Secret Lanthanides - Jan Scholten, 2009
Secret Lanthanides describes the use of the Lanthanides and their salts in health and disease. It describes persons in a Lanthanide state and the cure with homeopathic potencies.
The Lanthanides are elements of the periodic system with atom number 57 till 73. They have strong electro-magnetic and light properties.
Autonomy is a major theme, hence the subtitle “Road to Independence”. The search for freedom can lead to a spiritual development and desire for self-control. The Lanthanides are needed for leading ones own life, going ones’ own way. It’s the road to individuality and individuation.
The psychological separation is physically reflected in the immune system and auto-immune diseases. The immune system separates own tissue from foreign substances, is has to find out what “own”.
“It is indeed a pleasure and honor to write this foreword to Jan Scholten’s latest work, “The Secret Lanthanides”. I am sure that like his earlier works, this one too will be very useful to the profession. The smile on the face of a successfully treated case is the main reward for such work.” - Rajan Sankaran
“Jan Scholten’s discovery of the Lanthanides as homeopathic remedies has given us even more tools to cure profound pathology. After hearing his initial lectures on the Lanthanides and, subsequently prescribing some of them, I am delighted by the curative results.” - Louis Klein
512 pages, hard cover