Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder - Andrews

Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder - Andrews


Homeopathy can be an effective way to manage aggression, improve physical health problems and enhance overall wellbeing in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This book presents the clinical experiences of homeopaths working with autism around the world, exploring the real clinical outcomes that are being achieved in practice. It will be compelling reading for homeopaths, other healthcare professionals, teachers, parents and all those who come in to contact with children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Glimpses of the Association - Master

Glimpses of the Association - Master


Understanding a typical character or a particular behaviour and interpreting its components into homeopathic terminology to arrive at the simillium is a basic but difficult task for a homeopath. This is where this book provides additional acknowledge and skill to the homeopath of the modern era. " Fairy Tales", their "Characters’", " The Modified Fairy Tale Test", " The Archetypes" and "Symbols" etc. are new tools added by Dr. Farokh J Master to homeopathic case analysis to access the altered patterns of patients' psyche.

Understanding and treating the patient on such a deep level brings marvellous cures not commonly achieved by similarity of superficial symptoms. The author makes his work comprehensive and practicable by his analytical approach and descriptive cases. The book is the result of the author's deep and extensive study of the subject and a must read for every homeopath.

Synergy Synopsis - Sankaran

Synergy Synopsis - Sankaran


Synergy denotes the coming together of two or more things to create an effect that is much greater than their sum.

In Homoeopathic practice, using different approaches in tandem produces the best results. The utilization of traditional Homoeopathic tools such as Materia Medica and the Repertory (left-brain approach) in combination with modern homeopathic approaches such as Sensation  and Kingdom understanding (right-brain concepts)  generate  the most success.

This idea, termed Synergy, has evolved over the last three decades and has come  to a very  effective position. It is also a comprehensive and inclusive way, and uses all possible approaches together. This also gives a flexibility in case-taking   and analysis. This is a system that can be taught, practised and replicated successfully.

This  small book,  updated  with  the  latest  developments, is intended to be a ready  reference guide for participants who attend seminars and for others who wish to have an overview  of this system of practice.

Alternation of Remedies In Homoeopathic Therapeutics- Tahir Malik Awan

Alternation of Remedies In Homoeopathic Therapeutics- Tahir Malik Awan


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which has penetrated through the world of health and disease as an icon built on solid principles as its foundation. It has proved itself to be worthy of consideration with the other branches of medical science. I do not think that it needs any umbrella, as of  alternative medicine. In fact, it is a complete system with its paraphernalia and has its own individual identity, which is being admitted strongly in the last few decades as an art and science.
During the advance study of homoeopathic philosophy one  often comes across new enigmas and have wonderful experiences. Alternation of homoeopathic remedies is  one of them. In the history of homoeopathic therapeutics, it is a ground reality that there are miracles in single remedy prescription but on many occasions and under undecidable and complicated situations, alternation of remedies is also full of magical results. Various examples of alternations done by renowned homoeopaths could be found as a reference in the introduction and the main part of this book.
Alternation of remedies is a part and parcel of homoeopathic therapeutics. Alternation is not a matter of mixing remedies. It is always giving one remedy at a time and giving other after a lapse of time depending upon the conditions and requirement of the case. I should say that alternation is a cross between two or more required remedies or a point where the  tips of these two or even three remedies meet. It is a converging point where the cure meets the disease and sure it is.
Hahnemann has generally advised to give single remedy and strictly prohibited and condemned the prescription of more than one remedy at a time or mixing them altogether. It has never occurred once or mentioned anywhere that he has strongly prohibited the alternation of remedies. Despite the continuous best efforts when we are not getting the required results and the condition of the patient and intuition of the physician is pointing toward alternation then we must not hesitate to alternate.
Hahnemann himself did alternation when he considered  it as  a necessity, for the betterment of the patient or curing of the disease i.e. be it a miasmatic situation or complications arising from  miasmatic complexities.
From the first edition of “Organon of the Rational System of Medicine”, throughout the evolutionary process, till it reaches the zenith of 6th edition of “Organon of Medicine”, Hahnemann’s thoughts had been oscillating between acceptance and rejection of alternation of remedies. I have not done this work to justify the practice of alternation of remedies. It is just an effort to assimilate the scattered   therapeutical material, on and about alternation by different legendary homoeopaths in the literature available , from the Hahnemannian era to the present times.
I again emphasize that alternation of remedies should not be adopted as a regular practice. It must be used when its need is inevitable and where the totality is indicating the two or more remedies at a time.

Homeo-Kids- Patricia Le Roux

Homeo-Kids- Patricia Le Roux


A modern materia medica of children's remedies, exceptionally concise and practical. Patricia Le Roux was a leading homeopathic pediatrician, combining in her practice classical methods with the new approaches pioneered by Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran. She had the unique gift of getting to the heart of the symptoms found specifically in children.

The 60 remedies described range from the classic polychrests such as Pulsatilla, Calcium carbonicum, and Lycopodium to less well-known but very successful remedies for children such as  Beryllium, Helium, Saccharum officinale, Falco, Oxygenium, and Chocolate.

Building on Borland's homeopathic classic of children's types, Patricia Le Roux arranged the 60 remedy pictures into these four main types: sensitive to cold, warm-blooded, slow, and restless. This enables rapid differentiation. For each remedy there is also a very useful distinction between the symptoms found in babies and those found in children. The author has drawn on her great clinical experience, offering valuable tips for how the remedies can be recognized in very small children who may display little in the way of typical symptoms or signs. A comprehensive index of illnesses also aids selection of the best remedy. An original work that will surely help homeopaths to prescribe for children with greater confidence.

Immunization Options - Isaac Golden

Immunization Options - Isaac Golden


Immunizatuin us a controversial topic for many parents - especially those who are not prepared to take the word of another when making important decisions regarding their child;s long-term heath and wellbeing. These parents act out of care and concern, but it is rareluy the easiest option to take. THe internet contrains infomeaiont of variable reliability, as do officail Health Department statements. Their

Hahnemann's Legacy in Modern Homeopathic Practice - Saxton

Hahnemann's Legacy in Modern Homeopathic Practice - Saxton


Modern homeopathic practice, whilst moving into new and exciting areas, is still based on the three great works of Hahnemann - the Organon, Chronic Diseases and Materia Medica Pura.

Yet these pillars of practice are themselves based on the years of doubts, observation, thoughts and experimentation which are revealed in Hahnemann's other writings and letters. To fully understand and utilise the modern developments, it is necessary to appreciate where the true roots of modern homeopathy lie.

Many of the problems facing homeopathy today were also faced by Hahnemann and his followers. This book will examine the growth of homeopathy within the context of Hahnemann's legacy that continues to inform today's practitioners and guide the development of their practice.

Argon - Jeremy Sherr

Argon - Jeremy Sherr


Argon is the third book in Jeremy Sherr's Noble Gas series. Building on the understanding gained in Helium (2013) and Neon (2016), Jeremy continues to develop the themes of this perfect family of remedies.
Every row in the periodic table strives to be like its related noble gas. It is Jeremy's belief that by understanding each of the noble gases we gain insight into the preceding series and the whole periodic table. Hence this book illuminates Argon's related series of remedies, from Natrum to Chlorum.

The noble gases are remarkable remedies, as their perfection also exposes their opposing imperfections. Through a profound study of these remedies, we perceive the vertical line that runs through all of them: the line of Here, Now and Truth connecting heaven and earth.

A proving does not provide a materia medica - it is only an initial suggestion for the genus of a remedy. By exploring the connecting pathways between the proving symptoms and their deeper significance, Jeremy reveals the secrets of Argon and its related period, and demonstrates the science and art of transforming remedies and cases into a meaningful totality. This is the essence of good homoeopathy. Delve into this book and you will gain a profound understanding of Argon, the third period, materia medica, cases, the evolution of the soul, and a small corner of the universe.