Homeo-Kids- Patricia Le Roux

Homeo-Kids- Patricia Le Roux


A modern materia medica of children's remedies, exceptionally concise and practical. Patricia Le Roux was a leading homeopathic pediatrician, combining in her practice classical methods with the new approaches pioneered by Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran. She had the unique gift of getting to the heart of the symptoms found specifically in children.

The 60 remedies described range from the classic polychrests such as Pulsatilla, Calcium carbonicum, and Lycopodium to less well-known but very successful remedies for children such as  Beryllium, Helium, Saccharum officinale, Falco, Oxygenium, and Chocolate.

Building on Borland's homeopathic classic of children's types, Patricia Le Roux arranged the 60 remedy pictures into these four main types: sensitive to cold, warm-blooded, slow, and restless. This enables rapid differentiation. For each remedy there is also a very useful distinction between the symptoms found in babies and those found in children. The author has drawn on her great clinical experience, offering valuable tips for how the remedies can be recognized in very small children who may display little in the way of typical symptoms or signs. A comprehensive index of illnesses also aids selection of the best remedy. An original work that will surely help homeopaths to prescribe for children with greater confidence.

Alternation of Remedies In Homoeopathic Therapeutics- Tahir Malik Awan

Alternation of Remedies In Homoeopathic Therapeutics- Tahir Malik Awan


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which has penetrated through the world of health and disease as an icon built on solid principles as its foundation. It has proved itself to be worthy of consideration with the other branches of medical science. I do not think that it needs any umbrella, as of  alternative medicine. In fact, it is a complete system with its paraphernalia and has its own individual identity, which is being admitted strongly in the last few decades as an art and science.
During the advance study of homoeopathic philosophy one  often comes across new enigmas and have wonderful experiences. Alternation of homoeopathic remedies is  one of them. In the history of homoeopathic therapeutics, it is a ground reality that there are miracles in single remedy prescription but on many occasions and under undecidable and complicated situations, alternation of remedies is also full of magical results. Various examples of alternations done by renowned homoeopaths could be found as a reference in the introduction and the main part of this book.
Alternation of remedies is a part and parcel of homoeopathic therapeutics. Alternation is not a matter of mixing remedies. It is always giving one remedy at a time and giving other after a lapse of time depending upon the conditions and requirement of the case. I should say that alternation is a cross between two or more required remedies or a point where the  tips of these two or even three remedies meet. It is a converging point where the cure meets the disease and sure it is.
Hahnemann has generally advised to give single remedy and strictly prohibited and condemned the prescription of more than one remedy at a time or mixing them altogether. It has never occurred once or mentioned anywhere that he has strongly prohibited the alternation of remedies. Despite the continuous best efforts when we are not getting the required results and the condition of the patient and intuition of the physician is pointing toward alternation then we must not hesitate to alternate.
Hahnemann himself did alternation when he considered  it as  a necessity, for the betterment of the patient or curing of the disease i.e. be it a miasmatic situation or complications arising from  miasmatic complexities.
From the first edition of “Organon of the Rational System of Medicine”, throughout the evolutionary process, till it reaches the zenith of 6th edition of “Organon of Medicine”, Hahnemann’s thoughts had been oscillating between acceptance and rejection of alternation of remedies. I have not done this work to justify the practice of alternation of remedies. It is just an effort to assimilate the scattered   therapeutical material, on and about alternation by different legendary homoeopaths in the literature available , from the Hahnemannian era to the present times.
I again emphasize that alternation of remedies should not be adopted as a regular practice. It must be used when its need is inevitable and where the totality is indicating the two or more remedies at a time.

Synergy Synopsis - Sankaran

Synergy Synopsis - Sankaran


Synergy denotes the coming together of two or more things to create an effect that is much greater than their sum.

In Homoeopathic practice, using different approaches in tandem produces the best results. The utilization of traditional Homoeopathic tools such as Materia Medica and the Repertory (left-brain approach) in combination with modern homeopathic approaches such as Sensation  and Kingdom understanding (right-brain concepts)  generate  the most success.

This idea, termed Synergy, has evolved over the last three decades and has come  to a very  effective position. It is also a comprehensive and inclusive way, and uses all possible approaches together. This also gives a flexibility in case-taking   and analysis. This is a system that can be taught, practised and replicated successfully.

This  small book,  updated  with  the  latest  developments, is intended to be a ready  reference guide for participants who attend seminars and for others who wish to have an overview  of this system of practice.

Glimpses of the Association - Master

Glimpses of the Association - Master


Understanding a typical character or a particular behaviour and interpreting its components into homeopathic terminology to arrive at the simillium is a basic but difficult task for a homeopath. This is where this book provides additional acknowledge and skill to the homeopath of the modern era. " Fairy Tales", their "Characters’", " The Modified Fairy Tale Test", " The Archetypes" and "Symbols" etc. are new tools added by Dr. Farokh J Master to homeopathic case analysis to access the altered patterns of patients' psyche.

Understanding and treating the patient on such a deep level brings marvellous cures not commonly achieved by similarity of superficial symptoms. The author makes his work comprehensive and practicable by his analytical approach and descriptive cases. The book is the result of the author's deep and extensive study of the subject and a must read for every homeopath.

Wondrous Order - Michal Yakir

Wondrous Order - Michal Yakir


The book "Wondrous Order - The Table of Plants" is currently being translated into English and is expected by the middle of 2015.

Michal Yakir is a homeopathic pioneer who has unlocked the plant kingdom for homeopathy. She has developed her own system for the plant kingdom in the form of a simple tabular set of coordinates with columns and rows, which shows how each column of the plant table can be assigned to different types with varying psychological traits and physical pathologies.

By learning to recognize the special characteristics and themes of the columns, we can acquire a valuable tool to help us identify the required remedy in modern times. Thanks to her straightforward but profound insights based on the ideas of plant evolution, Michal Yakir has made the plant kingdom comprehensible. She adds a new dimension to our existing knowledge of plants, encouraging us to prescribe less well known plants.

Her monumental work contains over 800 different plant remedies, amounting to 95% of the remedies known to homeopathy, including many so far unknown plants. She clearly explains their themes and pathologies in terms of their family and placement in the table. Hundreds of short cases provide graphic sketches of the essences of the individual remedies.

Dr Mahesh Gandhi wrote about Michal Yakir:
"I have had an opportunity to learn from Michal Yakir her novel understanding of plants from development point of view. It makes a lot of sense to me and has changed my outlook towards plants. I am using her ideas in my practise with excellent results. She has made the plant kingdom very understandable by her simple yet deep understanding of them based on the concept of evolution of plants. It is indeed a very fascinating and a practical work.

It gives an additional dimension to our understanding of known plants and also helps us prescribe some yet unknown plants with confidence. It is a very extensive work which can help us prescribe more efficiently in our daily homoeopathic practise. It compliments all that we know about plants from other teachers like Sankaran and Scholten. I would recommend every serious homoeopath to learn it as it will prove to be a useful tool in helping us help our patients."

Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder - Andrews

Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder - Andrews


Homeopathy can be an effective way to manage aggression, improve physical health problems and enhance overall wellbeing in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This book presents the clinical experiences of homeopaths working with autism around the world, exploring the real clinical outcomes that are being achieved in practice. It will be compelling reading for homeopaths, other healthcare professionals, teachers, parents and all those who come in to contact with children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Concordant Reference 2nd ed- Vermeulen

Concordant Reference 2nd ed- Vermeulen


The world's best single-volume materia medica has been completely revised and updated - for instance, Vermeulen's Concordant Reference now includes ALL of Boericke's remedies precisely indexed and easy to find.

Those who are already familiar with Vermeulen's original Concordant Materia Medica will find the familiar layout of sections, symptom divisions and categories in this new Concordant Reference.

Professional homeopathic practice without the Concordant Reference is inconceivable.


Concordant Reference, published November 2011

   - 1209 remedies in one book!
    - An additional 362 remedies from the classical materia medicas
    - Expanded Sensation, Mind and Dream sections
    - Family Information on Plants, Animals, Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses
    - Chemical Formulas for Mineral and Organic Compounds
    - Standardized Nomenclature with latin names, common names and family groupings
    - Corrected source material information from the author's research
    - Remedies described separately that had been combined in the classical literature
    - More proving symptoms to complement the clinical focus of the previous versions
    - Organized in Boericke's scheme but including material from ten classical authors

Do you, like so many homeopaths, spend your days in and out of Frans Vermeulen's books? If so, then you know that Vermeulen's materia medicas are the most comprehensive single-volume references available. The original Concordant met with instant success on its publication 17 years ago. Now, for the first time in 14 years, this information has been completely revised, expanded and updated.

Concordant Reference represents an extensive sifting and culling of the classical homeopathic materia medica. Remedy source information has been corrected from the original texts. Previously combined remedies, like Rhus toxicodendron and Rhus radicans, have been distinguished and listed separately. More proving symptoms have been included from T.F. Allen's Encyclopedia to complement the mostly clinical information from Hering.

Our lesser known remedies benefit most from Vermeulen's work on Concordant Reference. In particular, dozens of substances previously hidden in the "relationship" sections of Boericke's Pocket Manual have been either indexed or separated into their own listings. Experience shows that small or previously unknown remedies can yield brilliant results. Modern homeopaths will have the opportunity to examine these additional remedies and broaden their use.

Besides the expanded and verified content, the new Concordant Reference reflects recent changes in homeopathic techniques and scientific knowledge. By improving the accuracy of the original material and adding scientific classification, Concordant Reference uses the classical materia medica to build a solid foundation for the modern practice of homeopathy.

The phrase, "classical materia medica," refers to the work done from 1790 - 1931, starting with Hahnemann and ending with Boericke and Boger. Concordant Reference is a one-volume compilation of the following classical materia medicas:

    1) T.F. Allen - Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, 10 volumes (1874 - 1879)
    2) T.F. Allen - A Primer of Materia Medica (1892)
    3) Boericke - Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica (1927)
    4) Boger - Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica (1931)
    5) Clarke - Dictionary of Homeopathic Materia Medica, 3 volumes (1900)
    6) Cowperthwaite - Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics (1891)
    7) Hering - Guiding Symptoms, 10 volumes (1877 - 1887)
    8) Kent - Repertory (1877)
    9) A. Lippe - Textbook of Materia Medica (1865)
  10) Pulford - Homeopathic Materia Medica of Graphic Drug Pictures (approx. 1930)

Those who are already familiar with Concordant Materia Medica will find the familiar layout of sections, symptom divisions and categories in Concordant Reference. Each remedy's materia medica is broken down into Generals, Mind, Dreams, Body sections, Modalities, Relations and Causation. The author has broken out sections on Food and Drink, Heart, Limbs in General, Upper Limbs and Lower Limbs for easier reference. Also, each section of the body is further divided into Sensations, Pain and Objective.

Vermeulen has enlarged the Sensation, Mind and Dream sections, reflecting the recent developments in case taking, case analysis and prescribing that have shown to be so effective for today’s homeopath.

About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot

About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot


Here you see the result of a great and thorough work: an important book in homeopathy’s growth to maturity.

Margriet Plouvier has created an extremely workable overview of the functioning of different potencies by systematically and logically arranging her observations of the therapeutic effect after prescriptions. This is a great support when we try to choose the appropriate potency for a case.There are many theories about the use of the best potency, but until now it is more tradition and conviction that are determinative instead of systematic research. Being the pharmacist of a homeopathic pharmacy, I see many recipes every day; so I have an overview of many prescriptions. I also have knowledge of clinical and fundamental research in homeopathy: this research doesn’t show any useful difference of result between D, C, K, or LM potencies.Very little study has been done into the exact differences in functioning between the several potency-systems. It is impossible to have a preference based on clinical and fundamental research. Nevertheless I notice that doctors and therapist have their strong personal preferences. This book shows the corresponding effect of potencies from different potency- systems.

The question is: what is most important? Is the difference in effect of the several potencies secondary to the choice of the simillimum in the potency appropriate to the case?

Classical Homeopathy - Evidence Based Medicine - Erik van Woensel

Classical Homeopathy - Evidence Based Medicine - Erik van Woensel


Case studies - Long term treatment - Theory

What this book has to offer you
• Clear instructions about how to analyse the information coming from the homeopathic consultation and how to synthesize this outcome into a homeopathic prescription
• Insight in how to make a prognosis, considering:
• what has to be treated as to pathology,
• what the condition of the defence mechanism is and the patient's level of health,
• possible causative and disease-maintaining factors,
• the patient's personal and family medical history,
• the patient's functioning as a human being: mentally, emotionally and socially,
• the clearness of the remedy pattern.
• Information that enables you to better estimate the duration and complexity of the treatment.
• The ability to judge the symptoms presented in the case as to their peculiarity and how to find the distinctive characteristic symptoms of the case.
• A well-structured schedule about the different strategies that can be used to arrive at a homeopathic prescription, enabling you to choose the right strategy in order to make the correct prescription.
• Knowledge how to differentiate the appropriate remedies and select the most similar one.
• Guidelines along which you can select the right potency to start the treatment with.
• Practical tips helping you to correctly evaluate the reaction to the prescribed remedy.
Fifty-one cases, with a long-term treatment up to more than twenty years, to practise your knowledge on prognosis, case analysis, materia medica, potency selection and evaluation of the case.

378 pages, hard cover

The Last Series - Margriet Plouvier-Suijs

The Last Series - Margriet Plouvier-Suijs


Actinium, Uranium, Plutonium and others

The actinides, when transformed into homeopathic potencies, are remedies of our times, where life seems to be speeding up and old established systems are falling apart. Being at the far end of the periodic table, with the inherent tendency to decay, the Actinides correspond to the approach of death, the release of the physical state, the transition from the material realm into the realm of energy.

The states requiring Actinide remedies are powerfully charged. Actinides' patients can feel fragile and unstable, in a continuous state of chaos and threatened disintegration. Physically, there can be severe pathologies or malformations, often genetic. The person may feel like they are living in a wasteland, between life and death, as might in fact be the case.

In this book, Margriet Plouvier-Suijs shares with us her extensive experience of the Actinide remedies. She has learned to recognise these states not only in their severe forms, but in their subtle earlier manifestations as well, so that we can learn to prescribe these remedies before someone becomes so disastrously ill. She has included cases from other colleagues as well, broadening our knowledge and experience of these remedies. I most sincerely hope that this book will help us to utilise not only the more familiar Actinide remedies, but to venture out and learn to apply the full spectrum of Actinides in our practices.
from the Foreword by Deborah Collins

Radioactive elements can destroy white blood cells, and it takes a similar energy to cure this affliction.
This dark side cannot be ignored any longer. Pandora's box has been opened so that our only option is to enter fully, to discover the light at the end of this dark tunnel.
Jeremy Sherr

236 pages, hard cover

Quick Book of Minerals and Animals - Bhawisha Joshi & Shachindra Joshi

Quick Book of Minerals and Animals - Bhawisha Joshi & Shachindra Joshi


This is a concise compilation of the work represented by the Joshi's in their seminars and lectures around the globe.

It comprises - a comparative materia medica in a crisp table format, an overview of the minerals in the periodic table, miasms and their comparison and a comparative chart to differentiate the basic traits of smaller groups like fungi, bacteria, sarcodes and nosodes. 

The highlight of this book is the Joshi's most recent development - a new dimenson in homeopathy called 'Mapping Personalities'. This entails comparing different human personalities to different animal types. 

The Joshi's have also done some ground-breaking work, as a by-product of 'Mapping Personalities', comparing animal remedies with mineral remedies.

This work has already been of great help to homeopaths around the globe in solving their difficult and unsolved cases. 

We antiicpate that this book will help you too!

79 pages, soft cover

The New World Veterinary Repertory - Richard Pitcairn & Wendy Jensen

The New World Veterinary Repertory - Richard Pitcairn & Wendy Jensen


A modern homeopathic repertory adapted for animal patients, based on Boger-Boenninghausen's Repertory, with valuable additions from Kent and many others.

The very first repertory designed exclusively for veterinary use. Of the more than 110 repertories published over the last two centuries*, this is the first that has been carefully constructed to be of special application to veterinary practice. Until now, veterinarians practicing the homeopathy of Hahnemann have used the repertories designed for human beings – Kent's, Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocketbook, Boger edition of Boenninghausen's repertory, The Synthetic Repertory, etc. These are excellent repertories for human use but can be a challenge to veterinarians for two reasons.
1. They contain large amounts of information, such as sensations, types of pains, and specific locations, that only humans can communicate.
2. Some of the most common non-human conditions are either minimally presented or completely absent from existing repertories.

Veterinarians Richard Pitcairn and Wendy Jensen, together with over 55 years' experience in exclusively homeopathic practices, bring their knowledge of animal conditions and the correspondingly most applicable rubrics to this unparalleled reference work. The Boenninghausen repertory, edited by Boger, was the foundation for the work because of its emphasis on physical conditions and its skillful use of modalities and concomitants that are so necessary in veterinary work. After editing out the non-applicable material, rubrics especially helpful in animal cases were added or enlarged – primarily from Kent's repertory, but also from other sources including Jahr, Boger, Allen, Hering and Boericke. Extensive cross references were also added to make the discovery of the most similar rubric much easier than ever before.

This work, the first of its type, will greatly enhance every homeopathic veterinarian's satisfaction and success in practice.

* Source: Robin Murphy. "Designing A New Repertory", The Journal of The Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, Fall 1993, Vol. VI, No. 3, page 22.

"I have been using the New World Repertory on a daily basis. Modeled after the Boenninghausen repertory, the NWR is similarly focused on physical symptoms, with the addition of rubrics specific to animal problems. Initially I thought it would just be applicable to my animal patients but have found it to be more concise and less bulky then many repertories, making it my first choice when initially repertorizing a case, be it animal or human. This repertory is a must for anyone who treats animals with homeopathy!" 
Julie Matthews, DVM,CVA,CVH , York Maine

"I refer to your new repertory daily in my busy practice, and it has become my default reference when solving cases. Thanks to Richard and Wendy for all the labor involved in producing this great and useful tool for us to apply in practice."

Dr Todd Cooney DVM, CVH , Certified Veterinary Homeopath, Kokomo 

"The NWVR has been invaluable in my homeopathic veterinary casework for both acute and chronic prescribing. This repertory is tailored for veterinary use by including applicable descriptive rubrics for symptoms we'd most likely see in our animal patients. Another helpful tool are the extensive cross references and inclusion of concomitants that can help refine an obscure symptom."

 Marybeth Minter, DVM , Sedona


How often is there something really new brought out? There is now! For the very first time there is a repertory that has been carefully edited specifically for veterinary use. Dr. Wendy Jensen and Dr. Richard Pitcairn, together with 55 years of practical experience using homeopathy exclusively in the treatment of animals, have made a reference work you must have on your shelf.

Using the Boger-Boenninghausen repertory as a foundation, because this repertory is the most applicable to animal work, careful editing and additions from Kent's repertory and other sources have honed a tool both practical and very effective to use in practice.
The repertory was constructed in several stages. The first step was to remove all rubrics which could not be applied to animal patients, such as those relating to sensations or inner mental activities such as dreams and delusions. Then useful rubrics were added from Kent, Jahr, Boger, and Schwartz's Wound Repertory. Oftentimes Kent contained similar rubrics but had many more remedies, so these were added to the rubrics in Boenninghausen. The next step was to change the language to reflect quadruped anatomy, such as replacing ankle with hock and wrist with carpus. Finally, the cross references, which suggest rubrics with similar meanings, were greatly expanded, so that the busy practitioner could at a glance find the rubric with the best fit for the patient at hand.

738 pages, hard cover

Orchids in Homeopathy - Louis Klein

Orchids in Homeopathy - Louis Klein


Orchids are one of the largest and most fascinating plant families in the world. In spite of that, they have been poorly represented in homeopathy.

Renowned homeopath Louis Klein has produced a comprehensive and trail-blazing guide to this compelling plant family. He initiated ‘The Orchid Project’ to encourage study, sowing seeds which have grown into the extensive provings, materia medica and clinical data offered here.

The material combines a wealth of background information, analysis and intuitive insights to identify key themes for the Orchidaceae family. These include a conflict between spirituality and materialism with a strong sexuality and search for perfectionism.

They have proven to be powerful remedies in children with ADHD, dyslexia, speech difficulties and other learning disorders. Orchid remedies are increasingly needed in the “new child” that is overly adapted to technology and affected by it, leading to disorders of the autism-spectrum and Asperger’s. There are physical affinities for sexual organs, feet and body orifices, with prominent neurological symptoms, as well as fungal infections and allergies. 

Detailed, nuanced portraits are offered for over thirty individual Orchid remedies like Vanilla planifolia and Cypripedium pubescens as well as many new remedies. Their lesser-known ‘dark side’ is fully explored, along with a host of other new perspectives, such as relationships to Fungal and Animal groups.

Louis Klein has the rare ability to transform the knowledge of provings into clear essences, thus helping homeopaths include this important remedy group in their daily prescriptions.

"Louis Klein's "Orchids in Homeopathy" is the result of his extensive research into this fascinating family of plants; these plants have long been the prized objects of voracious collectors in many cultures. Via historical data and a series of provings, he has found that these remedies relate to a conflict between spirituality and materialism, with a strong sexuality and a search for perfection. His cases reveal the usefulness of these remedies in those with learning difficulties such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's and dyslexia, areas where we homeopaths often struggle to find matching remedies. There is also a strong affinity with the sexual organs, neurological complaints, fungal infections and allergies.With its well-defined descriptions and accurate analyses, the link between theory and practice is made clear and applicable."  Deborah Collins

"Lou Klein's gifts of clear elucidation and clinical insights shine through in his new book, "Orchids in Homeopathy".  Fascinating are themes of sensuality and joy juxtaposed with darker themes such as war and death brought out by the orchids' relationship with fungi.  Insights into contemporary miasmatic families and periodic stages consolidate an archetypal understanding of the orchid remedies.  This groundbreaking book presents over thirty-five colorful and concise remedy pictures as well as six Hahnemannian proving" Kellie Kirkpatrick  Lic.Ac, HMC

"Lou Klein has created a wonderful summary of the themes seen in orchid remedies and related that to how and where they grow. The more detailed materia medica information on individual remedies will be a great resource and if you add to this the beautiful presentation of the book, the entire volume feels like a great gift to the homeopathic community.  Thank you for all the work" Judith Mapleson HMC


529 pages, hardcover

Wonderful Plants - Scholten

Wonderful Plants - Scholten


After many years of intensive research, Jan Scholten’s long-awaited book on the taxonomy of plants, Wonderful Plants, is now available in English. Jan Scholten’s previous works on the systematic classification of the elements of the periodic table as homeopathic remedies was the greatest breakthrough of the last ten years in homeopathy. His discoveries have been confirmed in thousands of successful cases. Yet, the main thrust of Jan Scholten’s research is not the Mineral but the Plant kingdom. This can easily be seen in the thoroughness and precision of the information offered in his monumental new work.

The same natural laws that can be seen in the series and stages of the periodic table also underlie the taxonomic system of the enormously varied plant families. The path to the required remedy is not as easy to recognize as with the mineral elements – indeed, it is still evolving! One of the timeless values of this work lies in the essences of the plant families.

See also Sense Provings - a companion book to Wonderful Plants - it presents the results of about 200 provings

„To present us the complete pictures of specific plants, families and orders in such a logic and detailed taxonomic system, fitting the problems of our time, is therefore truly a ‘Work’. A more complete and living Materia Medica of the Plant kingdom has never been created before and it could well be The Book of the future of homeopathy.“

Sense Provings - Jan Scholten

Sense Provings - Jan Scholten


This book is a companion to Wonderful Plants. It presents the results of about 200 provings performed in the course of many years. They form part of the base on which the plant theory has been been build. Many plants from families little known or unknown in homeopathy are giving their pictures in these provings. A wealth of information.

A theory of provings gives an insight into the several formats of provings, their value, strength, weakness and essence.



Companion of Wonderful Plants
This book is a companion of the book "Wonderful Plants", where the Plant theory is described. My original idea was to publish the proving in this book in the Wonderful plant book. But gradually that gave more problems. The proving take up much space and Wonderful Plants would have become thicker and heavier. A second objection is that the provings, especially the long ones like the picture proving disrupt the flow of the Wonderful plant book. Therefore I decided to place the proving in a separate book., the book Sense proving. It is meant as a reference book for further study.

How Aphorism 27 Changed the World- Bentley

How Aphorism 27 Changed the World- Bentley


The Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann contains a treasure of information about every aspect of homeopathy, including Hahnemann's views on best practice and how homeopathy works.

Grant Bentley examines aspects of The Organon in reference to contemporary practice, with focus on its place in relation to scientific thought and universal principles. Through examining natural laws, the author highlights the important strengths of the foundations of homeopathy, while also indicating some aspects of Hahnemannian thinking that are open to new interpretation, in the light of a further 200 years of practice.

Building upon the author's clinical use of natural law in determining miasmatic dominance, How Aphorism 27 Changed The World is an important addition to the homeopathic library.

Grant Bentley has written three other homeopathic books -Appearance and Circumstance, Homeopathic Facial Analysis and Soul & Survival. His methodology Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) is practiced around the world. Grant is a homeopathic practitioner, teacher and scholar, and is currently the principal lecturer of the Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy in Melbourne, Australia.

Homeopathy in Healthcare - Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Cost - Bornhoft, Matthiessen

Homeopathy in Healthcare - Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Cost - Bornhoft, Matthiessen


This volume includes the full Health Technology Assessment (HTA) report on effectiveness, appropriateness, safety and costs of homoeopathy in health care. The report was commissioned by the Swiss health authorities to inform decision-making on the further inclusion of homoeopathy in the list of services covered by statutory health insurance. Other studies carried out as part of the Swiss Complementary Medicine Evaluation Programme (PEK) caused a massive stir due to their schematic and exclusively quantitative (negative-)outcomes for homoeopathy.
The present report, in contrast, offers a differentiated evaluation of the practice of homoeopathy in health care. It confirms homoeopathy as a valuable addition to the conventional medical landscape - a status it has been holding for a long time in practical health care.

Lisa and the Mystery of the Little White Globules- Wichmann

Lisa and the Mystery of the Little White Globules- Wichmann


What exactly is homoeopathy and how does it work? 
Patients of all ages, who have experienced help through this healing method, would like to have these questions answered. – There are many volumes of literature available to the grown ups among them to find information and form their own opinion.
Yet it is difficult to find any material on homoeopathy suitable for children. This book, specifically written for children of primary school age, tries to do this with the help of a little story. This booklet contains many vivid pictures and can either be read to the children, or by the children themselves. 
It answers the most important questions about homoeopathy in an understandable and appropriate way.

"The story is light in tone, but covers many areas, showing that homeopathy can work on animals as easily as on humans. In a disarmingly simple sentence the homeopathic globules are likened to “little memory cards in a computer. They store what healing properties there are in a plant. And our body is able to read it.” This is Lisa’s insight. She later goes on to unravel the mystery of how the remedies are made, and starts her own research project, with Fiona."