in one kingdom (mineral, plant or animal). ...This book gives us the start. We practicing homeopaths now have the job of verifying and expanding this information. A huge task and a fantastic challenge."
"Jan Scholten offers us a fascinating way to review our Materia Medica".
(Lorraine Taylor, in Homeopathic Links, 1994, no 2)
"Jan Scholten has given a brilliant start for an enormous enrichment of our Materia Medica".
(Kees Dam, Simillima, 1993, no 2)
"This book is a must for all homoeopaths and a revelation for all patient that are interested in homoeopathy". 
(Albert van Dinteren, in Homeopathie, 1994, no 2)

295 pages, paperback

Homoeopathy and the Elements - Jan Scholten, 2007

Homoeopathy and the Elements - Jan Scholten, 2007


The subject of this book is homeopathy and the elements of the periodic system. The remedy pictures of almost all the elements of the periodic system are described.

The periodic system is a table of all existing elements, the atoms, from Hydrogen to Radon, and of the radioactive elements, such as Uranium and Plutonium. The table has rows and columns in which the elements are grouped. A theory is developed about the use of the periodic system in Homeopathy. This theory shows that every row and every column has a specific theme. The seven rows are called series. The first series, the Hydrogen series, has the theme of coming into being. The second series, the Carbon series, has the theme of the development of the ego. The third series, the Silicum series , shows the theme of relationships. The fourth series, the Iron series, covers the theme of work. The fifth series, the Silver series, has the theme of creativity. The sixth series, the Gold series, shows the theme of the king, the leader.

Each series shows a development: the theme of the series is developed in eighteen stages. These stages, the columns, describe a development: starting a theme, rising, coming to a top, then declining again and in the end comes the loss.

In this theory every element can be described by the concepts of the series and the stage the element is in. A total picture is given of the periodic system as a spiral. Every wind of the spiral is a series or row. And every radiant is a stage or column. The spiral pictures the expanding consciousness: from the consciousness of the Ego in the beginning to that of a neighbourhood, a village, a city, a country and in the end the whole universe.

‘When you have seen that a patient who doubts for years what to do with his life, takes clear decisions suddenly after a dose of Scandium, and also executes them (and has got rid of all kind of fears at the same time), you want to have this book at your desk next to the Repertory.’  - Frans Kusse, SSC, Vol 26, Nr2, 1996.

Excerpt from Foreword: Finding the right remedy is the greatest challenge of homeopathic medicine. It seems that I am stating the obvious. But this isn’t altogether true. The greatest challenge is to admit that you haven’t yet found the remedy you are looking for. One of the greatest eye openers ever was the reverse similars law presented to me by Jan Scholten one day: an unknown picture needs an unknown remedy. A brilliant hint and food for thought for all of us who are involved in homeopathy, for the anxious seeker who is looking for that one remedy that will cure his problem patients, as well as for the complacent ruminator who thinks he has seen it all by now.

A pint of discussion that we frequently encounter is whether homeopathy is an art or a science. This discussion all depends on the theoretical question whether heuristics belong to the domain of science, or whether it should be seen as so called ‘pre scientific procedures’. Heuristics is the methodology of searching. In order to find something new you have to try to find out where to look for it and this is in turn related to your problem-solving urges. In other words, if you accept that the way things are is just fine, then you will never feel the need to look at other horizons. But when you recognize the problem of the status quo, you will go and search for missing links and boundaries that can be shifted.

This book is all about the periodic system. The best introduction to the new ideas presented in this book is to suggest the following exercise. Take a large sheet of paper and draw a grid of 18 vertical columns and 7 horizontal lines and then proceed to fill in the elements in the usual way, starting with Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, etc.
Next take the most extensive Materia Medica you can find and make a note of the most important rubrics of each element in its appropriate compartment. When you have done that stand back and take a look. You will notice that most of the spaces are empty. Now ask yourself this question: “Why are there so many empty spaces, while others are filled up with polychrests like Ferrum metallicum, Phosphorus, Sulphur, or Aurum metallicum? Are you beginning to get a sense of the problem? You have just asked yourself a very heuristic question. The only step that lies between a question and an answer is ACTION! That is precisely what Jan Scholten did and the result is this book: a Materia Medica of the periodic system. The book that is in front of you right now will enable you to start filling in those empty compartments.

880 pages, hard cover

Secret Lanthanides - Jan Scholten, 2009

Secret Lanthanides - Jan Scholten, 2009


Secret Lanthanides describes the use of the Lanthanides and their salts in health and disease. It describes persons in a Lanthanide state and the cure with homeopathic potencies.

The Lanthanides are elements of the periodic system with atom number 57 till 73. They have strong electro-magnetic and light properties.

Autonomy is a major theme, hence the subtitle “Road to Independence”. The search for freedom can lead to a spiritual development and desire for self-control. The Lanthanides are needed for leading ones own life, going ones’ own way. It’s the road to individuality and individuation.

The psychological separation is physically reflected in the immune system and auto-immune diseases. The immune system separates own tissue from foreign substances, is has to find out what “own”.

“It is indeed a pleasure and honor to write this foreword to Jan Scholten’s latest work, “The Secret Lanthanides”. I am sure that like his earlier works, this one too will be very useful to the profession. The smile on the face of a successfully treated case is the main reward for such work.”   - Rajan Sankaran

“Jan Scholten’s discovery of the Lanthanides as homeopathic remedies has given us even more tools to cure profound pathology. After hearing his initial lectures on the Lanthanides and, subsequently prescribing some of them, I am delighted by the curative results.”   - Louis Klein

512 pages, hard cover

Synthesis - Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum (Edition 9.1) - ed Frederik Schroyens, 2004

Synthesis - Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum (Edition 9.1) - ed Frederik Schroyens, 2004


Excerpt from Foreword by Jeremy Sherr: Last year I had the privilege of visiting Dr. Frederik Schroyens in his offices in Ghent, Belgium. It was a hive of activity. A constant stream of information poured in - additions, corrections, provings, translations, revisited classics and new manuscripts. Frederik explained the pyramid structure of the organization, how homeopaths from all over the world gathered information, later passing it on to smaller teams who checked and rechecked it until it arrived at the Ghent office where the final sifting, confirming, corroborating, editing, and publishing were performed. I was very impressed. From my own experience of repertorizing, I have learnt to appreciate the enormous time and work that goes into each rubric, remedy, cross reference and annotation. It is the work of ants and a labor of love.

But i was not only the industriousness that impressed me. It was the dedication to detail and accuracy that filled me with a renewed confidence in the repertory. The repertory is our daily tool; it is our right arm, the gateway to materia medica and to healing. On this tool the health of our patients depends, and we must be able to rely on it in the way a carpenter relies on his plane, a soldier on his sword, a baker on his oven, a writer on her pen. It must be sharp and accurate, all-encompassing but not over-inflated. I found the Synthesis to be all these things, and the tool felt right in my hand.  

2214 pages, hard cover

Cola - Homeopathic Proving of Cola nitida, Materia Medica, Cases - Bernd Schuster, 1999

Cola - Homeopathic Proving of Cola nitida, Materia Medica, Cases - Bernd Schuster, 1999


The new remedy Cola belongs to the group of drug remedies. Drugs are often used to heighten or expand perception, to enable the user to cross boundaries which Nature has set to the human powers of perception. The drugs cannabis, coca (“sacred plant of the Incas”), cola (“food of the gods”) and peyote (“flesh of God”) are seen as “divine substances” which create a link with the gods and spirits.
This full Hahnemannian proving with 23 participants revealed feelings of invincibility, the idea of being able to carry the whole world on one’s shoulders, or being able to see through the material person into the innermost being or read a person’s thoughts, i.e. mainly divine qualities and abilities which the provers ascribe to themselves, thus demonstrating a delusion of grandeur.
Insatiability is a central idea of the remedy (“I am like a bottomless pit”). The new remedy shows and effect in eating disorders (Insatiability and fear of being poisoned), mania and hyperactivity, disturbance of sugar metabolism, gastrointestinal illness with diarrhoea, problems with self-confidence, depression, sleepiness (fatigue), anxiety dreams and migraine. In Cola patients I have found a history of drug-taking with heroin, LSD and cocaine, a history of dipsomania or food abuse with others.

Bernd Schuster is classical homeopath and psychologist. With Bamboo he added an important remedy to homeopathic Materia Medica. Cola is his second homeopathic proving.

305 pages, paperback

Autism Beyond Despair - Cease Therapy - Tinus Smits, 2010

Autism Beyond Despair - Cease Therapy - Tinus Smits, 2010


In this groundbreaking work, Dr. Tinus Smits reveals the step-by-step method which he has used for more than 300 autistic children. In many cases, the parents have declared their children 100% cured; in others, the process is still underway with significant improvement. His therapy is mainly based on Isotherapy, a form of homeopathy which is able to detect the causes of autism in children and which redresses them directly. He has made remarkable discoveries as to why autism is on the increase. This book is highly important for parents with autistic children and for all those who are involved in the care of these children.

'In the 9 months of your treatment, our son changed from a non verbal to a child that is able to attend a normal school, speaking in full sentences and making contact with everybody. Amazing! The autism team says it's a miracle. Your CEASE therapy is great. Our life has already completely changed. Thanks for all your knowledge.' — Mother of Stephan

'After three and a half months of treatment she has become another child. She has woken up, is able to express herself verbally and says what she feels instead of shrieking; she is more flexible, more open and more independent. It is a world of difference.' — Mother of Dirkje

'Our son Vasco is getting better every day, he speaks more and tries to make conversation with us; at school he's going very well and learns fast. With the detoxification Vasco has made great progress. He's almost "a normal" 5-year-old kid.' — Parents of Vasco

'It is as if I am in a second life. It is completely different from before.' —
Siem J., formerly autistic child

184 pages, hard cover

Matridonal Remedies of the Humanum Family - Gifts of the Mother - Melissa Assilem

Matridonal Remedies of the Humanum Family - Gifts of the Mother - Melissa Assilem


Melissa is the author of The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and Women Ripening Through Menopause. She is also the creator of The Greek Tree Essences. She has been in homeopathic practice for twenty-five years, and has been teaching for twenty. Melissa’s focus has been on women’s health and her passion for homeopathy shines through her work.
This latest book has been years in its conception, pulling together strands to weave into the story of the Matridonal Remedies, part of the Humanum Family: Lac Humanum, Folliculinum, Placental Humana (Welsh), Vernix Caseosa, Amniota Humana, Umbilicus Humanus. Melissa says: As I have worked with these important remedies over the years, I have come to believe that the most profound gift we as humans receive is the sense of self. It is first bestowed in its earthly form in the womb. Could it not therefore be true that when this sense of self is lost, it can be retrieved through the very materials that gave it to us in the first place? These substances are made for the creation of our humanness. It is their sole purpose, as they are discarded as soon as we no longer need them.

Vaccine Free - Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Diseases with Homeopathy (Second edition) - Kate Birch

Vaccine Free - Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Diseases with Homeopathy (Second edition) - Kate Birch


A practical handbook for the homeopathic treatment and prevention of infectious disease. Kate Birch, a mother of two, saw her son fall ill with asthma after being vaccinated. Following the successful homeopathic treatment of her son, she decided to become a homeopath herself and to find alternatives to vaccination.
In this book she provides a clear introduction to the basic principles of homeopathy as well as a comprehensive overview of the known infectious illnesses and their pathogens, the usual vaccinations and treatments, together with the possibilities of homeopathic prophylaxis and therapy. This includes – along with the well-known childhood diseases such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, and scarlet fever – the common infectious diseases such as otitis media, influenza, mononucleosis, and pneumonia, as well as infections such as rabies, tetanus, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. There is also a comprehensive section on sexually transmitted diseases, including herpes, gonorrhoea, syphilis, AIDS, and hepatitis. Tropical diseases such as yellow fever, dengue fever, malaria, and typhoid fever are covered in detail. An extensive section deals with the various forms of homeopathic treatment of fever, and there is also a chapter on the adverse effects of vaccination and their treatment.
It is the first manual of its kind, which not only draws attention to the potential ill effects of vaccinations, but also describes the alternatives in a thorough and easily understandable way. A truly all-inclusive book on a highly topical issue.
Not too many details here but not bare bones either, Kate Birch has found the almost perfect presentation of the necessary information. I really appreciated the practical usefulness of the information provided. We all meet concerned parents who hesitate a lot about what to do about vaccines; this book will give correct and concentrated information. I strongly recommend it to each and every practitioner. – Dr. J. Rozencwajg, Homeopathic Links

390 pages, hardcover

The Lesser Writings of C M F von Boenninghausen - Boenninghausen

The Lesser Writings of C M F von Boenninghausen - Boenninghausen


This book includes presumably all the magazine articles by Boenninghausen, and a few of the smaller of the pamphlets written by him. The translations were made by Prof. L.H. Tafel especially for this book. It has been the pleasure of the editor to collect the articles and in order so to do, all the German and French journals have been examined very carefully. These articles have been translated from the original journals and have been examined very carefully. These articles have been translated from the original journals, and phraseology has been left intact.

It is the hope that the book will be some advantage to those of our school who have not advances so far as to consider Boenninghausen’s opinion behind the times. 

350 pages, paperback

Boericke's New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repetory - 3rd Revised and Augmented Edition, based on the 9th Edition - William Boericke

Boericke's New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repetory - 3rd Revised and Augmented Edition, based on the 9th Edition - William Boericke


This masterpiece of Materia Medica by Dr. William Boericke, is an accurate and a reliable compilation and one of the largest collection of verified facts of materia medica with clinical suggestions. This book contains known and verified characteristic symptoms of all our medicines besides other less important symptoms aiding the selection of the curative remedy. In its present form it contains the maximum number of reliable materia medica facts in the minimum space.
The book has been widely appreciated and praised by homeopathic fraternity for its in-depth analysis, modern terminology, dictionary, footnotes, font print and presentation.

  • Combined Materia Medica and Repertory
  • Section on Rare and Uncommon Remedies has been included appropriately
  • To maintain the high standard, all abbreviations and remedy names have been derived from the ‘Synthesis Repertory’
  • A selection on Mother Tinctures have been added to the book to make the study of the subject complete
  • An index of the drugs, with both common and Latin names, has been introduced in the beginning of the book

William Boericke was born on October 25, 1849 in Austria. He graduated from the Philadelphia Medical College in 1876 and from Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia in 1880. Moving to San Francisco he took over the Boericke and Tafel pharmacy and practiced as a homeopath for over fifty years. He was the editor of the California Homeopath and co-founder of the Pacific Homeopathic Medical College and Hahnemann Hospital in 1881. He was also a member of faculty of the Hahnemann Medical College in San Francisco. In 1901 he authored Boericke’s Materia Medica. On April 1, 1929 he died of a massive heart attack.

1319 pages, hardcover

Indications of Miasm - H Choudhary, 2002 Reprint Edition

Indications of Miasm - H Choudhary, 2002 Reprint Edition


Dr. Choudhury’s treatise on miasms is a very explicitly written in all the aspects with practical suggestions with would help the readers immensely. He described the relationship of miasms with micro-organisms, the correct indication of the particular miasm thereby identifying one from another. He described mixed miasms, vaccinosis, acute miasms, etc., to understand and distinguish them for the purpose of treatment. He has written on the present days’ dreaded diseases like Tuberculosis, Cancer, AIDS, etc. for appropriate understanding from  homeopathic point of view. He has compiled lists of drugs under each miasm for the benefit of readers.  

188 pages, paperback

Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work - Richard Haehl, 2006 Reprint Edition

Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work - Richard Haehl, 2006 Reprint Edition


This book is a thorooughly authentic document depicting all the events of all the events of the life of Hahnemann, the epoch - maker of Medicine; and through that, perpetuating the history of medicine in general and Homeopathy in particular in his lifetime. This book also provides us with the thoroughly dependable life sketches of all the members of the family of the Master together with all his direct disciples and confreres.


443 pages, paperback

The Genius of Homoeopathy - Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy with Word Index - Stuart Close

The Genius of Homoeopathy - Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy with Word Index - Stuart Close


The Genius of Homoeopathy comprise a series of lectures delivered at the New York Homoeopathic Medical College. Close was a student of P.P. Wells and Bernhardt Fincke. This book is one of the clearest statements about the philosophical basis of homeopathic study ever compiled. It is written with extreme clarity. In this new Second Edition, to make the book user friendly, a new font has been used which is bigger in size and is a pleasure to read. We hope this new upgraded book will make the task of students and readers much easier and interesting.
Stuart Close was born on November 24, 1860 in Wisconsin, United States. In 1879 while Close was reading law, his father died and his mother then remarried to one San Francisco’s leading homeopathic practitioners. It was at this point that Dr. Stuart Close though of studying homeopathy and his step father then furnished him with a comprehensive training in Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon. In 1885 he graduated from the Medical College of the Pacific. His career is noted for its exactitude according to Hahnemann’s principles. The dedication and exactness with which Dr. Close pursued Hahnemann’s teachings, won him high praise with the latter’s followers.

348 pages, paperback

Beyond Flat Earth Medicine - An Introduction for Students and Patients - Timothy R Dooley

Beyond Flat Earth Medicine - An Introduction for Students and Patients - Timothy R Dooley


People today are rediscovering homeopathy, yet few understand this individualized approach to health and disease. Dr. Dooley brings over 25 years of training and experience in a wide range of health sciences to this novel introduction to homeopathy – what it is, how it differs, when to use it, what to expect, how to get results.

“Conventional medicine is ‘flat earth’ in that it approaches health problems from the perspective of the disease instead of the patient. Just as the earth appears flat and the sun appears to revolve around the earth, so also it appears that physicians treat patients when treating their diseases. This is not true! AS you will see, it is possible to treat the patient directly, as a whole.”

Dr. Dooley is a graduate of National College of Naturopathic Medicine as well as Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine. He was a co-founder of Grants Pass Naturopathic Clinic in Oregon, medical director of emergency services at Del Puerto Hospital in California, and volunteered with Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team in Mexico and India. He is on the faculty at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and writes a monthly self-care column in Homeopathy Today. He lives with his family in San Diego, California where he practices Homeopathy.

110 pages, paperback

Sea Remedies - Evolution of the Senses - Jo Evans

Sea Remedies - Evolution of the Senses - Jo Evans


“This book offers an invitation: a subtle and simply irresistible one. From myth to neuroscience, from provings to cases, it offers the reader every possible approach. Diving for our antecedents in evolution, we rediscover senses that we have long forgotten. Emerging from the depths of this work, sea remedies cease to be just remedies. Future homeopathic books will be measured against this one.” – Franz Swoboda, MD, Austria. Editor of Documenta Homoeopathica, Homoeopathic Physican.

“This book is the most extensive collection of remedies from the realm of the oceans, and takes homeopathic materia medica to a deeper level of understanding. The author’s sensitivity of perception and ability to extract the vital information from natural science, qualitative science, literature and the homoeopathic knowledge base, comes together in a coherent presentation of sensations and functions, valuable polarities, and common themes of groups and sub-groups. The beautiful design and pictures bring you, like a dive, face to face with the colourful realm of the sea and its remedies.” – Andreas N. Bjorndal, MNHL, Homeopath and Principal of the Norwegian Academy of Natural Medicine, Oslo

“Jo Evans has written a beautifully illustrated and meticulously researched book on the sea remedies that stands to become a classic. Sea Remedies, Evolution of the Senses expands one’s understanding of these valuable remedies by providing a vast amount of empirical data on provings and medical application, as well as stimulating the imagination through an intimate understanding of the substance and its role in mythology.” – Jane Cicchett, RSHom(NA), CCH, Homeopath, international teacher and author of Dreams, Symbols and Homeopathy, publ. North Atlantic books, USA

“Quality homeopathic source books are fundamental to our accuracy as prescribers. Coordinating, compiling, researching and participating in some of the provings that have contributed to this work has been an all consuming labour of love for many years. TO see them so beautifully incorporated into this great body of work by Jo Evans is so personally and professionally satisfying. She has done a fantastic job of bringing these new medicines to life, and to important practical use within the homeopathic community.” – Alastair C Gray, MSc, RSHom, Practitioner of Homeopathic Medicine, Educator and Trainer in Homeopathic, Natural and Integrative Medicine, Australia, New Zealand and internationally

“By telling the story of the senses, the author invites us into the depths of our innermost experience: the origin of life and our emotions…Offers exceptional opportunities for both homeopathic patients and prescribers. A beautiful and phenomenologically meaningful book. – Maurizio Italiano MD, Lecturer in Classical Homeopathy at the WHO Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine, Center for Research in Medical Bioclimatology, Biotechnologies and Natural Medicines, State University of Milan. Scientific Director of Dulcamara, accredited teaching center of the Faculty of Homeopaths (UK), in Genoa, Italy.

657 pages, hardcover

Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica in Family Order (4th Edition, Revised and Enlarged) - Ernest Albert Farrington

Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica in Family Order (4th Edition, Revised and Enlarged) - Ernest Albert Farrington


Homoeopathic literature in a vast treasure which is filled with all kinds of gem-stones and crystals. Though all of these are valuable and precious, some are very popular these days while others have been forgotten by most of us.
Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica (with gist of each lecture) by E.A. Farrington, M.D. is a sincere effort towards the revamping of the old book. Clinical Materia Medica by Farrington is a gem which many popular Homoeopaths use and employ daily to become great Homoeopaths (but like typical Homoeopaths they will not tell others).

Though it is a very nicely written book, it is not as popular as Kent’s Lectures on Materia Medica. In fact unlike Kent's book there are no repetitions and it is very lucid as compared to lectures by Kent.

This new book will be a boon to every aspiring as well as experienced homoeopath who desires to deliver best to the suffering humanity. No tempering has been done with the lectures. Gist has been added as a value-added feature.

Insects - Escaping the Earth - Peter Fraser

Insects - Escaping the Earth - Peter Fraser


The insects are the largest and most important class of the animal kingdom. They are central to all aspects of life on Earth being major forces in both the creation and destruction of life. In spite of this importance they have not yet has a significant role in homeopathy. In the last decade a dozen new insect provings have opened up the remedy pictures and given us an insight into the properties of the group as a whole. The issues of the insects correspond to those of the modern world and modern disease yet they are still little understood and considerably underused.
This is the first study of the known insect remedies and it outlines the features that are common to the whole group and the often subtle distinctions that differentiate between them.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insects are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring.” – Janet Snowdon

60 pages, paperback

Snakes - Drawing Power From the Underworld - Peter Fraser

Snakes - Drawing Power From the Underworld - Peter Fraser


The snake remedies form a vital part of the materia medica. Lachesis is one of the most important of the polychrests but its very importance and prominence has overshadowed the many other snake remedies that are available to us. In many cases where Lachesis, or another of the well known snakes, has some effect a more precise choice of a lesser known snake remedy might have a deeper and more dramatic curative effect.
This book includes a description of the snake remedies in general and of the symptoms that indicate the need for a snake remedy. It also includes a differentiation between the individual snakes, some of which are well known but many of which are new or little understood.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insects are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring.” – Janet Snowdon

60 pages, paperback

Spiders - Suspended Between Earth and Sky - Peter Fraser

Spiders - Suspended Between Earth and Sky - Peter Fraser


There are a large number of spider remedies that have been proved and are now available and it is often difficult to differentiate between them. With the spider remedies the need for extremely precise and careful differentiation seems to be even more important than it is with other remedies. When a spider remedy is called for, those that are not exactly correct will often have very little or no significant effect and only the one that is indicated will be effective.
This book includes an understanding of the general spider picture that will show the need for a spider remedy. It also includes a detailed picture of the known spiders and their distinguishing features which can be used to differentiate between them.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insects are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring.” – Janet Snowdon

60 pages, paperback

Birds - Seeking The Freedom of the Sky - Peter Fraser

Birds - Seeking The Freedom of the Sky - Peter Fraser


The bird remedies have rapidly become a significant part of practice. The general picture of the bird remedy may be relatively clear but the differences between the different species can be subtle and hard to pin down precisely.
This book brings together information on forty different remedies, much f it not readily available elsewhere. It gives a general outline of the features important to birds and how these features are expressed in the bird remedies. It then looks at the individual remedies and details the way that particular issues are important in one remedy and less so in others. It also looks at the emerging relationships between bird families and such things as the relationship between predator and prey.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“Peter brings a fine focus that penetrates the outer veils to reveal the simpler and truer nature of things. This leads to brevity of expression as well as concentration of the material: an aqua vitae from which we may sip and understand. The information given is really useful in practice, helping me to recognize similima. I have been eagerly awaiting this book.” – Misha Norland

211 pages, paperback

Whole Again - The Homeopathic Way of Healing, 13 Amazing Stories – Christa Gebhardt & Jurgen Hansel

Whole Again - The Homeopathic Way of Healing, 13 Amazing Stories – Christa Gebhardt & Jurgen Hansel


This book gives a beautiful introduction and depicts the entire scope of modern homeopathy. It recounts 13 exciting and touching life stories of patients who all share something in common: they were healed by homeopathy of sever, often “incurable” diseases and experienced what this wonderful approach to medicine can bring about – to become “whole again”.
The authors – a sensitive homeopathic physician and his wife, a journalist, with astonishing skill – selected these cases from world-renowned homeopaths such as Rajan Sankaran and Jan Scholten and verifies them independently.
We become acquainted with the Indian executive, who was partially paralyzed byt a herniated disc and was soon able to walk again after a dose of his remedy; or Maria, who was born with a severe handicap but improved dramatically and performed well in school with the help of homeopathy; or a woman from the Netherlands, whose remedy helped her to feel her body again after 30 years of numbness resulting from a severe burn accident.
Yes, sometimes the entire lives of these patients have dramatically changed through homeopathic treatment. The stories are so lively and moving, that one will never forget them. What remains is a feeling that nothing is impossible. This is a book that induces hope.
“One of the most beautiful – maybe the most beautiful book about homeopathy.” – Journal Natur Medizin

224 pages, paperback

Studies of Homeopathic Remedies – Douglas Gibson

Studies of Homeopathic Remedies – Douglas Gibson


Homeopathic remedies come from every part of the world and from all the kingdoms of nature – mineral, vegetable, animal and microbe. They include strong poisons such as arsenic, the venom of deadly snakes and the products of disease, as well as harmless substances like sand and charcoal, and herbs whose healing properties have been handed down through generations and are celebrated in history and legend.
Dr. Douglas Gibson (1888-1977) was a distinguished homeopath who recognized the importance of knowing the materia medica in depth. These studies of remedies, first published in the British Homoeopathic Journal over that period 1963-1977, combine the panorama of each remedy with a faithful description of the mental and physical symptoms it elicits from a sensitive prover. The whole remedy is indeed used to treat the whole patient.
His studies are edited here for publication in book form. They differ from any previously published materia medica in the uniquely wide range of insights that are brought to bear on each remedy. They will be of great practical value, and a source of pleasure and stimulation, to the homeopathic clinician.
Dr. Gibson studied medicine at St Thomas’ Hospital, London, subsequently taking the Edinburgh FRCS. After many years as a medical missionary in China he came to study homeopathy at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, where he became first a Member and then a Fellow of the Faculty of Homoeopathy. Dr Marianne Harling and Dr Brian Kaplan are practising homoeopathic doctors.

537 pages, paperback

Vaccination & Homeoprophylaxis? A Review of Risks and Alternatives – Isaac Golden

Vaccination & Homeoprophylaxis? A Review of Risks and Alternatives – Isaac Golden


The first edition of this book was published in 1989, containing the author’s research using orthodox medical references, as wel as the first results from studying responses from parents whose children used his Homoeoprophylaxis program. Over the years the research program has gorwn, the evidence questioning the long-term safety of vaccination has grown, and significant new data about the safety and effectiveness of Homoeoprophylaxis has been included in the new edition. 

This is the most comprehensive international reference book on this controversial topic, with referenced data substantiating the effectiveness and safety of Homoeoprophylaxis, as well as the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. This permits a scientific comparison of the two methods, something which is not seen in the orthodox literature. It is a book of facts, not supposition.
The author calls for the use of both methods of immunisation to be freely available within the mainstream health-care system, something which would increase national coverage against targeted diseases, at a reduced cost to government, as well as reducing the incidence of vaccine-induced chronic disease; a win-win for all except multinational pharmaceutical companies and their dependents. A book for parents and politicians, as well as practitioners.
Dr Isaac Golden was the first person to be awarded a PhD from a mainstream Australian university for research in a homeopathic topic. The rigorous scrutiny of the data presented in this book can give reader confidence in the rigor and objectivity of the evidence supporting Homoeoprophylaxis, and the balance of the recommendations.

412 pages, paperback

The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure Vol 1 and 2 - Samuel Hahnemann, 2001 Reprint

The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure Vol 1 and 2 - Samuel Hahnemann, 2001 Reprint


Excerpt from Author’s Preface: We have no meas of reaching with our sense or of gaining essential knowledge, as to the process of life in the interior of man, and it is only at times granted us to draw speculative conclusions from what is happening, as to the manner in chich it may have occurred or taken place; but we are unab;le to furnish conculsive proofs of our explanations, from the changes which are observed in the inorganic kingdom; for the changes in living organic subjects have nothing in comone with those taking place in what is inorganic since they take place by processes entirely different. It is, therefore, quite natural that in presenting the Homeopathic Therapeutics I did not venture to explain how the cure of diseasese is effected by operating on the patient with substances possessing the power to excite very similar morbid symptoms in healthy persons. I furnished, indeed, a conjecture about it, but I did not desire to call it an explanation, i.e. a definite explanation incumbent upon us to cure similar symptoms correctly and successfully, according to a law of nature which is being constantly confirmed; but not to boast with abstract explanations, while we leave the patients uncured; for that is all which so-called physicians have hitherto accomplished.

  • In part 1, the basic concepts of “miasms” are discussed
  • In part 2, 48 anti-psoric remedies are discussed
  • Contains the original provings
  • Final court of Materia Medica reference books

1600 pages total between both volumes, harcover

Materia Medica Pura Vol 1 and 2 - Samuel Hahnemann

Materia Medica Pura Vol 1 and 2 - Samuel Hahnemann


The Materia Medica Pura, needs no introduction. It is Dr. Samuel Hahnemann’s magnum opus. It is the source book of all subsequent materia medicas. It contains the original provings conducted by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann on himself and his patients. All the symptoms are given in  the language of the prover. It has an exhaustive symptom list. The study of the Materia Medica Pura is a very important part of the study of homeopathy.
Here, the reader can go back to the origin of the symptom in the prover. Since the language of this book is the language of the prover, there is no scope for nay erroneous interpretations. Everything written by Dr. Hahnemann is of historical importance and the same applies to this book also. It is the first ever recorded materia medica in the world. A wealth of knowledge can be gleaned by it, if one studies it seriously.

709 pages, hardcover

Organon of Medicine 6th Ed - Samuel Hahnemann, 2002 Reprint

Organon of Medicine 6th Ed - Samuel Hahnemann, 2002 Reprint


A combination of 5th edition by Dudgeon (the 1893 revision) with the 6th edition by Boericke. Essentially, one can see the changes that Hahnemann made to the text of the 5th. An appendix outlines all the changes made from the first edtition on.
a valuable study guide. Of all the published editions, this remains the favourite, since it clearly shows the changes in hahneman's thinking as some paragraphs in the fifth edition were modified and others completely rewritten. This edition offers both versions interposed ("This paragraph was completely rewritten in the sixth...")
The combined fifth & sixth edition of Organon presently available in the market was typesetted around 100 years back. The modern reader finds it difficult to read and go through the book. for the past few years we have been constantly requested by our beloved readers to redo this treasure in a manner which is consistent with modern books. To make the book user frienly we have refurnished it. The positive changes we made are as follows:
-A new font has been used which is bigger in size and is a pleasure to read.
-Footnotes which were earlier given at the bottom and spread over different aphorisms were difficult to find and read. In this new book, we have incorpotated them under the appropriate aphorisms at on place. this makes the reading and understanding of Organon more effortless.
-Lastly but ver importantly a word indes of 18 pages has been addes at the end of the book which makes it very easy to find the required portion of the text.

314 pages, paperback

Organon of the Medical Art - Dr Samuel Hahnemann (Translation by Wenda B O'Reilly), 1996

Organon of the Medical Art - Dr Samuel Hahnemann (Translation by Wenda B O'Reilly), 1996


Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the visionary 19th century physician who first developed homeopathic medicine, distilled his philosophy and practice into the Organon of the Medical Art. This definitive new edition clearly presents his revolutionary system of medical care.
“One of the most important books ever written on homeopathy and holistic medicine.” – Andrew Weil, M.D., Author of Natural Health, Natural Medicine
“This philosophical masterpiece by the founder of homeopathy brilliantly covers all aspects of natural health care.” – Miranda Castro, Author of The Complete Homeopathy Handbook
“This superb edition of the Organon enables Hahnemann’s genius to spread beyond the confines of the homeopathic community – to all who are interested in discovering a gentle, safe, and effective method of healing.” – Catherine Coulter, Author of Portraits of Homeopathic Medicine
“Homeopathic medicine is the most radical and effective system of medicine the world has ever known. Although the Organon was written 200 years ago, it is only now, at the dawn of the 21st century, that its true relevance can be appreciated by all.” – Jeremy Sherr, Director, The Dynamis School of Homeopathy
“The Organon of the Medical Art is a must read for anyone who gives or receives medical care.” – Roger Morrison, M.D., Author of Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology

407 pages, paperback

Organon of Medicine - Samuel Hahnemann (Translated by J Kunzli, Alain Naude, and P Pendleton)

Organon of Medicine - Samuel Hahnemann (Translated by J Kunzli, Alain Naude, and P Pendleton)


The First Integral English Translation of The Definitive Sixth Edition of The Orginal Work on Homoeopathic Medicine

In the early 19th century, Samuel Hahnemann, a German medical doctor, discovered that he could profoundly stimulate healing by giving his patients very small amounts of carefully chosen substances. He used these substances to establish the discipline of homeopathy, and he set down its principles in this book, the Organon of Medicine. Now, nearly 200 years later, people are finding in these teachings a powerful weapon against acute and chronic diseases of modern civilization.
“The Organon of Medicine is the most important book in homeopathy. The translation by Künzli, Naudé and Pendleton is the only integral English translation of the final edition of his work. It is brilliantly translated. This book is indispensable. – Daniel Cook, M.D., Journal of the American Institue of Homeopathy
“There is not and cannot be another authentic source for the principles and practice of homeopathy, nor any work that better captures the spirit and force of Hahnemann’s polemic.” – Roger Cooter, Times Literary Supplement
“...this new book is apparently unique in being a direct English translation of the VIth edition...The standard English version has been the Vth edition with additions from the VIth, but this work has been translated directly from the original text of the VIth edition...I would recommend this new translation of the VIth edition to all students of homeopathy, whether just beginning or well advanced in its practice.” – Dr. Andrew Lockie, British Homoeopathic Journal
“The whole presentation makes for easy reading, both o the main paragraphs and the footnotes...The 6th edition of the Organon is thought by many people to represent a climax in Hahnemann’s expression of his understanding of the philosophy relating to homeopathy. This presentation of it is therefore an important and welcome addition to homeopathic literature.” – Anne Clover, MBBS, DPM, FFHom, British Homoeopathic Journal

270 pages, paperback

In Search of the Later Hahnemann - Rima Handley, 1997

In Search of the Later Hahnemann - Rima Handley, 1997


This book is the story of Samuel Hahnemann's practice of homeopathy in Paris during the last years of his life. It is based on his actual casebooks, which up until now have been left substantially unexamined in a German library.

It was to Paris that Hahnemann had moved with his young second wife, Melanie, and here that he completed the second edition of his Chronic Diseases and the final revision of his major theoretical work, the Organon. We see him putting into practice the implications of his thikning on chronic disease, experiementing with some of the new remedies being developed by himself and others, and pushing his conception of the infinitesimal dose to undreamed-of lengths in the LM potency.

The whole range of his Paris patients appear in these pages. Some of the cases are quoted at length - there are successful cures, but we also see him making mistakes, improvising, getting stuck and lost in his cases, yet always trusting in the principles he had himself formulated. We see him as a whole person and witness the process of the learning and making of homeopathy.

Rima Handley taught medieval literature at the universities of London and Newcastle for several years. She subsequently trained and now practices both as a homeopath and a psychotherapist. She was the co-founder of the Northern College of Homeopathic Medicine in Newcastle.


235 pages, paperback

The Homeopathic Physician’s Guide to Lactation – Patricia Hatherly

The Homeopathic Physician’s Guide to Lactation – Patricia Hatherly


Patricia Hatherly, who enjoys the unique perspective of being a Homoeopath as well as a Lactation Consultant, has worked extensively with mothers and babies for 30 years.
During this time she has amassed a wealth of clinical experience in dealing with all manner of clinical issues relating to breasts and lactation.
It is her desire, in the writing of this book, to share some of this knowledge with her colleagues and she attempts to bring some up-to-date perspectives to a subject which, in homeopathic literature, tends to be perceived from an archaic and, occasionally, a somewhat erroneous perspective.
In 2002 Patricia supervised the proving of Lac maternum. Her clinical experience in lactation and birth as well as her extensive work with Lac humanum gives her the ability to differentiate between these two remedies made from human milk, the appropriate milk for Homo sapiens. She gives insight into how these two very important sarcodes complement one another and how they serve to assist all humans to maximise their potential.

278 pages, paperback

The Homeopathic Treatment of Children: Pediatric Constitutional Types – Paul Herscu

The Homeopathic Treatment of Children: Pediatric Constitutional Types – Paul Herscu


`There is at present a great necessity for information on the homeopathic treatment of children. We do not actually have enough literature on the subject apart from Borland`s booklet which is quite good but not sufficient for the needs of our time. I feel that Paul Herscu`s book goes further than any other homeopathic book in giving detailed information which will be very useful to any practitioner who treats children.`` - George Vithoulkas, internationally respected teacher of homeopathy and author of The Science of Homeopathy and Homeopathy: Medicine for the New Man

``I was very impressed with the careful and thorough treatment that Dr. Herscu gives each remedy. This is a book which will be extremely useful for any serious student or practitioner of homeopathy. I will highly recommend your book to all my colleagues and students.`` - Roger Morrison, MD, DHt, Founder and Senior Instructor, Hahnemann College of Homeopathy

``Dr. Herscu`s work is the first modern pediatric materia medica. This book represents a significant step forward in helping the practitioners who treat children to understand the importance of seeing the integration of body and mind, the developmental aspects of each, and their manifestation in health and disease. This book will greatly aid my pediatric practice, for his writings enabled me to see, hear, smell, taste and experience each of the major childhood constitutional types.`` - Richard Solomon MD, Assistant Professor, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Allegheny General Hospital

``This book is a compelling description and impressively practical guide to the use of homeopathic medicines in treating underlying health problems in children. Herscu`s clear and vivid depictions of the constitutional types will help anyone understand children more deeply and help to cure them more completely.`` - Kenneth P. Stoller, MD, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

374 pages, paperback

Homeopathy for Farm and Garden (2nd ed) - Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj, 2011

Homeopathy for Farm and Garden (2nd ed) - Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj, 2011


A pioneering new book on homeopathy for plant diseases. Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj, an experienced homeopath, stumbled by accident upon the homeopathic treatment of plants when he was asked to treat a rust problem in apple trees. The apples had dark red rings on the skin and needed more watering than normal. The symptoms of redness with thirst fitted the remedy Belladonna, which he duly administered. To everyone’s surprise, the rust problem disappeared. What‘s more, the apples the following year tasted noticeably better. For Kaviraj, this was a turning point. In the next twelve years, he undertook intensive research in this area, employing homeopathy for all kinds of plant diseases.
This book focuses on the homeopathic treatment of plants in cases of malnourishment, parasitic and fungal attack, bacterial and viral disease, damage, and weed infestation. Alongside well-known homeopathic remedies such as Calendula for damage during repotting or Calcium phosphoricum for root rot, he also presents less common remedies, such as Hyssopus for bacterial rots and blights, and Mentha viridis for pest control, as well as Ocimum basilicum for tomato diseases and Ricinus communis for pests in viticulture. A profoundly thought-provoking book that could revolutionize the future of farming.

“Homeopathy for plants opens up a whole new and exciting area of exploration that may yield major benefits for agriculture. Who knows the boundaries of homeopathy?”  - Anne Sheptyck, Canada

324 pages, hardcover

Miasms and Nosodes - Origins of Disease – Louis Klein

Miasms and Nosodes - Origins of Disease – Louis Klein


Louis Klein is one of the leading homeopaths worldwide. His latest book on miasms and nosodes is a ground-breaking pioneer work in the field of homeopathy.
On the basis of his broad clinical experience, Louis Klein attributes many known remedies to miasmatic states. A miasmatic state becomes the core idea around which similar remedies are grouped. For example the Tetanus miasm comprises not only Tetanus nosode, but also remedies like Hypericum, Angustura, Helodrilus, Tellurium. It is clinically linked also with titanic syndromes, spasms or even convulsions. This new classification of miasmatic remedies is highly practical and opens a new chapter in homeopathy, demystifying and redefining the existing miasms, while adding several important new ones. It also introduces new remedies like Johneinum and Helodrilus, which he has proved extensively. So Louis Klein’s work on miasms and nosodes is indeed a homeopathic milestone.
In this first volume Louis Klein presents in-depth information on Burkholderiales including the Pertussis miasm; Clostridiales including the Tetanus miasm; Corynebacteria including the Diptheria miasm; Mycobacteria including the Tubercular and Leprosy miasms, plus the newly proven remedy Johneinum, linked to the Crohn’s disease miasm; Enterobacteriales including the Bach Bowel Nosodes, the Typhoid and Yersinia miasms; and Parasitic Protozoa and Parasitic miasms including the Malarial and Toxoplasmosis miasms.
All this practical information is illustrated throughout with excellent case examples from two decades of homeopathic practice, which speak for themselves. This book is in a class of its own. As Rajan Sankaran is known for plant remedies and Jan Scholten for the periodic table, Louis Klein will be known for miasms and nosodes.
“Nosodes have the aspect of being vague, not precisely defined. Lou Klein has the capacity to work with this vagueness very effectively. He knows how to extract the essence of the remedy from provings, from natural history and especially from patients. He is able to make the vague more exact. This book is the first to do this successfully in homeopathy. I see this book as a must for every homeopath.” – Jan Scholten

526 pages, Hardcover

Butterflies - An innovative guide to the use of butterfly remedies in homeopathy – Patricia Le Roux

Butterflies - An innovative guide to the use of butterfly remedies in homeopathy – Patricia Le Roux


The well-known French paediatrician Patricia Le Roux ventures in this book to the virtually unknown territory of butterfly remedies in homeopathy. She has found these remedies particularly useful among hyperactive (ADHD) children who are lively, agitated, restless and mercurial. In these “butterfly children”, there is often a strong feeling of being abandoned, especially by their father or mother, which is experienced as a loss of imposed authority and safe boundaries.
Butterfly remedies also have a common theme of metamorphosis – the desire to dress up. They enjoy masks and are confused about their own identity. The author has found these remedies very effective too in various skin problems, such as urticaria or eczema.
The book contains provings, cases and concise essences of 13 butterfly and moth remedies: The California Sister, The Tailed Jay, The Lilac Beauty, The Processional Caterpillar, The Brown Tail Moth, The Brimstone, The Death’s Head Hawkmoth, The Blue Morpho, The European Peacock, The Marsh Fritillary, The Cabbage White, The Small Tortoiseshell and The Fox Moth.  These different remedies are clearly differentiated and vividly described, paving the way for exciting new prescribing possibilities.
“A wonderful small book by one of our best homeopathic explporers. I learned a lot – and now see people who need butterflies everywhere! Highly recommended.” – David Kent Warkentin
“Patricia Le Roux has again produced a very fine book. The pictures of the butterflies are very lively and portray the essence.” – Jan Scholten

138 pages, hardcover, full colour

Metals in Homeopathy – Patricia Le Roux

Metals in Homeopathy – Patricia Le Roux


Core essences and paediatric cases for all the elements of the Iron, Silver and Gold series. The theory of elements is becoming increasingly popular in homeopathy. Patricia Le Roux, an experienced paediatrician from Marseille, demonstrates for the first time the use of this theory in the treatment of children.
The popular author describes with uncompromising clarity and simplicity all the remedies of the Iron, Silver and Gold series. She presents each remedy with an impressive case history, followed by an essence for each, as well as the remedy’s key symptoms.
The case descriptions range from infections, eczema, asthma, glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis and anaemia, all the way through to learning difficulties, developmental delays, depression and anorexia.
The book’s simple, almost abstract style convincingly conveys a sense that the author ‘lives’ these remedies and one sees how she prescribes with ease and accuracy. After reading this book, one is left eager to apply the methods in one’s own practice. The book really is “worth its weight in gold.”
“Patricia Le Roux is very good at looking for and finding the essence, in her patients and in the remedies. She has a great talent for incorporating the new theories in homeopathy and elaborating on them. And she has a great talent for successfully applying those theories to her patients.
Add to that her ability to write down her experiences in a precise and clear way and you will be convinced that this book is well worth having.” – Jan Scholten

386 pages, hardcover

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms of Materia Medica – Adolph Von Lippe

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms of Materia Medica – Adolph Von Lippe


We all know that reading and memorizing the Materia Medica is a must for homeopathic practice but how often we are able to do that, not always!
So as to make Materia Medica simple and easily referable Lippe here presents a compiled book on keynotes of homeopathic drugs. Infact, these are the symptoms we need to be abreast with to have successful prescription and hence successful results. The author also puts beyond the red line, the chains of more symptoms leading to correct diagnoses, in a particular characteristic combination.
There is also a mention of the modalities and relationship to make our study more complete and easy to analyse.
Adolphe Lippe (1812-1888) was a one of the first graduates of homeopathy in America. Lippe taught alongside Constantine Hering at the Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and wrote several very influential books which are still standard textbooks today for modern homeopaths. Lippe also translated many important homeopathic texts, thus enriching American homeopathy. Lippe was a founding member of the International Hahnemannian Association and he was a colleague of James Tyler Kent, Henry Newell Guernesy, Carroll Dunham and many other famous homeopaths. His pioneering contributions will always be remembered.

275 pages, hardcover

Homeopathy for Plants - Christiane Maute

Homeopathy for Plants - Christiane Maute


A practical guide for indoor, balcony and garden plants with tips on dosage, use and choice of potency


A handy guide to the most common plant diseases, pests and damage with information on how to treat them homeopathically. Christiane Maute is a pioneer in this field, who started treating the useful and ornamental plants in her garden with homeopathy ten years ago.


The way in which plants react to homeopathic treatment is in many cases astonishing. Ms. Maute gives the main homeopathic remedies for all the most common diseases, such as leaf spot on roses, tomato blight, fire blight on fruit trees, aphids, leaf curl, cancer, mildew, fruit rot and sooty mould, along with problems like slug infestation and weak growth.


Treatments for the consequences of frost and hail damage, exposure to excess damp, heat and sunlight, as well as ‘wounds’ inflicted when pruning or repotting are also explained clearly,  so that any amateur gardener can use them.


Useful illustrations and brief notes are supplied for most of the diseases discussed, enabling even the novice to recognize the ailment at a glance and easily find the right remedy. The dosage and treatment method are described in detail. The book is rounded off by a short, clear materia medica giving information on each remedy.


A guide particularly suitable for amateur gardeners which is easy to follow and will quickly turn even ‘non-homeopaths’ into enthusiastic users.


158 pages, hardcover, full colour


The Synergy In Homoeopathy - An Integrated Approach to Case Taking and Analysis - Rajan Sankaran

The Synergy In Homoeopathy - An Integrated Approach to Case Taking and Analysis - Rajan Sankaran


Foreword by Dr. Jürgen Hansel  


Traditional Classical Homoeopathy, with symptoms, rubrics and keynotes has stood the test of time. Introduction of newer, more contemporary ideas of kingdom, levels, miasms and sensation have brought Homoeopathy into a new paradigm. Never before has the connection between the patient and the remedy source been as clear.


These contemporary ideas have become very popular and have led to many successful cases. However, enamoured by success with this method, a whole new generation have started using it as a shortcut, and have sometimes neglected traditional knowledge. The profession became split, with conventional and contemporary homoeopathy sharply divided.


The originator of the Sensation Method, Dr. Rajan Sankaran, has always maintained that symptoms and system are two sides of same coin and that success results from an integrated approach. It is like using both the left and right sides of the brain; both the factual and conceptual aspects of the patient and remedy have to be seen together.


The knowledge and understanding found in old masters like C. M. Boger is now explained in detail in this book. Through illustrative cases, Rajan Sankaran demonstrates the secret of success with the integrated approach. Through a seamless blending of the old and new, the symptom and system, conventional and contemporary, the results are proof of a quantum leap in homoeopathic practice.


315 pages, hardcover

A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica - Boger

A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica - Boger


A classic by Boger, in which he continues the work of Boenninghausen. This compact book contains both a comprehensive materia medica and a complete repertory, all in less than 600 pages. Boger's aim was to restrict the remedy pictures to the essential, at the same time forming a synopsis between materia medica and repertory. The book covers a total of 323 remedies with their characteristic symptoms and chief effects. The entry for each remedy starts with the organotrophic relationships and modalities, followed by a selection of the most important symptoms.

The publisher:
The Synoptic key of Materia Medica is indeed the key that a student or a practioner needs to unlock the right remedy in each case.
In our " Rearranged & Augemented" edition you will find:
- A snap shot description of more than 400 drugs.
- A detailed and exhaustive repertory including sections on Time Modalities, General Modalities and Generalities.
-Index of remedies with latest accepted abbreviations.
If correct prescription be an art, the book will most definitely prove to be the Artist's favorite tools.

"The Synopsis is intended to make clear the general expression or genius of each remedy..."
C.M. Boger

Homeopathic Types- Frans Kusse

Homeopathic Types- Frans Kusse


After the great success of his work Children's Types, we are pleased to announce Dr. Frans Kusse's book of adult types. He has an uncanny ability to portray homeopathic types in a lively and straightforward manner such that we can see them in our mind's eye – and so recognize them more easily in practice. He focuses on the psychological characteristics.

A total of 60 of the most important homeopathic types are described in this book. Together with well-known remedies such as Aurum, Pulsatilla, or Staphisagria, there are also descriptions of seldom remedies such as Lithium or Lac delphinum, which are increasingly used nowadays.

To give the types a vivid pictorial quality, 28 remedy descriptions are supplemented with 60 reliable photographic portraits by Dr. Hellmuth Beuchelt. Together with the finely judged descriptions, the result is a unique insight into the most important remedies.

“Homeopathy is now over 200 years old. To begin with, diseases and symptoms were described. In recent decades, we have discovered other and more profound aspects of homeopathic remedies.
Vithoulkas described the essences of the remedies. Think of the open Phosphorus type who can easily get to know people, and is sympathetic to the feelings of others. The next step of this development was to ask ourselves the question “why?” Why is the Phosphorus type so sympathetic? It turns out that behind this behavior there is a fear of losing contact with others, so the person ends up all alone in the world. 
Homeopathic literature has not kept pace with the developments of the last few decades. The old works just describe complaints and constitutions. Frans Kusse has filled this gap. In this book, we can find descriptions of homeopathic remedies that reflect the current state of knowledge. 
Frans Kusse writes grippingly and with refreshing clarity. He has always been keen to spread his knowledge of homeopathy widely. And this is exactly what he has achieved here – after we have read this work, his portraits will remain engraved in our memory. I can recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the current developments in homeopathy.”
From the foreword by Jan Scholten

The Solution - Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative - Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott

The Solution - Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative - Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott


A parent's Guide to Educating Your Child's Immune System

Are you questioning the wisdom of current vaccine recommendations?

Does something in your gut tell you that the conventional vaccine schedule is not right for your child? Have you asked your doctor about alternatives to vaccines but are still waiting for clear answers?

Look no further for answers to how you can protect your child from infectious contagious disease in a safe and effective way with homeoprophylaxis (HP). You can stop worrying about mercury, chemical additives, or the fear of vaccine damage. Here's a tear-free method explained.

Learn how to support your child's developing immune system while understanding the importance of childhood disease and appropriate immune system function. Get to know bacteria and viruses for what they really are and the deeper meaning of fever.

Find straightforward answers to your questions baout what is hidden in vaccines, what they do to the immune system, and what this "herd immunity" is really all about. Contrast the confusing messages about vaccination coming from every direction with clear and concise facts, a fifteen-year study, and ongoing cilnical evidence supporting HP. Finally, a natural answer to a difficult dilemma!

Within you will find more on:

  • What is Infectious Disease?
  • How the Immune System works
  • Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative
  • Questions and Answers
  • Clinical findings
  • Discussion on vaccination
  • Access to Homeoprophylaxis
  • Quick guide to Homeopathic treatment of infectious disease


108 pages, soft cover, full colour

Boenninghausen's Repertory-C.M. Boger

Boenninghausen's Repertory-C.M. Boger


The publisher:

Dr. Boger was the best disciple of Dr. Boenninghausen & he proved this by making one of the greatest text on Homeopathic literature i.e. Boger's Boenninghausen Characteristics & Repertory.

All those who criticized Boenninghausen's work for no differentiation between general and particular modalities, got an answer for it in this repertory. The plan of this book was based on "Repertory of the Antipsorics", which has modalities for each part given at end of concerned section of repertory as well as a section devoted to general modalities at end of book. 

This edition has the advantage over all others for being most accurate of them all. It has been checked by Dr. DP. Rastogi & Dr. V.D. Sharma, who have corrected more than 100 errors in the abbreviations of name of drugs used in the repertory.

In this edition, both Characteristics (Materia Medica) and Repertory have been combined and the size which was originally cumbersome to handle has been made handy to use.

Dr. C.M. Boger, graduated from the Philadelphia College of Medicine. During his long career in medical practice and research, Dr. Boger contributed important scientific textbooks including the Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica in addition to his authorship of a number of articles for medical journals.

His authorship of several scientific textbooks, his analysis and construction of a Repertory, his lively translation of several medical books and his indefatigable labor for the production of original works, like The Times of the Remedies and Moon Phases' and his provings of'Samarskite' made him universally recognized as an author and physician of great eminence.

Spider and Scorpion Remedies in Homeopathy - Jonathan Hardy

Spider and Scorpion Remedies in Homeopathy - Jonathan Hardy


Often mistrusted, sometimes loathed, these creeping, crawling creatures are among the most distinctive Animal remedies in the homeopathic materia medica. Exploiting his zoological background and extensive clinical experience, Jonathan Hardy offers a vivid and enticing portrait of the Arachnid Group and its members, for both adults and children.

General themes, extracted from provings, case and repertories, are presented for the Arachnids overall, and there are clear differentiations for Spiders and Scorpions old and new. Typical physical pathology includes neurobehavioural  and eating disorders, chronic fatigue and extremity symptoms. 

These main strands are skilfully interwoven with information on miasms and specific biological features, offering choice morsels for individual remedies. We learn, for example, that size and self-confidence are central issues for the passive species Aranea diadema, whose much smaller male risks being eaten during mating.  Aranea ixobola has the greatest anxiety regarding family members, and may suffer from psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis; while concerns over safety loom particularly large for Tegenaria atrica.

The analysis is supported throughout by colour photos and nearly twenty case histories, completing  a fine web of interconnected material and shedding valuable light on this corner of the Animal Kingdom.

208 pages, hardcover

Homeopathic Mind Maps - Remedies of the Plant Kingdom - Alicia Lee

Homeopathic Mind Maps - Remedies of the Plant Kingdom - Alicia Lee


As the practice of homeopathy evolves the methods of case-taking, research, and analysis become simultaneously more simplified and increasingly more sophisticated.  Homeopaths need new ways of viewing the remedies, a linear model is no longer solely sufficient and an additional new integrated model is now imperative.

Mind maps are a multi-dimensional concept, which allow the homeopath to view the remedy in a holistic and visual form. Alicia Lee has created her mind maps using the key group analysis concepts of Rajan Sankaran and 
Jan Scholten in a unique structure allowing the picture to unfold in an intuitive, logical and natural manner. This gives us an alternative to the previous form of definition, with the old familiar pictures to which we are accustomed, and allows for key concepts to be highlighted and primary symptoms to arise from a central scaffold and unfold in a cascade.

This form also allows a full view to be seen at a glance and the relationship of symptoms to emerge in an engaging and easily assimilated way.

Images also assist us to give texture, tone, emotion, sensation and energy to the remedy picture and photographs are a simple and effective way of achieving this. The Images on these mind maps are vibrant and powerful and assist in bringing the mind maps to life.

Presented in three volumes - Remedies of the Animal Kingdom, Remedies of the Mineral Kingdom and Remedies of the Plant Kingdom - 'Homeopathic Mind Maps' are an inspired and valuable new resource for homeopaths to use in their everyday practice.


176 pages, paperback

From Similia to Synergy - The Evolution of Homeopathy - Rajan Sankaran

From Similia to Synergy - The Evolution of Homeopathy - Rajan Sankaran


From Similia to Synergy guides the reader through the full spectrum of homœopathic knowledge. Dr Sankaran demonstrates integration with actual case studies. Case-taking discourses have been transcribed and parsed to allow the reader to understand Sankaran’s thought processes. This has been an evolutionary process, described through his various publications spanning The Spirit of Homœopathy to The Synergy in Homoeopathy.

This is a book that will help you produce solid and definite successful results in practice.

474 pages, hardcover (includes 2 DVDs)

Lisa and the Mystery of the Little White Globules- Wichmann

Lisa and the Mystery of the Little White Globules- Wichmann


What exactly is homoeopathy and how does it work? 
Patients of all ages, who have experienced help through this healing method, would like to have these questions answered. – There are many volumes of literature available to the grown ups among them to find information and form their own opinion.
Yet it is difficult to find any material on homoeopathy suitable for children. This book, specifically written for children of primary school age, tries to do this with the help of a little story. This booklet contains many vivid pictures and can either be read to the children, or by the children themselves. 
It answers the most important questions about homoeopathy in an understandable and appropriate way.

"The story is light in tone, but covers many areas, showing that homeopathy can work on animals as easily as on humans. In a disarmingly simple sentence the homeopathic globules are likened to “little memory cards in a computer. They store what healing properties there are in a plant. And our body is able to read it.” This is Lisa’s insight. She later goes on to unravel the mystery of how the remedies are made, and starts her own research project, with Fiona."

How Aphorism 27 Changed the World- Bentley

How Aphorism 27 Changed the World- Bentley


The Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann contains a treasure of information about every aspect of homeopathy, including Hahnemann's views on best practice and how homeopathy works.

Grant Bentley examines aspects of The Organon in reference to contemporary practice, with focus on its place in relation to scientific thought and universal principles. Through examining natural laws, the author highlights the important strengths of the foundations of homeopathy, while also indicating some aspects of Hahnemannian thinking that are open to new interpretation, in the light of a further 200 years of practice.

Building upon the author's clinical use of natural law in determining miasmatic dominance, How Aphorism 27 Changed The World is an important addition to the homeopathic library.

Grant Bentley has written three other homeopathic books -Appearance and Circumstance, Homeopathic Facial Analysis and Soul & Survival. His methodology Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) is practiced around the world. Grant is a homeopathic practitioner, teacher and scholar, and is currently the principal lecturer of the Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy in Melbourne, Australia.

Homeopathy in Healthcare - Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Cost - Bornhoft, Matthiessen

Homeopathy in Healthcare - Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Cost - Bornhoft, Matthiessen


This volume includes the full Health Technology Assessment (HTA) report on effectiveness, appropriateness, safety and costs of homoeopathy in health care. The report was commissioned by the Swiss health authorities to inform decision-making on the further inclusion of homoeopathy in the list of services covered by statutory health insurance. Other studies carried out as part of the Swiss Complementary Medicine Evaluation Programme (PEK) caused a massive stir due to their schematic and exclusively quantitative (negative-)outcomes for homoeopathy.
The present report, in contrast, offers a differentiated evaluation of the practice of homoeopathy in health care. It confirms homoeopathy as a valuable addition to the conventional medical landscape - a status it has been holding for a long time in practical health care.

Sense Provings - Jan Scholten

Sense Provings - Jan Scholten


This book is a companion to Wonderful Plants. It presents the results of about 200 provings performed in the course of many years. They form part of the base on which the plant theory has been been build. Many plants from families little known or unknown in homeopathy are giving their pictures in these provings. A wealth of information.

A theory of provings gives an insight into the several formats of provings, their value, strength, weakness and essence.



Companion of Wonderful Plants
This book is a companion of the book "Wonderful Plants", where the Plant theory is described. My original idea was to publish the proving in this book in the Wonderful plant book. But gradually that gave more problems. The proving take up much space and Wonderful Plants would have become thicker and heavier. A second objection is that the provings, especially the long ones like the picture proving disrupt the flow of the Wonderful plant book. Therefore I decided to place the proving in a separate book., the book Sense proving. It is meant as a reference book for further study.

Orchids in Homeopathy - Louis Klein

Orchids in Homeopathy - Louis Klein


Orchids are one of the largest and most fascinating plant families in the world. In spite of that, they have been poorly represented in homeopathy.

Renowned homeopath Louis Klein has produced a comprehensive and trail-blazing guide to this compelling plant family. He initiated ‘The Orchid Project’ to encourage study, sowing seeds which have grown into the extensive provings, materia medica and clinical data offered here.

The material combines a wealth of background information, analysis and intuitive insights to identify key themes for the Orchidaceae family. These include a conflict between spirituality and materialism with a strong sexuality and search for perfectionism.

They have proven to be powerful remedies in children with ADHD, dyslexia, speech difficulties and other learning disorders. Orchid remedies are increasingly needed in the “new child” that is overly adapted to technology and affected by it, leading to disorders of the autism-spectrum and Asperger’s. There are physical affinities for sexual organs, feet and body orifices, with prominent neurological symptoms, as well as fungal infections and allergies. 

Detailed, nuanced portraits are offered for over thirty individual Orchid remedies like Vanilla planifolia and Cypripedium pubescens as well as many new remedies. Their lesser-known ‘dark side’ is fully explored, along with a host of other new perspectives, such as relationships to Fungal and Animal groups.

Louis Klein has the rare ability to transform the knowledge of provings into clear essences, thus helping homeopaths include this important remedy group in their daily prescriptions.

"Louis Klein's "Orchids in Homeopathy" is the result of his extensive research into this fascinating family of plants; these plants have long been the prized objects of voracious collectors in many cultures. Via historical data and a series of provings, he has found that these remedies relate to a conflict between spirituality and materialism, with a strong sexuality and a search for perfection. His cases reveal the usefulness of these remedies in those with learning difficulties such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's and dyslexia, areas where we homeopaths often struggle to find matching remedies. There is also a strong affinity with the sexual organs, neurological complaints, fungal infections and allergies.With its well-defined descriptions and accurate analyses, the link between theory and practice is made clear and applicable."  Deborah Collins

"Lou Klein's gifts of clear elucidation and clinical insights shine through in his new book, "Orchids in Homeopathy".  Fascinating are themes of sensuality and joy juxtaposed with darker themes such as war and death brought out by the orchids' relationship with fungi.  Insights into contemporary miasmatic families and periodic stages consolidate an archetypal understanding of the orchid remedies.  This groundbreaking book presents over thirty-five colorful and concise remedy pictures as well as six Hahnemannian proving" Kellie Kirkpatrick  Lic.Ac, HMC

"Lou Klein has created a wonderful summary of the themes seen in orchid remedies and related that to how and where they grow. The more detailed materia medica information on individual remedies will be a great resource and if you add to this the beautiful presentation of the book, the entire volume feels like a great gift to the homeopathic community.  Thank you for all the work" Judith Mapleson HMC


529 pages, hardcover

Wonderful Plants - Scholten

Wonderful Plants - Scholten


After many years of intensive research, Jan Scholten’s long-awaited book on the taxonomy of plants, Wonderful Plants, is now available in English. Jan Scholten’s previous works on the systematic classification of the elements of the periodic table as homeopathic remedies was the greatest breakthrough of the last ten years in homeopathy. His discoveries have been confirmed in thousands of successful cases. Yet, the main thrust of Jan Scholten’s research is not the Mineral but the Plant kingdom. This can easily be seen in the thoroughness and precision of the information offered in his monumental new work.

The same natural laws that can be seen in the series and stages of the periodic table also underlie the taxonomic system of the enormously varied plant families. The path to the required remedy is not as easy to recognize as with the mineral elements – indeed, it is still evolving! One of the timeless values of this work lies in the essences of the plant families.

See also Sense Provings - a companion book to Wonderful Plants - it presents the results of about 200 provings

„To present us the complete pictures of specific plants, families and orders in such a logic and detailed taxonomic system, fitting the problems of our time, is therefore truly a ‘Work’. A more complete and living Materia Medica of the Plant kingdom has never been created before and it could well be The Book of the future of homeopathy.“

Quick Book of Minerals and Animals - Bhawisha Joshi & Shachindra Joshi

Quick Book of Minerals and Animals - Bhawisha Joshi & Shachindra Joshi


This is a concise compilation of the work represented by the Joshi's in their seminars and lectures around the globe.

It comprises - a comparative materia medica in a crisp table format, an overview of the minerals in the periodic table, miasms and their comparison and a comparative chart to differentiate the basic traits of smaller groups like fungi, bacteria, sarcodes and nosodes. 

The highlight of this book is the Joshi's most recent development - a new dimenson in homeopathy called 'Mapping Personalities'. This entails comparing different human personalities to different animal types. 

The Joshi's have also done some ground-breaking work, as a by-product of 'Mapping Personalities', comparing animal remedies with mineral remedies.

This work has already been of great help to homeopaths around the globe in solving their difficult and unsolved cases. 

We antiicpate that this book will help you too!

79 pages, soft cover

The New World Veterinary Repertory - Richard Pitcairn & Wendy Jensen

The New World Veterinary Repertory - Richard Pitcairn & Wendy Jensen


A modern homeopathic repertory adapted for animal patients, based on Boger-Boenninghausen's Repertory, with valuable additions from Kent and many others.

The very first repertory designed exclusively for veterinary use. Of the more than 110 repertories published over the last two centuries*, this is the first that has been carefully constructed to be of special application to veterinary practice. Until now, veterinarians practicing the homeopathy of Hahnemann have used the repertories designed for human beings – Kent's, Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocketbook, Boger edition of Boenninghausen's repertory, The Synthetic Repertory, etc. These are excellent repertories for human use but can be a challenge to veterinarians for two reasons.
1. They contain large amounts of information, such as sensations, types of pains, and specific locations, that only humans can communicate.
2. Some of the most common non-human conditions are either minimally presented or completely absent from existing repertories.

Veterinarians Richard Pitcairn and Wendy Jensen, together with over 55 years' experience in exclusively homeopathic practices, bring their knowledge of animal conditions and the correspondingly most applicable rubrics to this unparalleled reference work. The Boenninghausen repertory, edited by Boger, was the foundation for the work because of its emphasis on physical conditions and its skillful use of modalities and concomitants that are so necessary in veterinary work. After editing out the non-applicable material, rubrics especially helpful in animal cases were added or enlarged – primarily from Kent's repertory, but also from other sources including Jahr, Boger, Allen, Hering and Boericke. Extensive cross references were also added to make the discovery of the most similar rubric much easier than ever before.

This work, the first of its type, will greatly enhance every homeopathic veterinarian's satisfaction and success in practice.

* Source: Robin Murphy. "Designing A New Repertory", The Journal of The Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, Fall 1993, Vol. VI, No. 3, page 22.

"I have been using the New World Repertory on a daily basis. Modeled after the Boenninghausen repertory, the NWR is similarly focused on physical symptoms, with the addition of rubrics specific to animal problems. Initially I thought it would just be applicable to my animal patients but have found it to be more concise and less bulky then many repertories, making it my first choice when initially repertorizing a case, be it animal or human. This repertory is a must for anyone who treats animals with homeopathy!" 
Julie Matthews, DVM,CVA,CVH , York Maine

"I refer to your new repertory daily in my busy practice, and it has become my default reference when solving cases. Thanks to Richard and Wendy for all the labor involved in producing this great and useful tool for us to apply in practice."

Dr Todd Cooney DVM, CVH , Certified Veterinary Homeopath, Kokomo 

"The NWVR has been invaluable in my homeopathic veterinary casework for both acute and chronic prescribing. This repertory is tailored for veterinary use by including applicable descriptive rubrics for symptoms we'd most likely see in our animal patients. Another helpful tool are the extensive cross references and inclusion of concomitants that can help refine an obscure symptom."

 Marybeth Minter, DVM , Sedona


How often is there something really new brought out? There is now! For the very first time there is a repertory that has been carefully edited specifically for veterinary use. Dr. Wendy Jensen and Dr. Richard Pitcairn, together with 55 years of practical experience using homeopathy exclusively in the treatment of animals, have made a reference work you must have on your shelf.

Using the Boger-Boenninghausen repertory as a foundation, because this repertory is the most applicable to animal work, careful editing and additions from Kent's repertory and other sources have honed a tool both practical and very effective to use in practice.
The repertory was constructed in several stages. The first step was to remove all rubrics which could not be applied to animal patients, such as those relating to sensations or inner mental activities such as dreams and delusions. Then useful rubrics were added from Kent, Jahr, Boger, and Schwartz's Wound Repertory. Oftentimes Kent contained similar rubrics but had many more remedies, so these were added to the rubrics in Boenninghausen. The next step was to change the language to reflect quadruped anatomy, such as replacing ankle with hock and wrist with carpus. Finally, the cross references, which suggest rubrics with similar meanings, were greatly expanded, so that the busy practitioner could at a glance find the rubric with the best fit for the patient at hand.

738 pages, hard cover

The Last Series - Margriet Plouvier-Suijs

The Last Series - Margriet Plouvier-Suijs


Actinium, Uranium, Plutonium and others

The actinides, when transformed into homeopathic potencies, are remedies of our times, where life seems to be speeding up and old established systems are falling apart. Being at the far end of the periodic table, with the inherent tendency to decay, the Actinides correspond to the approach of death, the release of the physical state, the transition from the material realm into the realm of energy.

The states requiring Actinide remedies are powerfully charged. Actinides' patients can feel fragile and unstable, in a continuous state of chaos and threatened disintegration. Physically, there can be severe pathologies or malformations, often genetic. The person may feel like they are living in a wasteland, between life and death, as might in fact be the case.

In this book, Margriet Plouvier-Suijs shares with us her extensive experience of the Actinide remedies. She has learned to recognise these states not only in their severe forms, but in their subtle earlier manifestations as well, so that we can learn to prescribe these remedies before someone becomes so disastrously ill. She has included cases from other colleagues as well, broadening our knowledge and experience of these remedies. I most sincerely hope that this book will help us to utilise not only the more familiar Actinide remedies, but to venture out and learn to apply the full spectrum of Actinides in our practices.
from the Foreword by Deborah Collins

Radioactive elements can destroy white blood cells, and it takes a similar energy to cure this affliction.
This dark side cannot be ignored any longer. Pandora's box has been opened so that our only option is to enter fully, to discover the light at the end of this dark tunnel.
Jeremy Sherr

236 pages, hard cover

Classical Homeopathy - Evidence Based Medicine - Erik van Woensel

Classical Homeopathy - Evidence Based Medicine - Erik van Woensel


Case studies - Long term treatment - Theory

What this book has to offer you
• Clear instructions about how to analyse the information coming from the homeopathic consultation and how to synthesize this outcome into a homeopathic prescription
• Insight in how to make a prognosis, considering:
• what has to be treated as to pathology,
• what the condition of the defence mechanism is and the patient's level of health,
• possible causative and disease-maintaining factors,
• the patient's personal and family medical history,
• the patient's functioning as a human being: mentally, emotionally and socially,
• the clearness of the remedy pattern.
• Information that enables you to better estimate the duration and complexity of the treatment.
• The ability to judge the symptoms presented in the case as to their peculiarity and how to find the distinctive characteristic symptoms of the case.
• A well-structured schedule about the different strategies that can be used to arrive at a homeopathic prescription, enabling you to choose the right strategy in order to make the correct prescription.
• Knowledge how to differentiate the appropriate remedies and select the most similar one.
• Guidelines along which you can select the right potency to start the treatment with.
• Practical tips helping you to correctly evaluate the reaction to the prescribed remedy.
Fifty-one cases, with a long-term treatment up to more than twenty years, to practise your knowledge on prognosis, case analysis, materia medica, potency selection and evaluation of the case.

378 pages, hard cover

About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot

About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot


Here you see the result of a great and thorough work: an important book in homeopathy’s growth to maturity.

Margriet Plouvier has created an extremely workable overview of the functioning of different potencies by systematically and logically arranging her observations of the therapeutic effect after prescriptions. This is a great support when we try to choose the appropriate potency for a case.There are many theories about the use of the best potency, but until now it is more tradition and conviction that are determinative instead of systematic research. Being the pharmacist of a homeopathic pharmacy, I see many recipes every day; so I have an overview of many prescriptions. I also have knowledge of clinical and fundamental research in homeopathy: this research doesn’t show any useful difference of result between D, C, K, or LM potencies.Very little study has been done into the exact differences in functioning between the several potency-systems. It is impossible to have a preference based on clinical and fundamental research. Nevertheless I notice that doctors and therapist have their strong personal preferences. This book shows the corresponding effect of potencies from different potency- systems.

The question is: what is most important? Is the difference in effect of the several potencies secondary to the choice of the simillimum in the potency appropriate to the case?

Concordant Reference 2nd ed- Vermeulen

Concordant Reference 2nd ed- Vermeulen


The world's best single-volume materia medica has been completely revised and updated - for instance, Vermeulen's Concordant Reference now includes ALL of Boericke's remedies precisely indexed and easy to find.

Those who are already familiar with Vermeulen's original Concordant Materia Medica will find the familiar layout of sections, symptom divisions and categories in this new Concordant Reference.

Professional homeopathic practice without the Concordant Reference is inconceivable.


Concordant Reference, published November 2011

   - 1209 remedies in one book!
    - An additional 362 remedies from the classical materia medicas
    - Expanded Sensation, Mind and Dream sections
    - Family Information on Plants, Animals, Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses
    - Chemical Formulas for Mineral and Organic Compounds
    - Standardized Nomenclature with latin names, common names and family groupings
    - Corrected source material information from the author's research
    - Remedies described separately that had been combined in the classical literature
    - More proving symptoms to complement the clinical focus of the previous versions
    - Organized in Boericke's scheme but including material from ten classical authors

Do you, like so many homeopaths, spend your days in and out of Frans Vermeulen's books? If so, then you know that Vermeulen's materia medicas are the most comprehensive single-volume references available. The original Concordant met with instant success on its publication 17 years ago. Now, for the first time in 14 years, this information has been completely revised, expanded and updated.

Concordant Reference represents an extensive sifting and culling of the classical homeopathic materia medica. Remedy source information has been corrected from the original texts. Previously combined remedies, like Rhus toxicodendron and Rhus radicans, have been distinguished and listed separately. More proving symptoms have been included from T.F. Allen's Encyclopedia to complement the mostly clinical information from Hering.

Our lesser known remedies benefit most from Vermeulen's work on Concordant Reference. In particular, dozens of substances previously hidden in the "relationship" sections of Boericke's Pocket Manual have been either indexed or separated into their own listings. Experience shows that small or previously unknown remedies can yield brilliant results. Modern homeopaths will have the opportunity to examine these additional remedies and broaden their use.

Besides the expanded and verified content, the new Concordant Reference reflects recent changes in homeopathic techniques and scientific knowledge. By improving the accuracy of the original material and adding scientific classification, Concordant Reference uses the classical materia medica to build a solid foundation for the modern practice of homeopathy.

The phrase, "classical materia medica," refers to the work done from 1790 - 1931, starting with Hahnemann and ending with Boericke and Boger. Concordant Reference is a one-volume compilation of the following classical materia medicas:

    1) T.F. Allen - Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, 10 volumes (1874 - 1879)
    2) T.F. Allen - A Primer of Materia Medica (1892)
    3) Boericke - Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica (1927)
    4) Boger - Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica (1931)
    5) Clarke - Dictionary of Homeopathic Materia Medica, 3 volumes (1900)
    6) Cowperthwaite - Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics (1891)
    7) Hering - Guiding Symptoms, 10 volumes (1877 - 1887)
    8) Kent - Repertory (1877)
    9) A. Lippe - Textbook of Materia Medica (1865)
  10) Pulford - Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures (approx. 1930)

Those who are already familiar with Concordant Materia Medica will find the familiar layout of sections, symptom divisions and categories in Concordant Reference. Each remedy's materia medica is broken down into Generals, Mind, Dreams, Body sections, Modalities, Relations and Causation. The author has broken out sections on Food and Drink, Heart, Limbs in General, Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs for easier reference. Also, each section of the body is further divided into Sensations, Pain and Objective.

Vermeulen has enlarged the Sensation, Mind and Dream sections, reflecting the recent developments in case taking, case analysis and prescribing that have shown to be so effective for today’s homeopath.

Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder - Andrews

Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder - Andrews


Homeopathy can be an effective way to manage aggression, improve physical health problems and enhance overall wellbeing in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This book presents the clinical experiences of homeopaths working with autism around the world, exploring the real clinical outcomes that are being achieved in practice. It will be compelling reading for homeopaths, other healthcare professionals, teachers, parents and all those who come in to contact with children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Wondrous Order - Michal Yakir

Wondrous Order - Michal Yakir


The book "Wondrous Order - The Table of Plants" is currently being translated into English and is expected by the middle of 2015.

Michal Yakir is a homeopathic pioneer who has unlocked the plant kingdom for homeopathy. She has developed her own system for the plant kingdom in the form of a simple tabular set of coordinates with columns and rows, which shows how each column of the plant table can be assigned to different types with varying psychological traits and physical pathologies.

By learning to recognize the special characteristics and themes of the columns, we can acquire a valuable tool to help us identify the required remedy in modern times. Thanks to her straightforward but profound insights based on the ideas of plant evolution, Michal Yakir has made the plant kingdom comprehensible. She adds a new dimension to our existing knowledge of plants, encouraging us to prescribe less well known plants.

Her monumental work contains over 800 different plant remedies, amounting to 95% of the remedies known to homeopathy, including many so far unknown plants. She clearly explains their themes and pathologies in terms of their family and placement in the table. Hundreds of short cases provide graphic sketches of the essences of the individual remedies.

Dr Mahesh Gandhi wrote about Michal Yakir:
"I have had an opportunity to learn from Michal Yakir her novel understanding of plants from development point of view. It makes a lot of sense to me and has changed my outlook towards plants. I am using her ideas in my practise with excellent results. She has made the plant kingdom very understandable by her simple yet deep understanding of them based on the concept of evolution of plants. It is indeed a very fascinating and a practical work.

It gives an additional dimension to our understanding of known plants and also helps us prescribe some yet unknown plants with confidence. It is a very extensive work which can help us prescribe more efficiently in our daily homoeopathic practise. It compliments all that we know about plants from other teachers like Sankaran and Scholten. I would recommend every serious homoeopath to learn it as it will prove to be a useful tool in helping us help our patients."

Glimpses of the Association - Master

Glimpses of the Association - Master


Understanding a typical character or a particular behaviour and interpreting its components into homeopathic terminology to arrive at the simillium is a basic but difficult task for a homeopath. This is where this book provides additional acknowledge and skill to the homeopath of the modern era. " Fairy Tales", their "Characters’", " The Modified Fairy Tale Test", " The Archetypes" and "Symbols" etc. are new tools added by Dr. Farokh J Master to homeopathic case analysis to access the altered patterns of patients' psyche.

Understanding and treating the patient on such a deep level brings marvellous cures not commonly achieved by similarity of superficial symptoms. The author makes his work comprehensive and practicable by his analytical approach and descriptive cases. The book is the result of the author's deep and extensive study of the subject and a must read for every homeopath.

Synergy Synopsis - Sankaran

Synergy Synopsis - Sankaran


Synergy denotes the coming together of two or more things to create an effect that is much greater than their sum.

In Homoeopathic practice, using different approaches in tandem produces the best results. The utilization of traditional Homoeopathic tools such as Materia Medica and the Repertory (left-brain approach) in combination with modern homeopathic approaches such as Sensation  and Kingdom understanding (right-brain concepts)  generate  the most success.

This idea, termed Synergy, has evolved over the last three decades and has come  to a very  effective position. It is also a comprehensive and inclusive way, and uses all possible approaches together. This also gives a flexibility in case-taking   and analysis. This is a system that can be taught, practised and replicated successfully.

This  small book,  updated  with  the  latest  developments, is intended to be a ready  reference guide for participants who attend seminars and for others who wish to have an overview  of this system of practice.

Alternation of Remedies In Homoeopathic Therapeutics- Tahir Malik Awan

Alternation of Remedies In Homoeopathic Therapeutics- Tahir Malik Awan


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which has penetrated through the world of health and disease as an icon built on solid principles as its foundation. It has proved itself to be worthy of consideration with the other branches of medical science. I do not think that it needs any umbrella, as of  alternative medicine. In fact, it is a complete system with its paraphernalia and has its own individual identity, which is being admitted strongly in the last few decades as an art and science.
During the advance study of homoeopathic philosophy one  often comes across new enigmas and have wonderful experiences. Alternation of homoeopathic remedies is  one of them. In the history of homoeopathic therapeutics, it is a ground reality that there are miracles in single remedy prescription but on many occasions and under undecidable and complicated situations, alternation of remedies is also full of magical results. Various examples of alternations done by renowned homoeopaths could be found as a reference in the introduction and the main part of this book.
Alternation of remedies is a part and parcel of homoeopathic therapeutics. Alternation is not a matter of mixing remedies. It is always giving one remedy at a time and giving other after a lapse of time depending upon the conditions and requirement of the case. I should say that alternation is a cross between two or more required remedies or a point where the  tips of these two or even three remedies meet. It is a converging point where the cure meets the disease and sure it is.
Hahnemann has generally advised to give single remedy and strictly prohibited and condemned the prescription of more than one remedy at a time or mixing them altogether. It has never occurred once or mentioned anywhere that he has strongly prohibited the alternation of remedies. Despite the continuous best efforts when we are not getting the required results and the condition of the patient and intuition of the physician is pointing toward alternation then we must not hesitate to alternate.
Hahnemann himself did alternation when he considered  it as  a necessity, for the betterment of the patient or curing of the disease i.e. be it a miasmatic situation or complications arising from  miasmatic complexities.
From the first edition of “Organon of the Rational System of Medicine”, throughout the evolutionary process, till it reaches the zenith of 6th edition of “Organon of Medicine”, Hahnemann’s thoughts had been oscillating between acceptance and rejection of alternation of remedies. I have not done this work to justify the practice of alternation of remedies. It is just an effort to assimilate the scattered   therapeutical material, on and about alternation by different legendary homoeopaths in the literature available , from the Hahnemannian era to the present times.
I again emphasize that alternation of remedies should not be adopted as a regular practice. It must be used when its need is inevitable and where the totality is indicating the two or more remedies at a time.

Homeo-Kids- Patricia Le Roux

Homeo-Kids- Patricia Le Roux


A modern materia medica of children's remedies, exceptionally concise and practical. Patricia Le Roux was a leading homeopathic pediatrician, combining in her practice classical methods with the new approaches pioneered by Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran. She had the unique gift of getting to the heart of the symptoms found specifically in children.

The 60 remedies described range from the classic polychrests such as Pulsatilla, Calcium carbonicum, and Lycopodium to less well-known but very successful remedies for children such as  Beryllium, Helium, Saccharum officinale, Falco, Oxygenium, and Chocolate.

Building on Borland's homeopathic classic of children's types, Patricia Le Roux arranged the 60 remedy pictures into these four main types: sensitive to cold, warm-blooded, slow, and restless. This enables rapid differentiation. For each remedy there is also a very useful distinction between the symptoms found in babies and those found in children. The author has drawn on her great clinical experience, offering valuable tips for how the remedies can be recognized in very small children who may display little in the way of typical symptoms or signs. A comprehensive index of illnesses also aids selection of the best remedy. An original work that will surely help homeopaths to prescribe for children with greater confidence.

Immunization Options - Isaac Golden

Immunization Options - Isaac Golden


Immunizatuin us a controversial topic for many parents - especially those who are not prepared to take the word of another when making important decisions regarding their child;s long-term heath and wellbeing. These parents act out of care and concern, but it is rareluy the easiest option to take. THe internet contrains infomeaiont of variable reliability, as do officail Health Department statements. Their