Yasgur's Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference - Jay Yasgur, 6th Edition


 This unique reference book defines obsolete, archaic medical terminology, as well as many modern terms found in homeopathic literature. Your understanding of the homeopathic repertory, materia medica and other reference books will be enhanced. Those involved with homoepathy, lay people, medical students, physicians, health professionals and independent scholars will enjoy this addition to their libraries.


"one of our most valuable books; everyone needs one."  - Joe Lillard, Washington Homeopathic Products

"We owe Jay Yasgur a debt of gratitude for a useful job well done. In these pages may be found at last the meaning of 'tetter' and 'stomacace' and a multitude of archaic terms that most of us have never heard of but can be found in our classic texts on almost every page."  - Richard Moskowitz, M.D.

"...very useful...I am glad to have it"  - Harris L. Couter, Ph.D.

"Jay Yasgur's DICTIONARY is the Dorland of our homeopathic collection. It is invaluable to our students who often have difficulties with the meaning of the old-fashioned medical terms used in the older homeopathic literature."  - Friedhelm Kirchfeld, Librarian, National College of Naturopathic Medicine

422 pages, paperback


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