Fungi - Kingdom Fungi Spectrum Materia Medica Volume 2 - Frans Vermeulen, 2007

Fungi - Kingdom Fungi Spectrum Materia Medica Volume 2 - Frans Vermeulen, 2007


Excerpt from Introduction: Fungi and Fungal Diseases. Interesting in fungi is mushrooming. Increasingly explored by mycologists, medical scientists, gourmets, folklorists, thrill-seeking adventurers, and mind-expansionists alike, this often-overlooked group of organisms provides us with food, drink, valuable medicines, industrial chemicals, recreational drugs, and unsurpassed marvels of nature. Some even take care of our radioactive waste. The role of fungi in evolutionary processes is now better understood and their value as recyclers and symbionts better appreciated Symbolically associated with plant roots, fungi distribute essential nutrients, there by transforming inhospitable environments into hospitable ones and enabling plants to settle and grow. Their role in evolution of Mother Earth is now believed to have been the guidance of water-inhabiting algae onto dry land.
The various repertories and homeopathic encyclopedias list 72 names of fungal remedies [fungal compounds included]. Of these, 32 fungi are represented in the abbreviation lists by nothing more than a name, i.e. there are no symptoms, whilst of the remaining 40 fungi 27 have less than twenty symptoms. It leaves us with 13 fungi we might possibly come across when repertorizing. Yet, even that number does not reflect the actual situation. Our understanding of the entire kingdom is based in essence on a total of three fungi: Agaricus, Bovista and Claviceps [Secale], with a few more having a place in the background: Psilocybe, Ustilago, Sticta, Polyporus officinalis, Candida ablicans, and the fungi compounds Alcoholus, Penicillinum. This well-known trio supplies the rudiments, the basics, the ABC of the homeopathic perception of the kingdom. One may safely assume that such a foundation is too narrow.

80 pages, hard cover

Monera - Kingdom Bacteria and Viruses: Spectrum Materia Medica Volume 1 - Frans Vermeulen, 2005

Monera - Kingdom Bacteria and Viruses: Spectrum Materia Medica Volume 1 - Frans Vermeulen, 2005


Excerpt from Introduction: Bacterial benefits. Monera are bacteria. They play a major role in homeopathy. They have no place as a group and their symtpms pitcures are often obscure. The current trent of facilitating the selection of remedies on the basis of their place in the natural kingdoms, not only ignores the fungi as a distinct unit, but also the micro-organisms. There are some 80 bacteria listed in the remedy abbreviation list. SOme of them are symptomless, whereas a few others have thousands of symtoms.
Bacterial remedies fall into three categories: allopathic drugs synthesized from bacterial metabolites; normal commensal of the microbial flora; species associated with bacterial diseases. The latter category contains the major nosodes: Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, and Tuberculinum. Psorinum can be included or excluded, depending on one’s view. [See Penicillium, Spectrum Vol. 2].
A step forward in realizing the importance of micro-organisms night be the recent introduction of new “miasms” in addition to the traditional quartet. However, these new miasms mainly serve as categorization models and hardly pay attention to the micro-organisms associated with them.

800 pages, hard cover

Synoptic Materia Medica 2: The Compliment to Prisma (Third Edition) - Frans Vermeulen, 2003

Synoptic Materia Medica 2: The Compliment to Prisma (Third Edition) - Frans Vermeulen, 2003


Excerpt from Preface: The second edition of Synoptic Materia Medica 2 contains additional information from various sources. Besides recent issues of homeopathic journals, later editions of new provings have been consulted. The SIGNS-section has been elaborated upon which material from books that I recently discovered on the subjects of botany, herbalism and folklore, always with the purpose to increase the possibilities of understanding the homeopathic drug picture. Here and there references to “Flower Essences” are made. Interesting to note is the recent increase in publications of books about the healing powers and “wisdom” of trees. I have availed myself of this information where it was applicable.

1024 pages, hard cover

The Charm of Homeopathy: About life in general and homeopathy in particular - Anne Vervarcke, 2008

The Charm of Homeopathy: About life in general and homeopathy in particular - Anne Vervarcke, 2008


This is the first English book, addressed to professional homeopaths, where Anne Vervarcke explains her view on the vital disturbance. As disease is nothing but a concept-like disturbance on the vital level, the challenge is to understand and perceive the coherent, symbolic pattern, displayed by the patient. When we manage to recognize this pattern we are looking in the eye of the disturbance and at the same time, we have the answer for a cure. When this happens, the Charm of Homeopathy is at its best.
Anne Verarcke (15-10-1952, Oostende, Belgium) was the director and teacher at the 'Centre for Classical Homeopathy' in Leuven for 15 years. This CKH organizes a five year training course in classical homeopathy in Flanders, a yearly seminar and a Post Graduate course. Anne Vervarcke who was trained in Bloemendaal and Amersfoort has a private clinic since 1989. She has been teaching since 1990, in the CKH which she established, and since few years she is giving seminars in different countries. In Belgium she gives a Post Graduate day once a month with live cases, of which an annual book is available. After attending countless seminars, investigating, practicing and teaching for over 15 years, she fully masters the art of homeopathy. In 1999 she published: 'Klassieke homeopathie: niet te geloven?!" and in 2005: '250 jaar na Hahnemann,' both in Dutch. These were mainly informative books for a broader public who want an understandable insight in homeopathy.

223 pages, paperback

Predictive Homoeopathy - Part II Theory of Acutes - Prafull Vijayakar, 2000

Predictive Homoeopathy - Part II Theory of Acutes - Prafull Vijayakar, 2000


Excerpt from Introduction: Whenever Homeopaths, even successful Homeopaths encounter or come across cases of pneumonia and typhoid, they prefer to just refer the case to an allopathic physician. Most of the time the reason forwarded is “Homeopathy is a slow acting therapy”, “it is meant for chronic diseases only not for emergencies”. “ You get the acute attack of this disease controlled with allopathy then we’ll treat you to raise your immunity so you don’t get it again. “ This lame excuses put forward even by so called Classical Homeopaths, expose the limitations of those Homeopaths and not Homeopathy.
Remember Homeopathy is a complete science. Hence limitations and scope of Homeopathy is the Homeopath himself. The Homeopath’s knowledge is what falters. If not, if is the application  of this knowledge which falters.

Many Materia Medicas have been written on therapeutics of fevers and acute disease. Yet Homeopaths find it difficult to get results in such cases. The reasons may be many, but the main reason is lawlessness i.e. all the 7 cardinal principles of Homeopathy are not applied and the laws like that of Hering’s, are bypassed.

160 pages, paperback

Essence of Materia Medica (Second Edition) - George Vithoulkas, 2010

Essence of Materia Medica (Second Edition) - George Vithoulkas, 2010


‘George Vithoulkas and his work needs no introduction or recommendation. Yet, this is  book which we would like to recommend to every homeopath. In the ‘Essence of Materia Medica’, he has painted the essence of 51 remedies. While reading every remedy, a clear portrait of the patient with minute details comes out in front of you. He has given a description of the type of person most commonly affected by a remedy at the start of most remedy portraits for example, the Kalium carbonicum patient with a strong sense of duty heightened to and inflexible, rigid degree. In every medicine Vithoulkas has described  a common theme/thread going at all three levels of the patient, for example in Alumina, the theme of delayed action and slowness is visible at all three levels. Many medicines are compared with other closely related medicines having similar symptoms. The comparison of the essence of various related medicines helps a lot in choosing a correct remedy. This book is reflective of the vast clinical experience and knowledge of the author. With this book, he has carried the efforts of Kent in creating the remedy portraits to the next level. He has himself acknowledged that he has drawn a lot from the Kent’s Materia Medica and Repertory. He has been able to show the development of remedy pictures in a very evolutionary manner, which helps in creating a better understanding of the medicines presented in this work. THe book is well compiled and the presentation of the material is very lucid and systematic.  - Dr Medini Daterao & Dr Manish Bhatia

George Vithoulkas was born in 1932 and lives on the island of Alonissos, Greece. He was an Engineer by profession and was introduced to homeopathy accidentally when he got hold of a book on pharmacy. It was in 1960 in South Africa that he began his homeopathic studies and these were then continued in India. He studied homeopathy exclusively and then got into practice and later also started teaching. Since 1967, he has been teaching classical homeopathy. In 1994, he opened the now world-famous International Academy for Classical Homeopathy in the Greek island of Alonissos. He was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize in 1996. George has written books for both the layperson and the homeopathic practitioner. George’s clear presentation and penetrating studies are a landmark in the world of homeopathy.

218 pages, paperback

A New Model for Health and Disease  - George Vithoulkas

A New Model for Health and Disease - George Vithoulkas


"Virus transformations as a consequence of pharmacological pollution in the human body/mind ecological system is a compelling hypothesis based on the data presented in George Vithoulkas' A New Model for Health and Disease. It strongly underscores the need to focus on an 'energy' medicine to correct the deficiencies of our present 'chemical' medicine."
-William A. Tiller, Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University

In this long-awaited ground-breaking treatise, theorist and homeopathic teacher George Vithoulkas presents a new paradigm for modern medicine. Established medicine has failed in its mission to prevent or cure many diseases, Vithoulkas asserts, because of the excessive and often needless use of powerful drugs. Western medicine has a limited view of the total organism and the true sources of disease.

Vithoulkas relates the increasing incidence of AIDS, cancer, asthma, epilepsy, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other difficult-to-control illnesses to the weakening of the immune system from over-prescribing of drugs. Only when we fully integrate the role of the psyche, spirit and emotions into our explanations of illness, he says, will we be able to generate a fuller definition of health, and change our conception and methods of treatment.

from A New Model for Health and Disease...

"The quality of our health depends almost entirely on the quality of micro-organisms that exist normally within our body and thus form the basis of our life. If we disturb their equilibrium by pumping all this 'mold' into the organism, we are going to have a 'moldy' organism eventually."

"The hypothesis in this treatise is that the HIV (Human Immunosuppressive Virus) would not have appeared and affected the human race in such an epidemic manner unless it had been preceded by widespread and frequent use of antibiotics which prepared the ground by breaking down the organism's immune system."

George Vithoulkas teaches and lives in Greece. His books include Homeopathy: Medicine of the New Man and The Science of Homeopathy.

205 pages, paperback

Levels of Health - The Second Volume of “The Science of Homeopathy” - George Vithoulkas and Erik van Woensel, 2010

Levels of Health - The Second Volume of “The Science of Homeopathy” - George Vithoulkas and Erik van Woensel, 2010


“The Levels of Health” is a highly original contribution to medicine in general and to homeopathy in particular written by Professor George Vithoulkas. By describing a means of knowing whether a patient is improving or regressing under any treatment, whether homeopathic or otherwise, provides the possibility for the practitioner to evaluate the case and make a better and more accurate prognosis.
The subject of Levels of Health was mentioned briefly in George Vithoulkas’ main textbook, “The Science of Homeopathy”, which was written in 1977 ; now, for the first time, with the benefit of 50 years of homeopathic practice, experience and diligent observation, George Vithoulkas presents a fully developed theory and a way of applying it in everyday practice.
In his elaboration of the concept of Levels of Health, he discusses in detail all the possible reactions of the organism’s defense mechanism under the homeopathic treatment and the meaning of those reactions. He elaborates the parameters that define the Level of Health to which a patient belongs in a system of twelve levels.
The second part, “Case studies”, concerns mainly the practical application of homeopathy; it was written by Erik van Woensel. This chapter deals in depth with case analysis, which is illustrated with cases of various degrees of difficulty. Describing the analysis step by step, the author shows how the principles of the Levels of Health are applied in homeopathic practice.
Every homeopath needs to be able to evaluate the treatment he or she has given and understand why it does not always bring the expected results. “The Levels of Health” provides the tools for accomplishing that task.

341 pages, paperback

Materia Medica Viva (full set of 12) - George Vithoulkas, 1995-2009

Materia Medica Viva (full set of 12) - George Vithoulkas, 1995-2009


The master's work in progress. This Materia Medica is a compendium of Vithoulkas's understanding and knowledge of remedies, written in a clear and comprehensive manner. 12 volumes:

  1. Abelmoschus-Ambrosia Artemisiae Folia
  2. Ammoniacum Gummi to Argent. nit. 
  3. Arnica - Avena Sativa
  4. Bacillinum - Benzoic Acid
  5. Berberis Vulgaris - Butyric Acid
  6. Cactus Grandiflorus - Calcarea Silicata
  7. Calendula officinalis - Carcinosinum or Cancerinum
  8. Carduus Marianus - Cicuta Virosa
  9. Cimicifuga Racemosa - Conium Maculatum
  10. Corralium Rubrum to Euphrasia Officinalis
  11. Ferrum Metallicum to Helleborus Niger
  12. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum to Iris Versicolor


The Periodic Table In Homeopathy - The Silver Series - Ulrich Welte (Narayana), 2010

The Periodic Table In Homeopathy - The Silver Series - Ulrich Welte (Narayana), 2010


The translation of the periodic table into homeopathic thinking and language is one of the most rewarding and fascinating pioneer works of modern science. The chemistry of human interactions is indeed analogous to the chemical interactions of the elements. Jan Scholten’s Element Theory allows us to identify mineral remedies accordingly and thus treat human suffering gently, effectively and safely.
Urich Welte, and experienced homeopathic doctor, gives us a candid introduction tot eh human interpretation of the series (rows) and stages (columns) of the periodic table using 61 vivid cases of patients treated with the elements of the Silver series. This exemplary series is row 5 of the periodic table and represents problems at the level of artistic and creative thinking. Welte’s practical, hands-on approach opens up the subject in an intuitive and easily understandable way. Starting from the symptoms and case histories of his patients, we learn how to use typical behaviour patterns, trigger situations, professional choices, and other personal characteristics to find individual remedies that go deep enough to cure even serious disease. New remedies come to life, and well-known remedies appear in a new light. The Element Theory is like looking through the surface of symptoms and perceiving an awesome inner beauty in the depths below. True understanding dawns: the periodic table has come alive!

“Ulrich Welte has expanded the Element Theory and brought it vividly to life in his own practice. The cases demonstrate his full understanding of the essences of the remedies and of the problems in differentiating them. The chapter on the differential diagnosis of the stages clearly shows his deep and intuitive grasp of the subject. I can recommend this book to every practicing homeopath and to all those seeking a practical and nuanced introduction to the Element Theory.”  - Jan Scholten

324 pages, hard cover

Colors in Homeopathy - Ulrich Welte, 2003

Colors in Homeopathy - Ulrich Welte, 2003


The color preference is a significant and effective symptom. It’s effective in the sense that it can give the indication or confirmation of a diagnosis in many cases. The color preference is a peculiar symptom expressing the inner state of the patient, which is the state of the remedy. And it’s a very specific symptom.

The table designed by Ulrich Welte is the best usable I’ve seen till now. All colors are clear and accurately standardized, so it can be used in the future without ambiguity.

Text in English and German.

65 pages, soft cover, full colour, ring bound