WadStories - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2001

WadStories - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2001


Imagine a homeopathic seminar with 13 experienced Dutch colleagues who are your best friends. Imagine the location of the seminar being a very special holiday ‘setting’: sailing on a clipper on the Wad-sea amidst of the islands in the North of Holland. Imagine that every meal is very special, so that you have the impression you are living on a floating restaurant. And then, last but not least, the whole atmosphere of the week is coloured by an impressing proving of a new ‘bird-remedy’: the Albatross. This book will offer you a unique ‘melange’ of all the lectures, illustrated with photographs taken during the seminar. To give you the possibility of having ‘the real taste’ some of the recipes of the delicious dishes we enjoyed are also presented. Amidst of it all you can read all about all the experiences of a week-long-proving of the Albatross. This impressive bird with a width of about 3 meters presented many kinds of coincidences and gave this seminar ‘an air of ascension’.

The lectures from August 28 to September 1st 2000 will bring you some new remedies like Aconitum lycoctonum, Sorbus domestica and Cotyledon. We may also recommend you the presentation of Natrium iodatum, being a possible important remedy for Second-World-War issues. You’ll find further varieties in reading about the homeopathic interview, the analysis of cases, working with dreams, a special view on the Periodic System and quite remarkable experiences with the homeopathic treatment of animals.

Have a taste of this special Dutch homeopathic bland!

112 pages, paperback

WadStories 2 - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2002

WadStories 2 - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2002


But what story are we offering you?
An annual tradition of experienced Dutch homeopaths having their summer seminar in 2001. All 16 participants are lecturers and audience as well, and besides that, al have become sailors. Their stories are the ripened fruit of their extensive homeopathic experience.
For about 20 years already, Holland is one of the most dynamic and active countries in the world to present seminars and teacher in Homeopathy. All respected teachers over the whole world in our profession will find a substantial audience in Holland because of a vast amount of practicing homeopaths. The stories in front of you are the cream of a selection of this advanced variety of Dutch experience. You will gain a lot of new practical information about all kinds of remedies. We mention Oleander, Humulus lupulus, Sumbul, Juglans regia and Coffea as some examples of plant remedies. You’ll also find particular information about mineral remedies like Calcium iodatum and Lithium sulphuricum and substances like Naphtalinum and Lecithin.
To be really complete a fresh veterinary homeopathic approach will deal with the European crisis of Foot-and-mouth disease in spring 2001. And of course you may expect a clear presentation of our traditional proving, which is Glechoma hederacea, also called Hedera helix or Common Ivy. It pictured a much more ‘common’ atmosphere during this week than the previous seminar with the ‘air of ascension of the Albatross.

You will be double inspired by the traditional recipes of the ‘high-standard-cuisine’ during the seminar. Many photographs may give an extra dimension to the recipes and the presentations.

Read it as we experienced it: enjoyment in an open air of learning from your homeopathic colleagues. ‘A Dutch treat’ you don’t want to miss.

128 pages, paperback

Homoeopathy and Minerals - Jan Scholten, 1993

Homoeopathy and Minerals - Jan Scholten, 1993


Review of the book in SSC (the Dutch Homoeopathic Journal) by Frans Kusse:

"When I met the ideas of Jan Scholten for the first time in December 1992, I was surprised: enormous possibilities offered themselves. Now, some months later, having had experiences with these 'new' remedies, I can speak of a fundamental revolution in homeopathic thinking. The method Jan is offering in his book, seems too beautiful to be true, but it works! It is not easy to explain his method briefly, but I shall try to do so with an example from his college in February 1993.
A woman of 30 comes with a variety of complaints, such as allergy to the sun, pain in the right forehead, sciatica right, intestinal troubles, swollen and painful breasts before menses, and fatigue.
Mind: she needs attention, and compliments. 'I didn't dare to ask for attention and got irritated when my husband didn't say anything of my work. My mother had too little time for us and I was the one who managed. I was a big girl'.
The theme of 'attention' is found in the Muriaticums, and the 'timidity' and 'insecurity' in the Calciums. The remedy: Calcium muriaticum ('desire for attention, but not daring to ask for it'). The woman got cured after the remedy.
By analyzing different minerals (Calcarea, Natrum, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Baryta etc.) and metals Jan has developed some key concepts for every element. In practice it is possible to make many combinations of these concepts and so find the remedy that fits the patient.
Try to imagine what it means once we have found the key concepts of every element of the periodic system .... Maybe that is what Kent felt when he said that all remedies could be found in one kingdom (mineral, plant or animal). ...This book gives us the start. We practicing homeopaths now have the job of verifying and expanding this information. A huge task and a fantastic challenge."
"Jan Scholten offers us a fascinating way to review our Materia Medica".
(Lorraine Taylor, in Homeopathic Links, 1994, no 2)
"Jan Scholten has given a brilliant start for an enormous enrichment of our Materia Medica".
(Kees Dam, Simillima, 1993, no 2)
"This book is a must for all homoeopaths and a revelation for all patient that are interested in homoeopathy". 
(Albert van Dinteren, in Homeopathie, 1994, no 2)

295 pages, paperback

Homoeopathy and the Elements - Jan Scholten, 2007

Homoeopathy and the Elements - Jan Scholten, 2007


The subject of this book is homeopathy and the elements of the periodic system. The remedy pictures of almost all the elements of the periodic system are described.

The periodic system is a table of all existing elements, the atoms, from Hydrogen to Radon, and of the radioactive elements, such as Uranium and Plutonium. The table has rows and columns in which the elements are grouped. A theory is developed about the use of the periodic system in Homeopathy. This theory shows that every row and every column has a specific theme. The seven rows are called series. The first series, the Hydrogen series, has the theme of coming into being. The second series, the Carbon series, has the theme of the development of the ego. The third series, the Silicum series , shows the theme of relationships. The fourth series, the Iron series, covers the theme of work. The fifth series, the Silver series, has the theme of creativity. The sixth series, the Gold series, shows the theme of the king, the leader.

Each series shows a development: the theme of the series is developed in eighteen stages. These stages, the columns, describe a development: starting a theme, rising, coming to a top, then declining again and in the end comes the loss.

In this theory every element can be described by the concepts of the series and the stage the element is in. A total picture is given of the periodic system as a spiral. Every wind of the spiral is a series or row. And every radiant is a stage or column. The spiral pictures the expanding consciousness: from the consciousness of the Ego in the beginning to that of a neighbourhood, a village, a city, a country and in the end the whole universe.

‘When you have seen that a patient who doubts for years what to do with his life, takes clear decisions suddenly after a dose of Scandium, and also executes them (and has got rid of all kind of fears at the same time), you want to have this book at your desk next to the Repertory.’  - Frans Kusse, SSC, Vol 26, Nr2, 1996.

Excerpt from Foreword: Finding the right remedy is the greatest challenge of homeopathic medicine. It seems that I am stating the obvious. But this isn’t altogether true. The greatest challenge is to admit that you haven’t yet found the remedy you are looking for. One of the greatest eye openers ever was the reverse similars law presented to me by Jan Scholten one day: an unknown picture needs an unknown remedy. A brilliant hint and food for thought for all of us who are involved in homeopathy, for the anxious seeker who is looking for that one remedy that will cure his problem patients, as well as for the complacent ruminator who thinks he has seen it all by now.

A pint of discussion that we frequently encounter is whether homeopathy is an art or a science. This discussion all depends on the theoretical question whether heuristics belong to the domain of science, or whether it should be seen as so called ‘pre scientific procedures’. Heuristics is the methodology of searching. In order to find something new you have to try to find out where to look for it and this is in turn related to your problem-solving urges. In other words, if you accept that the way things are is just fine, then you will never feel the need to look at other horizons. But when you recognize the problem of the status quo, you will go and search for missing links and boundaries that can be shifted.

This book is all about the periodic system. The best introduction to the new ideas presented in this book is to suggest the following exercise. Take a large sheet of paper and draw a grid of 18 vertical columns and 7 horizontal lines and then proceed to fill in the elements in the usual way, starting with Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, etc.
Next take the most extensive Materia Medica you can find and make a note of the most important rubrics of each element in its appropriate compartment. When you have done that stand back and take a look. You will notice that most of the spaces are empty. Now ask yourself this question: “Why are there so many empty spaces, while others are filled up with polychrests like Ferrum metallicum, Phosphorus, Sulphur, or Aurum metallicum? Are you beginning to get a sense of the problem? You have just asked yourself a very heuristic question. The only step that lies between a question and an answer is ACTION! That is precisely what Jan Scholten did and the result is this book: a Materia Medica of the periodic system. The book that is in front of you right now will enable you to start filling in those empty compartments.

880 pages, hard cover

Secret Lanthanides - Jan Scholten, 2009

Secret Lanthanides - Jan Scholten, 2009


Secret Lanthanides describes the use of the Lanthanides and their salts in health and disease. It describes persons in a Lanthanide state and the cure with homeopathic potencies.

The Lanthanides are elements of the periodic system with atom number 57 till 73. They have strong electro-magnetic and light properties.

Autonomy is a major theme, hence the subtitle “Road to Independence”. The search for freedom can lead to a spiritual development and desire for self-control. The Lanthanides are needed for leading ones own life, going ones’ own way. It’s the road to individuality and individuation.

The psychological separation is physically reflected in the immune system and auto-immune diseases. The immune system separates own tissue from foreign substances, is has to find out what “own”.

“It is indeed a pleasure and honor to write this foreword to Jan Scholten’s latest work, “The Secret Lanthanides”. I am sure that like his earlier works, this one too will be very useful to the profession. The smile on the face of a successfully treated case is the main reward for such work.”   - Rajan Sankaran

“Jan Scholten’s discovery of the Lanthanides as homeopathic remedies has given us even more tools to cure profound pathology. After hearing his initial lectures on the Lanthanides and, subsequently prescribing some of them, I am delighted by the curative results.”   - Louis Klein

512 pages, hard cover

Synthesis - Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum (Edition 9.1) - ed Frederik Schroyens, 2004

Synthesis - Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum (Edition 9.1) - ed Frederik Schroyens, 2004


Excerpt from Foreword by Jeremy Sherr: Last year I had the privilege of visiting Dr. Frederik Schroyens in his offices in Ghent, Belgium. It was a hive of activity. A constant stream of information poured in - additions, corrections, provings, translations, revisited classics and new manuscripts. Frederik explained the pyramid structure of the organization, how homeopaths from all over the world gathered information, later passing it on to smaller teams who checked and rechecked it until it arrived at the Ghent office where the final sifting, confirming, corroborating, editing, and publishing were performed. I was very impressed. From my own experience of repertorizing, I have learnt to appreciate the enormous time and work that goes into each rubric, remedy, cross reference and annotation. It is the work of ants and a labor of love.

But i was not only the industriousness that impressed me. It was the dedication to detail and accuracy that filled me with a renewed confidence in the repertory. The repertory is our daily tool; it is our right arm, the gateway to materia medica and to healing. On this tool the health of our patients depends, and we must be able to rely on it in the way a carpenter relies on his plane, a soldier on his sword, a baker on his oven, a writer on her pen. It must be sharp and accurate, all-encompassing but not over-inflated. I found the Synthesis to be all these things, and the tool felt right in my hand.  

2214 pages, hard cover

Cola - Homeopathic Proving of Cola nitida, Materia Medica, Cases - Bernd Schuster, 1999

Cola - Homeopathic Proving of Cola nitida, Materia Medica, Cases - Bernd Schuster, 1999


The new remedy Cola belongs to the group of drug remedies. Drugs are often used to heighten or expand perception, to enable the user to cross boundaries which Nature has set to the human powers of perception. The drugs cannabis, coca (“sacred plant of the Incas”), cola (“food of the gods”) and peyote (“flesh of God”) are seen as “divine substances” which create a link with the gods and spirits.
This full Hahnemannian proving with 23 participants revealed feelings of invincibility, the idea of being able to carry the whole world on one’s shoulders, or being able to see through the material person into the innermost being or read a person’s thoughts, i.e. mainly divine qualities and abilities which the provers ascribe to themselves, thus demonstrating a delusion of grandeur.
Insatiability is a central idea of the remedy (“I am like a bottomless pit”). The new remedy shows and effect in eating disorders (Insatiability and fear of being poisoned), mania and hyperactivity, disturbance of sugar metabolism, gastrointestinal illness with diarrhoea, problems with self-confidence, depression, sleepiness (fatigue), anxiety dreams and migraine. In Cola patients I have found a history of drug-taking with heroin, LSD and cocaine, a history of dipsomania or food abuse with others.

Bernd Schuster is classical homeopath and psychologist. With Bamboo he added an important remedy to homeopathic Materia Medica. Cola is his second homeopathic proving.

305 pages, paperback

Autism Beyond Despair - Cease Therapy - Tinus Smits, 2010

Autism Beyond Despair - Cease Therapy - Tinus Smits, 2010


In this groundbreaking work, Dr. Tinus Smits reveals the step-by-step method which he has used for more than 300 autistic children. In many cases, the parents have declared their children 100% cured; in others, the process is still underway with significant improvement. His therapy is mainly based on Isotherapy, a form of homeopathy which is able to detect the causes of autism in children and which redresses them directly. He has made remarkable discoveries as to why autism is on the increase. This book is highly important for parents with autistic children and for all those who are involved in the care of these children.

'In the 9 months of your treatment, our son changed from a non verbal to a child that is able to attend a normal school, speaking in full sentences and making contact with everybody. Amazing! The autism team says it's a miracle. Your CEASE therapy is great. Our life has already completely changed. Thanks for all your knowledge.' — Mother of Stephan

'After three and a half months of treatment she has become another child. She has woken up, is able to express herself verbally and says what she feels instead of shrieking; she is more flexible, more open and more independent. It is a world of difference.' — Mother of Dirkje

'Our son Vasco is getting better every day, he speaks more and tries to make conversation with us; at school he's going very well and learns fast. With the detoxification Vasco has made great progress. He's almost "a normal" 5-year-old kid.' — Parents of Vasco

'It is as if I am in a second life. It is completely different from before.' —
Siem J., formerly autistic child

184 pages, hard cover

Matridonal Remedies of the Humanum Family - Gifts of the Mother - Melissa Assilem

Matridonal Remedies of the Humanum Family - Gifts of the Mother - Melissa Assilem


Melissa is the author of The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and Women Ripening Through Menopause. She is also the creator of The Greek Tree Essences. She has been in homeopathic practice for twenty-five years, and has been teaching for twenty. Melissa’s focus has been on women’s health and her passion for homeopathy shines through her work.
This latest book has been years in its conception, pulling together strands to weave into the story of the Matridonal Remedies, part of the Humanum Family: Lac Humanum, Folliculinum, Placental Humana (Welsh), Vernix Caseosa, Amniota Humana, Umbilicus Humanus. Melissa says: As I have worked with these important remedies over the years, I have come to believe that the most profound gift we as humans receive is the sense of self. It is first bestowed in its earthly form in the womb. Could it not therefore be true that when this sense of self is lost, it can be retrieved through the very materials that gave it to us in the first place? These substances are made for the creation of our humanness. It is their sole purpose, as they are discarded as soon as we no longer need them.

Vaccine Free - Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Diseases with Homeopathy (Second edition) - Kate Birch

Vaccine Free - Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Diseases with Homeopathy (Second edition) - Kate Birch


A practical handbook for the homeopathic treatment and prevention of infectious disease. Kate Birch, a mother of two, saw her son fall ill with asthma after being vaccinated. Following the successful homeopathic treatment of her son, she decided to become a homeopath herself and to find alternatives to vaccination.
In this book she provides a clear introduction to the basic principles of homeopathy as well as a comprehensive overview of the known infectious illnesses and their pathogens, the usual vaccinations and treatments, together with the possibilities of homeopathic prophylaxis and therapy. This includes – along with the well-known childhood diseases such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, and scarlet fever – the common infectious diseases such as otitis media, influenza, mononucleosis, and pneumonia, as well as infections such as rabies, tetanus, diphtheria, and tuberculosis. There is also a comprehensive section on sexually transmitted diseases, including herpes, gonorrhoea, syphilis, AIDS, and hepatitis. Tropical diseases such as yellow fever, dengue fever, malaria, and typhoid fever are covered in detail. An extensive section deals with the various forms of homeopathic treatment of fever, and there is also a chapter on the adverse effects of vaccination and their treatment.
It is the first manual of its kind, which not only draws attention to the potential ill effects of vaccinations, but also describes the alternatives in a thorough and easily understandable way. A truly all-inclusive book on a highly topical issue.
Not too many details here but not bare bones either, Kate Birch has found the almost perfect presentation of the necessary information. I really appreciated the practical usefulness of the information provided. We all meet concerned parents who hesitate a lot about what to do about vaccines; this book will give correct and concentrated information. I strongly recommend it to each and every practitioner. – Dr. J. Rozencwajg, Homeopathic Links

390 pages, hardcover

The Lesser Writings of C M F von Boenninghausen - Boenninghausen

The Lesser Writings of C M F von Boenninghausen - Boenninghausen


This book includes presumably all the magazine articles by Boenninghausen, and a few of the smaller of the pamphlets written by him. The translations were made by Prof. L.H. Tafel especially for this book. It has been the pleasure of the editor to collect the articles and in order so to do, all the German and French journals have been examined very carefully. These articles have been translated from the original journals and have been examined very carefully. These articles have been translated from the original journals, and phraseology has been left intact.

It is the hope that the book will be some advantage to those of our school who have not advances so far as to consider Boenninghausen’s opinion behind the times. 

350 pages, paperback

Boericke's New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repetory - 3rd Revised and Augmented Edition, based on the 9th Edition - William Boericke

Boericke's New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repetory - 3rd Revised and Augmented Edition, based on the 9th Edition - William Boericke


This masterpiece of Materia Medica by Dr. William Boericke, is an accurate and a reliable compilation and one of the largest collection of verified facts of materia medica with clinical suggestions. This book contains known and verified characteristic symptoms of all our medicines besides other less important symptoms aiding the selection of the curative remedy. In its present form it contains the maximum number of reliable materia medica facts in the minimum space.
The book has been widely appreciated and praised by homeopathic fraternity for its in-depth analysis, modern terminology, dictionary, footnotes, font print and presentation.

  • Combined Materia Medica and Repertory
  • Section on Rare and Uncommon Remedies has been included appropriately
  • To maintain the high standard, all abbreviations and remedy names have been derived from the ‘Synthesis Repertory’
  • A selection on Mother Tinctures have been added to the book to make the study of the subject complete
  • An index of the drugs, with both common and Latin names, has been introduced in the beginning of the book

William Boericke was born on October 25, 1849 in Austria. He graduated from the Philadelphia Medical College in 1876 and from Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia in 1880. Moving to San Francisco he took over the Boericke and Tafel pharmacy and practiced as a homeopath for over fifty years. He was the editor of the California Homeopath and co-founder of the Pacific Homeopathic Medical College and Hahnemann Hospital in 1881. He was also a member of faculty of the Hahnemann Medical College in San Francisco. In 1901 he authored Boericke’s Materia Medica. On April 1, 1929 he died of a massive heart attack.

1319 pages, hardcover

Indications of Miasm - H Choudhary, 2002 Reprint Edition

Indications of Miasm - H Choudhary, 2002 Reprint Edition


Dr. Choudhury’s treatise on miasms is a very explicitly written in all the aspects with practical suggestions with would help the readers immensely. He described the relationship of miasms with micro-organisms, the correct indication of the particular miasm thereby identifying one from another. He described mixed miasms, vaccinosis, acute miasms, etc., to understand and distinguish them for the purpose of treatment. He has written on the present days’ dreaded diseases like Tuberculosis, Cancer, AIDS, etc. for appropriate understanding from  homeopathic point of view. He has compiled lists of drugs under each miasm for the benefit of readers.  

188 pages, paperback

Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work - Richard Haehl, 2006 Reprint Edition

Samuel Hahnemann: His Life and Work - Richard Haehl, 2006 Reprint Edition


This book is a thorooughly authentic document depicting all the events of all the events of the life of Hahnemann, the epoch - maker of Medicine; and through that, perpetuating the history of medicine in general and Homeopathy in particular in his lifetime. This book also provides us with the thoroughly dependable life sketches of all the members of the family of the Master together with all his direct disciples and confreres.


443 pages, paperback

The Genius of Homoeopathy - Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy with Word Index - Stuart Close

The Genius of Homoeopathy - Lectures and Essays on Homeopathic Philosophy with Word Index - Stuart Close


The Genius of Homoeopathy comprise a series of lectures delivered at the New York Homoeopathic Medical College. Close was a student of P.P. Wells and Bernhardt Fincke. This book is one of the clearest statements about the philosophical basis of homeopathic study ever compiled. It is written with extreme clarity. In this new Second Edition, to make the book user friendly, a new font has been used which is bigger in size and is a pleasure to read. We hope this new upgraded book will make the task of students and readers much easier and interesting.
Stuart Close was born on November 24, 1860 in Wisconsin, United States. In 1879 while Close was reading law, his father died and his mother then remarried to one San Francisco’s leading homeopathic practitioners. It was at this point that Dr. Stuart Close though of studying homeopathy and his step father then furnished him with a comprehensive training in Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon. In 1885 he graduated from the Medical College of the Pacific. His career is noted for its exactitude according to Hahnemann’s principles. The dedication and exactness with which Dr. Close pursued Hahnemann’s teachings, won him high praise with the latter’s followers.

348 pages, paperback

Beyond Flat Earth Medicine - An Introduction for Students and Patients - Timothy R Dooley

Beyond Flat Earth Medicine - An Introduction for Students and Patients - Timothy R Dooley


People today are rediscovering homeopathy, yet few understand this individualized approach to health and disease. Dr. Dooley brings over 25 years of training and experience in a wide range of health sciences to this novel introduction to homeopathy – what it is, how it differs, when to use it, what to expect, how to get results.

“Conventional medicine is ‘flat earth’ in that it approaches health problems from the perspective of the disease instead of the patient. Just as the earth appears flat and the sun appears to revolve around the earth, so also it appears that physicians treat patients when treating their diseases. This is not true! AS you will see, it is possible to treat the patient directly, as a whole.”

Dr. Dooley is a graduate of National College of Naturopathic Medicine as well as Oregon Health Sciences University School of Medicine. He was a co-founder of Grants Pass Naturopathic Clinic in Oregon, medical director of emergency services at Del Puerto Hospital in California, and volunteered with Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team in Mexico and India. He is on the faculty at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and writes a monthly self-care column in Homeopathy Today. He lives with his family in San Diego, California where he practices Homeopathy.

110 pages, paperback

Sea Remedies - Evolution of the Senses - Jo Evans

Sea Remedies - Evolution of the Senses - Jo Evans


“This book offers an invitation: a subtle and simply irresistible one. From myth to neuroscience, from provings to cases, it offers the reader every possible approach. Diving for our antecedents in evolution, we rediscover senses that we have long forgotten. Emerging from the depths of this work, sea remedies cease to be just remedies. Future homeopathic books will be measured against this one.” – Franz Swoboda, MD, Austria. Editor of Documenta Homoeopathica, Homoeopathic Physican.

“This book is the most extensive collection of remedies from the realm of the oceans, and takes homeopathic materia medica to a deeper level of understanding. The author’s sensitivity of perception and ability to extract the vital information from natural science, qualitative science, literature and the homoeopathic knowledge base, comes together in a coherent presentation of sensations and functions, valuable polarities, and common themes of groups and sub-groups. The beautiful design and pictures bring you, like a dive, face to face with the colourful realm of the sea and its remedies.” – Andreas N. Bjorndal, MNHL, Homeopath and Principal of the Norwegian Academy of Natural Medicine, Oslo

“Jo Evans has written a beautifully illustrated and meticulously researched book on the sea remedies that stands to become a classic. Sea Remedies, Evolution of the Senses expands one’s understanding of these valuable remedies by providing a vast amount of empirical data on provings and medical application, as well as stimulating the imagination through an intimate understanding of the substance and its role in mythology.” – Jane Cicchett, RSHom(NA), CCH, Homeopath, international teacher and author of Dreams, Symbols and Homeopathy, publ. North Atlantic books, USA

“Quality homeopathic source books are fundamental to our accuracy as prescribers. Coordinating, compiling, researching and participating in some of the provings that have contributed to this work has been an all consuming labour of love for many years. TO see them so beautifully incorporated into this great body of work by Jo Evans is so personally and professionally satisfying. She has done a fantastic job of bringing these new medicines to life, and to important practical use within the homeopathic community.” – Alastair C Gray, MSc, RSHom, Practitioner of Homeopathic Medicine, Educator and Trainer in Homeopathic, Natural and Integrative Medicine, Australia, New Zealand and internationally

“By telling the story of the senses, the author invites us into the depths of our innermost experience: the origin of life and our emotions…Offers exceptional opportunities for both homeopathic patients and prescribers. A beautiful and phenomenologically meaningful book. – Maurizio Italiano MD, Lecturer in Classical Homeopathy at the WHO Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine, Center for Research in Medical Bioclimatology, Biotechnologies and Natural Medicines, State University of Milan. Scientific Director of Dulcamara, accredited teaching center of the Faculty of Homeopaths (UK), in Genoa, Italy.

657 pages, hardcover

Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica in Family Order (4th Edition, Revised and Enlarged) - Ernest Albert Farrington

Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica in Family Order (4th Edition, Revised and Enlarged) - Ernest Albert Farrington


Homoeopathic literature in a vast treasure which is filled with all kinds of gem-stones and crystals. Though all of these are valuable and precious, some are very popular these days while others have been forgotten by most of us.
Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica (with gist of each lecture) by E.A. Farrington, M.D. is a sincere effort towards the revamping of the old book. Clinical Materia Medica by Farrington is a gem which many popular Homoeopaths use and employ daily to become great Homoeopaths (but like typical Homoeopaths they will not tell others).

Though it is a very nicely written book, it is not as popular as Kent’s Lectures on Materia Medica. In fact unlike Kent's book there are no repetitions and it is very lucid as compared to lectures by Kent.

This new book will be a boon to every aspiring as well as experienced homoeopath who desires to deliver best to the suffering humanity. No tempering has been done with the lectures. Gist has been added as a value-added feature.

Insects - Escaping the Earth - Peter Fraser

Insects - Escaping the Earth - Peter Fraser


The insects are the largest and most important class of the animal kingdom. They are central to all aspects of life on Earth being major forces in both the creation and destruction of life. In spite of this importance they have not yet has a significant role in homeopathy. In the last decade a dozen new insect provings have opened up the remedy pictures and given us an insight into the properties of the group as a whole. The issues of the insects correspond to those of the modern world and modern disease yet they are still little understood and considerably underused.
This is the first study of the known insect remedies and it outlines the features that are common to the whole group and the often subtle distinctions that differentiate between them.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insects are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring.” – Janet Snowdon

60 pages, paperback

Snakes - Drawing Power From the Underworld - Peter Fraser

Snakes - Drawing Power From the Underworld - Peter Fraser


The snake remedies form a vital part of the materia medica. Lachesis is one of the most important of the polychrests but its very importance and prominence has overshadowed the many other snake remedies that are available to us. In many cases where Lachesis, or another of the well known snakes, has some effect a more precise choice of a lesser known snake remedy might have a deeper and more dramatic curative effect.
This book includes a description of the snake remedies in general and of the symptoms that indicate the need for a snake remedy. It also includes a differentiation between the individual snakes, some of which are well known but many of which are new or little understood.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insects are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring.” – Janet Snowdon

60 pages, paperback

Spiders - Suspended Between Earth and Sky - Peter Fraser

Spiders - Suspended Between Earth and Sky - Peter Fraser


There are a large number of spider remedies that have been proved and are now available and it is often difficult to differentiate between them. With the spider remedies the need for extremely precise and careful differentiation seems to be even more important than it is with other remedies. When a spider remedy is called for, those that are not exactly correct will often have very little or no significant effect and only the one that is indicated will be effective.
This book includes an understanding of the general spider picture that will show the need for a spider remedy. It also includes a detailed picture of the known spiders and their distinguishing features which can be used to differentiate between them.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“This book is remarkably informative, not only in the description of the different Insect remedies but more importantly in delineating how the traits of the insects are expressed in human pathology. The information is practical and brings alive the Insect remedies in a way that is exciting and inspiring.” – Janet Snowdon

60 pages, paperback

Birds - Seeking The Freedom of the Sky - Peter Fraser

Birds - Seeking The Freedom of the Sky - Peter Fraser


The bird remedies have rapidly become a significant part of practice. The general picture of the bird remedy may be relatively clear but the differences between the different species can be subtle and hard to pin down precisely.
This book brings together information on forty different remedies, much f it not readily available elsewhere. It gives a general outline of the features important to birds and how these features are expressed in the bird remedies. It then looks at the individual remedies and details the way that particular issues are important in one remedy and less so in others. It also looks at the emerging relationships between bird families and such things as the relationship between predator and prey.
Transformation between the realms: The remedies that move between the Realms of Sea, Earth, Sky and Underworld have a particular dynamic relationship to that transformation. Understanding this dynamic helps to understand the group as a whole and to find the subtle different between its members. Groups include the Insects, the Birds, the Spiders, the Snakes, the Lacs, the Drugs and the Trees.
“Peter’s series of books has been a revelation. The discrimination between insects and birds is so succinct it is hard to believe it is so true. I can think of no homeopathic books available which give so much wisdom for such a small cost! They have inspired my practice, and benefited my patients.” – Geoff Johnson
“Peter brings a fine focus that penetrates the outer veils to reveal the simpler and truer nature of things. This leads to brevity of expression as well as concentration of the material: an aqua vitae from which we may sip and understand. The information given is really useful in practice, helping me to recognize similima. I have been eagerly awaiting this book.” – Misha Norland

211 pages, paperback

Whole Again - The Homeopathic Way of Healing, 13 Amazing Stories – Christa Gebhardt & Jurgen Hansel

Whole Again - The Homeopathic Way of Healing, 13 Amazing Stories – Christa Gebhardt & Jurgen Hansel


This book gives a beautiful introduction and depicts the entire scope of modern homeopathy. It recounts 13 exciting and touching life stories of patients who all share something in common: they were healed by homeopathy of sever, often “incurable” diseases and experienced what this wonderful approach to medicine can bring about – to become “whole again”.
The authors – a sensitive homeopathic physician and his wife, a journalist, with astonishing skill – selected these cases from world-renowned homeopaths such as Rajan Sankaran and Jan Scholten and verifies them independently.
We become acquainted with the Indian executive, who was partially paralyzed byt a herniated disc and was soon able to walk again after a dose of his remedy; or Maria, who was born with a severe handicap but improved dramatically and performed well in school with the help of homeopathy; or a woman from the Netherlands, whose remedy helped her to feel her body again after 30 years of numbness resulting from a severe burn accident.
Yes, sometimes the entire lives of these patients have dramatically changed through homeopathic treatment. The stories are so lively and moving, that one will never forget them. What remains is a feeling that nothing is impossible. This is a book that induces hope.
“One of the most beautiful – maybe the most beautiful book about homeopathy.” – Journal Natur Medizin

224 pages, paperback