Alternation of Remedies In Homoeopathic Therapeutics- Tahir Malik Awan

Alternation of Remedies In Homoeopathic Therapeutics- Tahir Malik Awan


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which has penetrated through the world of health and disease as an icon built on solid principles as its foundation. It has proved itself to be worthy of consideration with the other branches of medical science. I do not think that it needs any umbrella, as of  alternative medicine. In fact, it is a complete system with its paraphernalia and has its own individual identity, which is being admitted strongly in the last few decades as an art and science.
During the advance study of homoeopathic philosophy one  often comes across new enigmas and have wonderful experiences. Alternation of homoeopathic remedies is  one of them. In the history of homoeopathic therapeutics, it is a ground reality that there are miracles in single remedy prescription but on many occasions and under undecidable and complicated situations, alternation of remedies is also full of magical results. Various examples of alternations done by renowned homoeopaths could be found as a reference in the introduction and the main part of this book.
Alternation of remedies is a part and parcel of homoeopathic therapeutics. Alternation is not a matter of mixing remedies. It is always giving one remedy at a time and giving other after a lapse of time depending upon the conditions and requirement of the case. I should say that alternation is a cross between two or more required remedies or a point where the  tips of these two or even three remedies meet. It is a converging point where the cure meets the disease and sure it is.
Hahnemann has generally advised to give single remedy and strictly prohibited and condemned the prescription of more than one remedy at a time or mixing them altogether. It has never occurred once or mentioned anywhere that he has strongly prohibited the alternation of remedies. Despite the continuous best efforts when we are not getting the required results and the condition of the patient and intuition of the physician is pointing toward alternation then we must not hesitate to alternate.
Hahnemann himself did alternation when he considered  it as  a necessity, for the betterment of the patient or curing of the disease i.e. be it a miasmatic situation or complications arising from  miasmatic complexities.
From the first edition of “Organon of the Rational System of Medicine”, throughout the evolutionary process, till it reaches the zenith of 6th edition of “Organon of Medicine”, Hahnemann’s thoughts had been oscillating between acceptance and rejection of alternation of remedies. I have not done this work to justify the practice of alternation of remedies. It is just an effort to assimilate the scattered   therapeutical material, on and about alternation by different legendary homoeopaths in the literature available , from the Hahnemannian era to the present times.
I again emphasize that alternation of remedies should not be adopted as a regular practice. It must be used when its need is inevitable and where the totality is indicating the two or more remedies at a time.

Allen's Keynotes

Allen's Keynotes


Allen's Keynotes


The work of a homeopathic student while studying and applying materia medica is one to constantly compare and differentiate. He must compare the pathogenesis of a remedy with the recorded anamnesis of the patient; he must differentiate the apparently similar symptoms of two or more medicinal agents in order to select the simillimum. To enable the student or practitioner to so this correctly the student must have proper knowledge of the individuality of the remedy; something that is peculiar, uncommon, or sufficiently characteristic in the polychrest remedy that may be used as a pivotal point of comparison. This pivotal point may be a 'keynote', a 'characteristic', or the 'red strand of rope'. This excellent work by Dr. H.C. Allen helps the reader to grasp the PQRS symptoms in no time.

About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot

About Potencies- Plouvier-Suijs Margot


Here you see the result of a great and thorough work: an important book in homeopathy’s growth to maturity.

Margriet Plouvier has created an extremely workable overview of the functioning of different potencies by systematically and logically arranging her observations of the therapeutic effect after prescriptions. This is a great support when we try to choose the appropriate potency for a case.There are many theories about the use of the best potency, but until now it is more tradition and conviction that are determinative instead of systematic research. Being the pharmacist of a homeopathic pharmacy, I see many recipes every day; so I have an overview of many prescriptions. I also have knowledge of clinical and fundamental research in homeopathy: this research doesn’t show any useful difference of result between D, C, K, or LM potencies.Very little study has been done into the exact differences in functioning between the several potency-systems. It is impossible to have a preference based on clinical and fundamental research. Nevertheless I notice that doctors and therapist have their strong personal preferences. This book shows the corresponding effect of potencies from different potency- systems.

The question is: what is most important? Is the difference in effect of the several potencies secondary to the choice of the simillimum in the potency appropriate to the case?

A World Map of Homeopathic Families by Anne Vervarcke

A World Map of Homeopathic Families by Anne Vervarcke


A World Map of Homeopathic Groups and Families aims to make homeopathic practice manageable again. Unlike the early days of homeopathy and particularly in the last 20 years, homeopathic students and practitioners now have access to a bewildering amount of information - new provings, books, systems and computer programmes all add to an already extensive body of knowledge. But how does the practitioner incorporate all this new data into their work? This book aims to answer this question by guiding us to take a step back from a case for a more 'big picture' view before examining the smaller details. It introduces the concepts of 2D / 3D groups and the Vital Approach Map of Homeopathic Families which Anne likens to a treasure map for the similimum. Practitioners will learn how to identify clear pointers for the bigger groups and families, what other key information to look for in a case, how to connect the dots and recognise patterns leading to more efficient prescribing and improved outcomes. Anne's straightforward approaches are beautifully presented in this book. Through them we gain not only a broader perspective but also deeper understanding that allows our homeopathic practice to be taken to a whole new level.

A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica - Boger

A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica - Boger


A classic by Boger, in which he continues the work of Boenninghausen. This compact book contains both a comprehensive materia medica and a complete repertory, all in less than 600 pages. Boger's aim was to restrict the remedy pictures to the essential, at the same time forming a synopsis between materia medica and repertory. The book covers a total of 323 remedies with their characteristic symptoms and chief effects. The entry for each remedy starts with the organotrophic relationships and modalities, followed by a selection of the most important symptoms.

The publisher:
The Synoptic key of Materia Medica is indeed the key that a student or a practioner needs to unlock the right remedy in each case.
In our " Rearranged & Augemented" edition you will find:
- A snap shot description of more than 400 drugs.
- A detailed and exhaustive repertory including sections on Time Modalities, General Modalities and Generalities.
-Index of remedies with latest accepted abbreviations.
If correct prescription be an art, the book will most definitely prove to be the Artist's favorite tools.

"The Synopsis is intended to make clear the general expression or genius of each remedy..."
C.M. Boger

A Guide to the Plant Theory of Jan Scholten by Deborah Collins

A Guide to the Plant Theory of Jan Scholten by Deborah Collins


Deborah Collins’ highly recommended manual fills a gap. Based on and referring to Jan Scholten’s famous Plant theory, which has been expanding the world of plant remedies in homeopathy, this manual explains his method and opens doors to those who have hitherto been reluctant to try it. It provides encouragement for those who have started but become stuck, and gives further case examples for those who have already gained some experience in Scholten‘s work. Well-known homeopaths describe their experiences in practice, encouraging readers to overcome the inevitable difficulties inherent in any new system. Jan Scholten himself gives many tips for understanding the patient and applying the theory. Two extensive interviews with him provide background information into his way of thinking. Numerous charts illustrate the code and theory, providing an overview of the placement of the plant families in their relationship to the code. And finally, over fifty cases from a large variety of homeopaths demonstrate the efficacy of the method.