Children’s Types - 56 Homeopathic Constitutional Remedies – Frans Kusse

Children’s Types - 56 Homeopathic Constitutional Remedies – Frans Kusse


The genial Dutch homeopath Dr. Frans Kusse has produced a marvellous new work on the typology of 56 key homeopathic children’s remedies. He has straightforwardly and clearly captured the main character traits of these remedies. Although we may imagine that we already know many of these remedies, there is always something new to discover in these fresh and vivid portraits.
The book covers many of the newer remedies such as Beryllium, Lithium, Manganese, Helium, Hydrogen and Saccharum officinale, which are frequently indicated for children but which have so far only been described for adults or scattered through the specialist homeopathic journals.
“We were impressed with the outstanding quality if this book. Therefore we decided to enrich the descriptions with photographic portraist of children who were healed by the remedy in question, mostly taken from our practice in Kandern. Homeopathic typology in particular can benefit greatly from such portraits. The descriptions of 28 remedies are complemented in this way by a total of 47 typical faces. A single remedy often has two such portraits, which often show astonishing similarities as a pair. These are almost always cases that we have observed over many years.
We sincerely hope this enchanting book will help colleagues, interested parents and grandparents, teachers and psychologists to recognize the children’s remedies shown! – Dr. Ulrich Welte
“This outstanding and much-needed book fills a major gap in the homeopathic literature on children. The photos illustrating the children’s types are a stunning addition.” – Begabati Lennihan RN CCH

256 pages, hardcover

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