Showing 121 – 144 of 150 results

The Homeopathic Physician's guide to Lactation - Hatherly

The Homeopathic Physician's guide to Lactation - Hatherly


In 2002 Patricia supervised the proving of Lac maternum. Her clinical experience in lactation and birth as well as her extensive work with Lac humanum gives her the ability to differentiate between these two remedies made from human milk, the appropriate milk for Homo sapiens. She gives insight into how these two very important sarcodes complement one another and how they serve to assist all humans to maximise their potential.

Plant Theory Works - Jacob

Plant Theory Works - Jacob


This book shows very clearly the importance of the case taking. It shows what has to be known for the prescription. The step by step introduction of each element of the Plant theory makes it easy to follow and to understand.

Fighting Fire with Fire - Jansen

Fighting Fire with Fire - Jansen


Ton Jansen has worked tirelessly for 30 years to achieve quick, gentle and lasting cures for his patients. In this book he explains how to apply his HDT method, allowing us to achieve consistently better results in our practice. Homeopathy must adapt to the changing and increasingly toxic world around us. Ultimately, no-one can argue with clear, clinical results. Our clinical results should speak for themselves, and this is not always the case ...

Homeopathy Start Here - Jerome

Homeopathy Start Here - Jerome


Written by one of the most respected educators in the field, this straightforward book provides the tools for making informed choices about homeopathy. It explains what homeopathy is and isn’t, what it can do, and how it relates to today’s science of health. Anyone who wants to use, study, evaluate, or research homeopathy will find this thorough and lucid guide an essential resource.

Birds - Joshi

Birds - Joshi


Birds - Joshi


Cases that elaborate the system Homeopathic Classification of nearly 9000 birds Understanding of over 250 bird families More than 500 bird species explained All birds families with their unique numbers and key words Birds with their unique columns nos. to differentiate better Key words for easy differentiation Quick reference charts List of current bird remedies available around the world

Healing Complex Children - Lemke

Healing Complex Children - Lemke


This book is for EVERY homeopath who provides treatment for children…and this book is for the educated parent who is compelled to find tangible solutions for their child’s physical and psychological health. This book provides real, practical insights into many of the leading classic homeopathic medicines, including nosodes and sarcodes, and it provides deep insights into the cutting edge of plant, mineral, and animal-based medicines. The homeopathic materia medica that Dr. Angelica Lemke provides in this book will provide you with specific ways that practicing homeopaths can utilize both new and classic medicines used in homeopathy.

Cancer- My Homeopathic Method - Ramakrishnan

Cancer- My Homeopathic Method - Ramakrishnan


During his long-time practice, Dr. Ramakrishnan has made adjustments to his prescribing when necessary. In this volume, he shares the refinements to his protocol. For example, a previously, arely used remedy shows efficacy in repeated cases or perhaps a one time change is made for a particular patient’s individual circumstance, then found to work for others. It is a systematic and simple to follow practical guide describing the homeopathic treatment of over 25 types of cancers. It also includes over 100 case examples along with strategies for handling the many stages this disease can take, including terminal situations. The book also contains updates of cases previously published.

Costa Rica Provings - Scholten

Costa Rica Provings - Scholten


Costa Rica proving describes the fifth proving seminar in Costa Rica. It turns out that the proving are getting better over the years. The quality of the proving is becoming more accurate and the essence of the remedy is discovered amore or less broadly. The provers get the Remedy code partially or totally from the proving. The Remedy code is the code as developed in the Plant theory which has been published in Wonderful plants. It is astonishing how accurate they often find the Remedy code, partially or totally. The proving show often new aspect of the remedy or family to which it belongs. In these proving the two remedies from the Piperaceae showed strongly the aspect of the neglect child, but then in a more general way. It showed that the western culture of laying babies in their own bed, far away from the parents is a cultural problem, reflected in the Piperaceae.

Fairylike Mosses - Scholten

Fairylike Mosses - Scholten


The mosses live in a strange world, a kind of fairy tale world, Hence the title of this book. We have the impression that mosses are very much needed for our patients. They cover very deep problems from early childhood trauma’s, mental handicap, schizophrenia and the like. They are needed for people who are unable to cope with life, to find a job and an income, to live on their own.

Menno-Nightcaps by S.L. Klassen

Menno-Nightcaps by S.L. Klassen


A satirical cocktail book featuring seventy-seven cocktail recipes accompanied by arcane trivia on Mennonite history, faith, and cultural practices. At last, you think, a book of cocktails that pairs punny drinks with Mennonite history! Yes, cocktail enthusiast and author of the popular Drunken Mennonite blog Sherri Klassen is here to bring some Low German love to your bar cart. Drinks like Brandy Anabaptist, Migratarita, Thrift Store Sour, and Pimm’s Cape Dress are served up with arcane trivia on Mennonite history, faith, and cultural practices. Arranged by theme, the book opens with drinks inspired by the Anabaptists of sixteenth-century Europe (Bloody Martyr, anyone?), before moving on to religious beliefs and practices (a little like going to a bar after class in Seminary, but without actually going to class). The third chapter toasts the Mennonite history of migration (Old Piña Colony), and the fourth is all about the trappings of Mennonite cultural identity (Singalong Sling). With seventy-seven recipes, ripping satire, comical illustrations, a cocktails-to-mocktails chapter for the teetotallers, and instructions on scaling up for barn-raisings and funerals, it’s just the thing for the Mennonite, Menno-adjacent, or merely Menno-curious home mixologist.

Aqua by Raymond Sevar

Aqua by Raymond Sevar


Water is astonishing: ocean, glacier, snowflake, rainbow and essential to every living thing on our planet. This book presents the Aqua as a coherent family of homeopathic remedies with clearly defined themes, keywords, vital sensations & symptom patterns. The symptom patterns vary with the degree of mineralisation, from the highest (Dead Sea Water and Aqua Marina) to the lowest (Aqua Destillata - distilled water), yet the themes and vital sensations remain the same. We all use water words that encapsulate what water is and does and means to us. Water words are embedded in our psyche and our cultures, yet those who need an Aqua remedy use them much more frequently than others, especially to describe their symptoms. This book lists the water words to listen out for during a consultation. A chapter on related remedy families shows the varying degrees of relationships with single remedies & families, the closest being Fish, Gemstones, Lanthanides, Sarcodes, Birds, Energy (aka ‘Imponderables’) and Asteraceae. Clinical cases are presented throughout and useful heuristics with the most common clinical presentations of illness in Aqua cases are highlighted. The chapter on Aqua and the Miasms illustrates each miasm with its Aqua words.

Animalia by Luke Norland

Animalia by Luke Norland


Animalia aims to simplify the process of researching animal remedies for both students and seasoned professionals alike. This practical book illuminates the Homeopathic themes of 6 animal families through the prism of mythology, mappa mundi, provings, cases and repertory. There is also a useful appendix on the miasms and their mythological correspondences. Beginning with a broad outline and differentiation of the 3 main kingdoms (animal, plant & mineral), and a comprehensive introduction to the circle of elements, Luke goes on to outline themes of the Spiders, Birds, Insects, Mammals, Snakes and Sea animals. He synthesises provers’ expressions from a diverse selection of classical and modern texts to give an insight into the raw human experience of the different remedy states belonging to each group. Then he gives portraits of a wide selection of individual remedies from within each group, where you will find source information, characteristic rubrics, extracts from the provers and case examples. These portraits are designed to sit alongside existing materia medica, focusing on the singular expressions that may with time and further clinical use become guiding symptoms. Luke has a talent for organizing a broad spectrum of reference material - adding nuance and giving shape to the symptoms so that the Homeopath can be guided to the mode of action of each remedy, whilst keeping in mind the broad themes of the family.

A World Map of Homeopathic Families by Anne Vervarcke

A World Map of Homeopathic Families by Anne Vervarcke


A World Map of Homeopathic Groups and Families aims to make homeopathic practice manageable again. Unlike the early days of homeopathy and particularly in the last 20 years, homeopathic students and practitioners now have access to a bewildering amount of information - new provings, books, systems and computer programmes all add to an already extensive body of knowledge. But how does the practitioner incorporate all this new data into their work? This book aims to answer this question by guiding us to take a step back from a case for a more 'big picture' view before examining the smaller details. It introduces the concepts of 2D / 3D groups and the Vital Approach Map of Homeopathic Families which Anne likens to a treasure map for the similimum. Practitioners will learn how to identify clear pointers for the bigger groups and families, what other key information to look for in a case, how to connect the dots and recognise patterns leading to more efficient prescribing and improved outcomes. Anne's straightforward approaches are beautifully presented in this book. Through them we gain not only a broader perspective but also deeper understanding that allows our homeopathic practice to be taken to a whole new level.

Homeopathic Prescribing  (2nd edition) by Steven Kayne and Lee Kayne

Homeopathic Prescribing (2nd edition) by Steven Kayne and Lee Kayne


Originally devised at 36000 feet over Siberia, this book was initially commissioned by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society for practising pharmacists and other health professionals. The second edition has been revised to make it more accessible to everyone and is laid out to make it easy to find the most important information on all aspects of homeopathy quickly and concisely. Part 1 - An introduction to the principles of homeopathy as a self-contained curative system. The basics of anthroposophy, biochemical tissue salts and flower remedies are also explained. Part 2 - 56 flow charts (decision trees) which will help properly target the most appropriate homeopathic remedy for a wide range of commonly seen acute conditions, whether you are an experienced practitioner or newcomer to homeopathy. The charts are complemented by supplementary materia medica notes to further inform your choice of remedy. The majority of remedies referenced in this book are readily available over the counter in pharmacies or online. "This book is one of the best-organised homeopathic works I have ever seen. It gives you confidence; it provides a footing for quick homeopathic action when time is of the essence. No theory, no prolonged intellectual discussion, just a guide to the action needed, here and now." - Ivo Wiesner in the Homeopathic Links Journal

Prisma Reference by Frans Vermeulen

Prisma Reference by Frans Vermeulen


Homeopaths are always eager to have the latest repertory with the most additions to keep the greatest amount of info at their fingertips. The same should be true with materia medica – they should contain information that is both accurate and current. For over 20 years, Vermeulen materia medicas have provided reliability, breadth and depth, cutting edge details supporting the changes in methods of prescribing. That is why they are the best selling and most trusted materia medicae in homeopathic practice. The Ultimate Prisma Collection contains the most remedies and the most detailed information of any materia medica, including hundreds of remedies not found in any other text. This work also features the most comprehensive list of remedies, all accurately identified, categorised and described, considerably improved, revised and expanded from Vermeulen’s previous works. To reflect new prescribing practices 'Sensation' entries have been added. These are the tools of our profession – a carpenter would not keep a dull saw, a seamstress would not keep an outdated sewing machine, a cook would not use stale ingredients. To achieve the best results homeopaths must constantly update their reference materials and ensure that they are working with information of the highest quality. A small change in the placement of a plant into a different family, new source details about a mineral or the addition of a new animal remedy can make a huge clinical difference.

Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic Practice (3rd Edition) by John Saxton

Bowel Nosodes in Homeopathic Practice (3rd Edition) by John Saxton


The group of eleven homeopathic remedies known as the Bowel Nosodes are unique in both their derivation and the opportunities that they offer. Although they have some indications in acute prescribing, because of the connection and resonance that they have with the miasmatic forces that are active in the body, they are particularly useful in the treatment of chronic disease. The origin of these remedies lies in human medicine, and there are still major indications in that field. Their development is traced and the concept behind them is explained and discussed within the context of modern homeopathic thought. The general uses of the group in the clinical situation are outlined, and the materia medica of the individual bowel nosodes is discussed. The various methods of using the bowel nosodes are illustrated with nine case histories from the human world and ten from the animal, demonstrating the common guidelines that are applicable to all species. The third edition is revised, expanded and updated.

Neon  by Jeremy Sherr

Neon by Jeremy Sherr


Neon is the second book in the Noble Gas series by Jeremy Sherr. Continuing the journey that began with Helium (Saltire Books, 2013), Jeremy leads the reader further down the periodic spiral. Using the detailed symptoms of his Neon proving as a base, Jeremy draws on biology, geometry, astronomy, physics, metaphysics, analogy, poetry, movie, myth and the Bible to explore the deeper aspects of Neon and the second period. He continues the profound and revolutionary line of inquiry from the Helium book, delving into Neon’s revelations about the universe, the evolution of the soul and the development of our selves. Beginning with the study of the element and its physical affinities, the book takes us through the symptom generalities, emotional essence, geometrical structure, spatial dimensions and spiritual aspects of Neon, and its relationship to the origins of Psora. Jeremy’s clinical experience, as well as cases collected from other practitioners, illustrates the practical application of Neon.

Syphilis (2nd Edition)  by Jeremy Sherr

Syphilis (2nd Edition) by Jeremy Sherr


Over ten years have passed since the first edition of this book, and Saltire are happy to present this second enhanced edition. The Dynamic Materia Medica of Syphilis is a web composed of eleven syphilitic remedies, each approached from a different perspective, each representing a lesson in materia medica study; essays and provings, essences and toxicologies, affinities, poetry, mythology, history, analysis and synthesis are all spread over an underlying bed of philosophy. The left and right pages represent the parallel approaches of science and art. The synthesis of all these strands culminates in an exciting conclusion on the nature of the syphilitc miasm and its underlying psoric roots. While this book is an easy and enjoyable read, it is also an exercise book for the thinking homoeopath. Many clues lie buried below the surface, mimicking the hidden nature of our cases. The reader's challenge is to uncover and synthesise this information. This effort should pay dividends in all aspects of homeopathy, from case solving to a deeper perception of materia medica and philosophy. In this new edition Jeremy includes a commentary with solutions to many of the riddles. This can be read first as a guide or left to contemplate after the tantalising end!

The Art of Proving  by Sonya McLeod

The Art of Proving by Sonya McLeod


Each and every homeopathic remedy contains within itself the ability to heal unique, characteristic signs and symptoms. These characteristic healing symptoms that are contained within each remedy are an unchanging eternal truth that remain constant through space and time. Homeopathic provings are an effective way to experience and interpret the signs and symptoms (i.e. the eternal healing effect) of remedies. Yet it is somewhat puzzling that provers are able to accurately access the remedy state during unconventional provings where no remedy is ingested, such as dream provings, meditative provings and trituration provings. Since discovering trituration provings in 2010, the author has found them to be a deep and extremely accurate way of exploring a remedy’s healing ability. During the process of making the remedy by hand, while triturating the substance with milk sugar, a doorway is opened to what Jungian psychologists call the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is like a world database of information that each and every living thing on the planet is connected to. Contained within the database of the collective unconscious is the eternal, unchanging truth of the healing ability of each and every homeopathic remedy. Provings are the author’s higher calling, the vehicle through which her soul journeys towards wholeness. So far, Sonya has conducted provings of 14 different remedies over an eight year period and in this beautiful full colour work, nine complete remedy provings including physical, mental and thematic summaries are given for Albino ‘Ghost’ Redwood, Northwestern Crow, Herkimer Diamond, Woad, Wild Horse, Angelite, Black Kyanite, Raccoon and Giant Panda.

The Raven – A Flight through an Archetypal Force Field by David Lilley

The Raven – A Flight through an Archetypal Force Field by David Lilley


Raven enjoys a wide variety of habitats from the far northern icepacks, to the shimmering dunes of the Sahara and the forbidding peaks of the Himalayas. It can imitate and mimic many different sounds, including the human voice. Solitary, raven looks like a crow – in flight like a buzzard – soars like an eagle – eats carrion like a vulture – strides and thinks like a human. Raven is totem to Allfather, the Norse god Odin; to the Greek gods Apollo, God of Healing, Athene, Goddess of Wisdom and Hekate Goddess of the Unconscious; to Shekinah, the Hebrew Goddess of the Hearth; and to the Morrigan, the Irish chooser of the slain. Raven is a trickster like Fox and a messenger like Wolf. To the Amerindians of the Pacific North Coast, Raven is demiurge; like Prometheus, a bringer of fire – the fire of the soaring intellect and the creative genius. Raven is an archetype of many aspects and many faces – it is a shapeshifter – an archetype for all seasons and of great shamanic power – a walker-between-worlds – commanding the divide between the conscious and unconscious minds – the interface where the conflict between expression and repression is waged in the human psyche. To have Raven Knowledge is an Irish proverb meaning – to see all and to know all – to observe, to perceive and to unravel matters beyond the comprehension of the ordinary mind. The Raven archetype will often be recognised in singularly gifted figures who bring ‘special gifts from the gods’ to humanity in the form of wisdom, knowledge, literature, art, music and creative craftmanship. As apex Avian archetype, Raven presides over all diasporas, as it did those of the Jewish and Irish tribes. In this new work, David Lilley traces the lives of two outstanding sons of these gifted peoples: Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Rebbe, and Edgar Allan Poe, the Irish American genius of Gothic literature.