Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book

Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book


Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book has been used for more than a century by many masters of homeopathic practice. If it has falling into comparative disuse during the past years it is because few of the younger generation of homeopathic physicians have had knowledge of its philosophic background and practical principles. It is our desire to demonstrate the sound philosophy and practical application of this work to such states as the physician meets in everyday practice. It is as nearly fool-proof as any repertory can be, once its principles are assimilated.


Let us utilize all the means at our disposal to insure to each patient the simillimum, which is his only hope of cure, and let us do so with the fullest possible comprehension of natural laws, and the application of those laws in practical form as they appear in our homeopathic literature.


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