Healing Complex Children - Lemke

Healing Complex Children - Lemke


This book is for EVERY homeopath who provides treatment for children…and this book is for the educated parent who is compelled to find tangible solutions for their child’s physical and psychological health. This book provides real, practical insights into many of the leading classic homeopathic medicines, including nosodes and sarcodes, and it provides deep insights into the cutting edge of plant, mineral, and animal-based medicines. The homeopathic materia medica that Dr. Angelica Lemke provides in this book will provide you with specific ways that practicing homeopaths can utilize both new and classic medicines used in homeopathy.

Birds - Joshi

Birds - Joshi


Birds - Joshi


Cases that elaborate the system Homeopathic Classification of nearly 9000 birds Understanding of over 250 bird families More than 500 bird species explained All birds families with their unique numbers and key words Birds with their unique columns nos. to differentiate better Key words for easy differentiation Quick reference charts List of current bird remedies available around the world

Homeopathy Start Here - Jerome

Homeopathy Start Here - Jerome


Written by one of the most respected educators in the field, this straightforward book provides the tools for making informed choices about homeopathy. It explains what homeopathy is and isn’t, what it can do, and how it relates to today’s science of health. Anyone who wants to use, study, evaluate, or research homeopathy will find this thorough and lucid guide an essential resource.

Fighting Fire with Fire - Jansen

Fighting Fire with Fire - Jansen


Ton Jansen has worked tirelessly for 30 years to achieve quick, gentle and lasting cures for his patients. In this book he explains how to apply his HDT method, allowing us to achieve consistently better results in our practice. Homeopathy must adapt to the changing and increasingly toxic world around us. Ultimately, no-one can argue with clear, clinical results. Our clinical results should speak for themselves, and this is not always the case ...

Plant Theory Works - Jacob

Plant Theory Works - Jacob


This book shows very clearly the importance of the case taking. It shows what has to be known for the prescription. The step by step introduction of each element of the Plant theory makes it easy to follow and to understand.

The Homeopathic Physician's guide to Lactation - Hatherly

The Homeopathic Physician's guide to Lactation - Hatherly


In 2002 Patricia supervised the proving of Lac maternum. Her clinical experience in lactation and birth as well as her extensive work with Lac humanum gives her the ability to differentiate between these two remedies made from human milk, the appropriate milk for Homo sapiens. She gives insight into how these two very important sarcodes complement one another and how they serve to assist all humans to maximise their potential.

Argon - Jeremy Sherr

Argon - Jeremy Sherr


Argon is the third book in Jeremy Sherr's Noble Gas series. Building on the understanding gained in Helium (2013) and Neon (2016), Jeremy continues to develop the themes of this perfect family of remedies.
Every row in the periodic table strives to be like its related noble gas. It is Jeremy's belief that by understanding each of the noble gases we gain insight into the preceding series and the whole periodic table. Hence this book illuminates Argon's related series of remedies, from Natrum to Chlorum.

The noble gases are remarkable remedies, as their perfection also exposes their opposing imperfections. Through a profound study of these remedies, we perceive the vertical line that runs through all of them: the line of Here, Now and Truth connecting heaven and earth.

A proving does not provide a materia medica - it is only an initial suggestion for the genus of a remedy. By exploring the connecting pathways between the proving symptoms and their deeper significance, Jeremy reveals the secrets of Argon and its related period, and demonstrates the science and art of transforming remedies and cases into a meaningful totality. This is the essence of good homoeopathy. Delve into this book and you will gain a profound understanding of Argon, the third period, materia medica, cases, the evolution of the soul, and a small corner of the universe.

Hahnemann's Legacy in Modern Homeopathic Practice - Saxton

Hahnemann's Legacy in Modern Homeopathic Practice - Saxton


Modern homeopathic practice, whilst moving into new and exciting areas, is still based on the three great works of Hahnemann - the Organon, Chronic Diseases and Materia Medica Pura.

Yet these pillars of practice are themselves based on the years of doubts, observation, thoughts and experimentation which are revealed in Hahnemann's other writings and letters. To fully understand and utilise the modern developments, it is necessary to appreciate where the true roots of modern homeopathy lie.

Many of the problems facing homeopathy today were also faced by Hahnemann and his followers. This book will examine the growth of homeopathy within the context of Hahnemann's legacy that continues to inform today's practitioners and guide the development of their practice.

Immunization Options - Isaac Golden

Immunization Options - Isaac Golden


Immunizatuin us a controversial topic for many parents - especially those who are not prepared to take the word of another when making important decisions regarding their child;s long-term heath and wellbeing. These parents act out of care and concern, but it is rareluy the easiest option to take. THe internet contrains infomeaiont of variable reliability, as do officail Health Department statements. Their