The Wolf – A Mythological and Comparative Study by David Lilley

The Wolf – A Mythological and Comparative Study by David Lilley


Ancient texts document the hatred of Cain for his brother Abel and relate how Cain callously slew his innocent brother. This fratricidal act has been perpetrated by Homo sapiens against Canis lupus over thousands of years. Human and wolf are psychic siblings: rival apex predators in the late Pleistocene; both intelligent, family orientated and highly socialised creatures. While decadent, rapacious humanity has become an infestation on the surface of planet Earth, the wolf is immaculate: all that we once were - all that we should be - all that we must become! All that is odious, iniquitous and malicious in the human archetype is repressed into the Shadow of the collective human unconscious and projected upon the despised scapegoat of humanity - the wolf - making it the very embodiment of evil and malevolence. Homeopathic wolf's milk, Lac lupinum, bears the impress not only of the wolf's suffering at the hands of humanity, but also the mythical and projected visions of the wolf built into the human unconscious, ensuring a remedy of uncommon scope and power for the healing of the human soul.

Homeopathy and Dementia- Volume I: Fish Remedies by Louis Klein

Homeopathy and Dementia- Volume I: Fish Remedies by Louis Klein


It seems we have always known fish is good for the brain. Now, in this first of two volumes on homeopathy and dementia, master homeopath Louis Klein comprehensively examines, with the application of homeopathic fish remedies, one of the biggest health issues currently facing the ageing population. The homeopathic perspectives of cognitive decline are described, and a fascinating exploration of the general themes of fish remedies follows. Materia medica of the 32 fish remedies includes the natural history and dementia indications and a Clinical Focus Guide. The book comprises not only known fish remedies like Gadus morhua, Oleum jecoris or Serum anguillae but also many unknown remedies like New Zealand kahawai, white sturgeon, great white shark, Atlantic herring, electric eel, guppy, angelfish, wels catfish, tuna and brown trout. As well, there are many illustrative cases, case vignettes and selected notes from the various provings, both modern and historical. Volume 1 concludes with definitions of all the various pathologies that come under the umbrella of ‘dementia’. There is currently a dearth of information on the homeopathic treatment of dementia. This major text from Louis Klein is one of the first to tackle this crucially important topic in such an extensive manner and will therefore be essential for homeopaths working with seniors and immensely valuable to all practitioners. Volume 2 will follow, with remedies from the other kingdoms and a detailed lifestyle guide.

Gemmotherapy for Everyone - Building Immunity In Babies & Young Children - Lauren Hubele

Gemmotherapy for Everyone - Building Immunity In Babies & Young Children - Lauren Hubele


Building Immunity In Babies & Young Children is an indispensable guide for anyone caring for young ones. Whether you’re expecting a new baby and want to build a strong foundation for lifelong health or your child hasn’t responded to conventional medical care, you’ll find easy to use Gemmotherapy protocols for everything from colic and sinus congestion to skin conditions and ear infections. Gemmotherapy extracts are derived from specific trees and shrubs and support the immune system’s ability to effect a quick response to a wide variety of acute and chronic symptoms. They are affordable, easy to use, and a small collection of extracts at home will keep you well prepared for all the typical situations that arise with babies and young children. Lauren Hubele is a speaker, educator, wife, and mother who lives and works in Austin, Texas. Her practice provides a framework for resolving chronic and acute conditions using Gemmotherapy, Homeopathy, and a Plant-Based Diet for babies, children, and teenagers, as well as their parents. Lauren has studied with a variety of international experts on a range of natural health care practices. She frequently travels around the country speaking and educating practitioners of all modalities on the healing potential of Gemmotherapy, and has served on the board for the National Center for Homeopathy. Lauren is also the author of Gemmotherapy For Everyone: An Introduction To Acute Care, part of a series designed to make Gemmotherapy more accessible. Having raised three vibrant children on plant-based diets and natural medicine, Lauren is passionate about empowering families of all kinds to care for themselves using the power of plants.

Insights into Veterinary Homeopathy by Peter Gregory

Insights into Veterinary Homeopathy by Peter Gregory


For a veterinarian attempting to make the transition from the orthodox paradigm to homeopathy there are many challenges. These include: looking anew at the concepts of 'health' and 'disease'; trying to assess mental and emotional symptoms in a patient who cannot speak our language; dealing with the emotional reactions of those who do not share the same knowledge or experience. The first part of the book is devoted to examining the fundamental concepts which together provide a foundation for veterinary homeopathic practice, and how they may be understood from a modern perspective. This is followed by an investigation into some of the most common remedy states encountered in practice, with guidance on how to recognise them in an animal patient; not only by how they present outwardly, but also by accessing those elements of the patient that would otherwise be considered as hidden. Finally the author investigates the personal experience of practising veterinary homeopathy.

Homeopathic Method by Jeremy Swayne

Homeopathic Method by Jeremy Swayne


There can be little doubt that ‘homeopathy works’. For all the controversy surrounding the nature and effect of homeopathic medicines, the clinical outcomes and improvement in wellbeing achieved by homeopathic treatment are consistently good. In many instances they defy the expectations of conventional biomedical treatment, and demonstrate the remarkable extent to which our minds and bodies are capable of self-regulation and self-healing. In this book, Dr Jeremy Swayne unpacks the therapeutic ‘black box’ of the homeopathic method. He describes in detail a process of clinical enquiry and observation that is essentially entirely conventional but that casts a new light on the dynamics of illness and healing. His analysis does not depend upon any a priori assumptions about the activity of homeopathic medicines, but insists that both their effects, and the contextual aspects of the therapeutic process that homeopathy exemplifies and that is so important in all medicine, demand fuller investigation. The implications for the future of clinical practice and medical science are truly profound.

A Guide to the Plant Theory of Jan Scholten by Deborah Collins

A Guide to the Plant Theory of Jan Scholten by Deborah Collins


Deborah Collins’ highly recommended manual fills a gap. Based on and referring to Jan Scholten’s famous Plant theory, which has been expanding the world of plant remedies in homeopathy, this manual explains his method and opens doors to those who have hitherto been reluctant to try it. It provides encouragement for those who have started but become stuck, and gives further case examples for those who have already gained some experience in Scholten‘s work. Well-known homeopaths describe their experiences in practice, encouraging readers to overcome the inevitable difficulties inherent in any new system. Jan Scholten himself gives many tips for understanding the patient and applying the theory. Two extensive interviews with him provide background information into his way of thinking. Numerous charts illustrate the code and theory, providing an overview of the placement of the plant families in their relationship to the code. And finally, over fifty cases from a large variety of homeopaths demonstrate the efficacy of the method.