WadStories - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2001

WadStories - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2001


Imagine a homeopathic seminar with 13 experienced Dutch colleagues who are your best friends. Imagine the location of the seminar being a very special holiday ‘setting’: sailing on a clipper on the Wad-sea amidst of the islands in the North of Holland. Imagine that every meal is very special, so that you have the impression you are living on a floating restaurant. And then, last but not least, the whole atmosphere of the week is coloured by an impressing proving of a new ‘bird-remedy’: the Albatross. This book will offer you a unique ‘melange’ of all the lectures, illustrated with photographs taken during the seminar. To give you the possibility of having ‘the real taste’ some of the recipes of the delicious dishes we enjoyed are also presented. Amidst of it all you can read all about all the experiences of a week-long-proving of the Albatross. This impressive bird with a width of about 3 meters presented many kinds of coincidences and gave this seminar ‘an air of ascension’.

The lectures from August 28 to September 1st 2000 will bring you some new remedies like Aconitum lycoctonum, Sorbus domestica and Cotyledon. We may also recommend you the presentation of Natrium iodatum, being a possible important remedy for Second-World-War issues. You’ll find further varieties in reading about the homeopathic interview, the analysis of cases, working with dreams, a special view on the Periodic System and quite remarkable experiences with the homeopathic treatment of animals.

Have a taste of this special Dutch homeopathic bland!

112 pages, paperback

WadStories 2 - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2002

WadStories 2 - Homeopathic lectures from a sailing trip on the Wad in the Netherlands - Jan Scholten a o, 2002


But what story are we offering you?
An annual tradition of experienced Dutch homeopaths having their summer seminar in 2001. All 16 participants are lecturers and audience as well, and besides that, al have become sailors. Their stories are the ripened fruit of their extensive homeopathic experience.
For about 20 years already, Holland is one of the most dynamic and active countries in the world to present seminars and teacher in Homeopathy. All respected teachers over the whole world in our profession will find a substantial audience in Holland because of a vast amount of practicing homeopaths. The stories in front of you are the cream of a selection of this advanced variety of Dutch experience. You will gain a lot of new practical information about all kinds of remedies. We mention Oleander, Humulus lupulus, Sumbul, Juglans regia and Coffea as some examples of plant remedies. You’ll also find particular information about mineral remedies like Calcium iodatum and Lithium sulphuricum and substances like Naphtalinum and Lecithin.
To be really complete a fresh veterinary homeopathic approach will deal with the European crisis of Foot-and-mouth disease in spring 2001. And of course you may expect a clear presentation of our traditional proving, which is Glechoma hederacea, also called Hedera helix or Common Ivy. It pictured a much more ‘common’ atmosphere during this week than the previous seminar with the ‘air of ascension of the Albatross.

You will be double inspired by the traditional recipes of the ‘high-standard-cuisine’ during the seminar. Many photographs may give an extra dimension to the recipes and the presentations.

Read it as we experienced it: enjoyment in an open air of learning from your homeopathic colleagues. ‘A Dutch treat’ you don’t want to miss.

128 pages, paperback

Whole Again - The Homeopathic Way of Healing, 13 Amazing Stories – Christa Gebhardt & Jurgen Hansel

Whole Again - The Homeopathic Way of Healing, 13 Amazing Stories – Christa Gebhardt & Jurgen Hansel


This book gives a beautiful introduction and depicts the entire scope of modern homeopathy. It recounts 13 exciting and touching life stories of patients who all share something in common: they were healed by homeopathy of sever, often “incurable” diseases and experienced what this wonderful approach to medicine can bring about – to become “whole again”.
The authors – a sensitive homeopathic physician and his wife, a journalist, with astonishing skill – selected these cases from world-renowned homeopaths such as Rajan Sankaran and Jan Scholten and verifies them independently.
We become acquainted with the Indian executive, who was partially paralyzed byt a herniated disc and was soon able to walk again after a dose of his remedy; or Maria, who was born with a severe handicap but improved dramatically and performed well in school with the help of homeopathy; or a woman from the Netherlands, whose remedy helped her to feel her body again after 30 years of numbness resulting from a severe burn accident.
Yes, sometimes the entire lives of these patients have dramatically changed through homeopathic treatment. The stories are so lively and moving, that one will never forget them. What remains is a feeling that nothing is impossible. This is a book that induces hope.
“One of the most beautiful – maybe the most beautiful book about homeopathy.” – Journal Natur Medizin

224 pages, paperback

Wonderful Plants - Scholten

Wonderful Plants - Scholten


After many years of intensive research, Jan Scholten’s long-awaited book on the taxonomy of plants, Wonderful Plants, is now available in English. Jan Scholten’s previous works on the systematic classification of the elements of the periodic table as homeopathic remedies was the greatest breakthrough of the last ten years in homeopathy. His discoveries have been confirmed in thousands of successful cases. Yet, the main thrust of Jan Scholten’s research is not the Mineral but the Plant kingdom. This can easily be seen in the thoroughness and precision of the information offered in his monumental new work.

The same natural laws that can be seen in the series and stages of the periodic table also underlie the taxonomic system of the enormously varied plant families. The path to the required remedy is not as easy to recognize as with the mineral elements – indeed, it is still evolving! One of the timeless values of this work lies in the essences of the plant families.

See also Sense Provings - a companion book to Wonderful Plants - it presents the results of about 200 provings

„To present us the complete pictures of specific plants, families and orders in such a logic and detailed taxonomic system, fitting the problems of our time, is therefore truly a ‘Work’. A more complete and living Materia Medica of the Plant kingdom has never been created before and it could well be The Book of the future of homeopathy.“

Wondrous Order - Michal Yakir

Wondrous Order - Michal Yakir


The book "Wondrous Order - The Table of Plants" is currently being translated into English and is expected by the middle of 2015.

Michal Yakir is a homeopathic pioneer who has unlocked the plant kingdom for homeopathy. She has developed her own system for the plant kingdom in the form of a simple tabular set of coordinates with columns and rows, which shows how each column of the plant table can be assigned to different types with varying psychological traits and physical pathologies.

By learning to recognize the special characteristics and themes of the columns, we can acquire a valuable tool to help us identify the required remedy in modern times. Thanks to her straightforward but profound insights based on the ideas of plant evolution, Michal Yakir has made the plant kingdom comprehensible. She adds a new dimension to our existing knowledge of plants, encouraging us to prescribe less well known plants.

Her monumental work contains over 800 different plant remedies, amounting to 95% of the remedies known to homeopathy, including many so far unknown plants. She clearly explains their themes and pathologies in terms of their family and placement in the table. Hundreds of short cases provide graphic sketches of the essences of the individual remedies.

Dr Mahesh Gandhi wrote about Michal Yakir:
"I have had an opportunity to learn from Michal Yakir her novel understanding of plants from development point of view. It makes a lot of sense to me and has changed my outlook towards plants. I am using her ideas in my practise with excellent results. She has made the plant kingdom very understandable by her simple yet deep understanding of them based on the concept of evolution of plants. It is indeed a very fascinating and a practical work.

It gives an additional dimension to our understanding of known plants and also helps us prescribe some yet unknown plants with confidence. It is a very extensive work which can help us prescribe more efficiently in our daily homoeopathic practise. It compliments all that we know about plants from other teachers like Sankaran and Scholten. I would recommend every serious homoeopath to learn it as it will prove to be a useful tool in helping us help our patients."

Yasgur's Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference - Jay Yasgur, 6th Edition

Yasgur's Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference - Jay Yasgur, 6th Edition


 This unique reference book defines obsolete, archaic medical terminology, as well as many modern terms found in homeopathic literature. Your understanding of the homeopathic repertory, materia medica and other reference books will be enhanced. Those involved with homoepathy, lay people, medical students, physicians, health professionals and independent scholars will enjoy this addition to their libraries.

  • 5000 modern and archaic definitions
  • Scientific terminology as it relates to homeopathy
  • Definitions of holistic health modalities
  • 200 homeopathic obituaries
  • Remedy pronounciation guide
  • An essay, "What is Homeopathy?"
  • Four charts
  • Abbreviations and appellations defined
  • Listing of homeopathic pharmacies and organizations


"one of our most valuable books; everyone needs one."  - Joe Lillard, Washington Homeopathic Products

"We owe Jay Yasgur a debt of gratitude for a useful job well done. In these pages may be found at last the meaning of 'tetter' and 'stomacace' and a multitude of archaic terms that most of us have never heard of but can be found in our classic texts on almost every page."  - Richard Moskowitz, M.D.

"...very useful...I am glad to have it"  - Harris L. Couter, Ph.D.

"Jay Yasgur's DICTIONARY is the Dorland of our homeopathic collection. It is invaluable to our students who often have difficulties with the meaning of the old-fashioned medical terms used in the older homeopathic literature."  - Friedhelm Kirchfeld, Librarian, National College of Naturopathic Medicine

422 pages, paperback