Achillea Millefolium - Boiron


Millefolium is a homeopathic remedy used to treat nosebleeds, hemorrhoids, hemorrhages, bruises, postpartum hemorrhages. Find millefolium and other homeopathic remedies in our online store. Buy Millefolium online. Please allow 3 - 5 business days for delivery.

Variant Price
Achillea Millefolium - Multidose CA$8.29
Achillea Millefolium - Pellets (unit-dose Tube) CA$6.59
Achillea Millefolium Liquid Dilution 30ml CA$9.79
Achillea Millefolium Liquid Dilution 60ml CA$16.89
Achillea Millefolium - Liquid Dilution 125ml CA$27.89
Achillea Millefolium - Liquid Dilution 250ml CA$41.79
Achillea Millefolium Liquid Dilution 1l CA$111.29

Millefolium is a homeopathic remedy used for the natural treatment of:


From Boericke:

(Yarrow) An invaluable remedy for various types of haemorrhages; blood bright red. Incarcerated hernia; small-pox, with great pain in pit of stomach. After operations for stone. Bad effects from fall from a height; overlifting. CONTINUED HIGH TEMPERATURE. Haemoptysis.

Vertigo when moving slowly. Sensation as if he had forgotten something. The head seems full of blood. Convulsions and epilepsy from suppressed menses. PIERCING THRUSTS of pain.

NOSEBLEED. (ERECHT.) Piercing pain from eyes to root of nose.

Haemorrhage from bowels. Bleeding haemorrhoids. URINE BLOODY. (SENEC. AUR.)

Menses early, profuse, protracted. Haemorrhage from uterus; bright red, fluid. PAINFUL VARICES DURING PREGNANCY.

Haemoptysis in incipient phthisis. Cough, with bloody expectoration, in suppressed menses or haemorrhoids. Violent palpitation.

Compare: FICUS VENOSA (PAKUR). Haemorrhage from bowels and lungs. ACALYPHAand HELIX TOSTA- Snail-(in haemoptysis, diseases of chest, consumption); also, SECALE; IPEC; ERECHT.; GERAN.; HAMAM.

Tincture, to third potency.




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