About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot

About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot


Here you see the result of a great and thorough work: an important book in homeopathy’s growth to maturity.

Margriet Plouvier has created an extremely workable overview of the functioning of different potencies by systematically and logically arranging her observations of the therapeutic effect after prescriptions. This is a great support when we try to choose the appropriate potency for a case.There are many theories about the use of the best potency, but until now it is more tradition and conviction that are determinative instead of systematic research. Being the pharmacist of a homeopathic pharmacy, I see many recipes every day; so I have an overview of many prescriptions. I also have knowledge of clinical and fundamental research in homeopathy: this research doesn’t show any useful difference of result between D, C, K, or LM potencies.Very little study has been done into the exact differences in functioning between the several potency-systems. It is impossible to have a preference based on clinical and fundamental research. Nevertheless I notice that doctors and therapist have their strong personal preferences. This book shows the corresponding effect of potencies from different potency- systems.

The question is: what is most important? Is the difference in effect of the several potencies secondary to the choice of the simillimum in the potency appropriate to the case?

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